Im 260 lbs how much cardio?



  • TwinkiesNKetchup
    don't worry about building too much remember to burn fat you HAVE to build muscle, this doesn't mean you have to replace a pound of fat with a pound of muscle. My advice is to take your ideal weight and multiple it by 10 then consume that many calories (lean meats, high proteins, complex carbs healthy fats, whole grains. As for cardo i would recommend mixing it up, one day do HIIT for say 30 minutes, next aerobic for 45, if you lift for 20 minutes daily alternating muscle groups you will continue to burn fat for 12-15 hours afterwards which will increase your productivity.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    but surely if your eating more then how do you lose?

    Because you aren't eating enough to begin with. I exercise for 45 minutes five times per week and eat around 1800 calories per day. You burn calories through exercise, so if you're only eating 1000 calories and then burning 400 through exercise, that means you're only getting 600 calories when your body probably needs closer to 1600 calories.

    Do you expect to drive 300 miles on a half tank of gas, or do you fill up before your trip?

    A lot of people think eating as little as possible will help you lose weight faster (thanks to the media and their stupid low-cal diet of the week), but it damages your body, and your weight loss will stop. Then you'll be in a plateau for three months and have "no idea why".

    Eat. Please.
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    Hi,i am currently 260 lbs down from 340lbs. How much cardio do i need to do in a 24 hr period to burn weight but not gain too much muscle? i really wanna lose another 60 as soon as possible. currently on 1000 cals a day, does that need adjusting too?
    How did you lose 80 pounds without this coming up before?
  • _Dan_
    _Dan_ Posts: 55 Member
    You have to encorporate strength training and eat no less than 1200 calories or you will be eating away at your muscle, and that in turn eats away at your metabolism, which is what makes your body burn fat and calories. You need to be eating more quality food (lean proteins, veggies, and whole grains). Do strength training and at least 30 min of cardio 3-4 times a week. And if you are 260lbs, you won't get "muscley" by encorporating strength training. That takes a lot of long-term dedication with your workouts and diet. Good luck either way!

    Read this article:

    "Lifting weights gives you a metabolic spike for an hour after a workout because your body is trying hard to help your muscles recover. That means you'll fry an additional 25 percent of the calories you just scorched during your strength session, Westcott says. "So if you burned 200 calories lifting weights, it's really closer to 250 overall." And if you lift heavier weights or rest no more than 30 seconds between sets, you can annihilate even more.

    And there's more good news when it comes to iron's fat-socking power. "For every 3 pounds of muscle you build, you'll burn an extra 120 calories a day -- just vegging -- because muscle takes more energy to sustain," Westcott says. Over the course of a year, that's about 10 pounds of fat -- without even changing your diet. Yes, please."

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS!!!!!! Achantee's got it right!

    Lifting doesn't make women "bulky". Female weight lifters have to do A LOT to get where they are at. You need the right combo of diet, cardio, and strength training to get the best results, and don't worry about becoming too muscular... odds are you'll just get real toned, and who doesn't want that? ^_^
  • Wrenbot87
    Wrenbot87 Posts: 100 Member
    Well, a few things...
    First...eating more than a 1000cals is sound advice. I started at 323 and I'm currently at 289. I started Jan. 7th of this year. That's right, 32 pounds. I eat 1500-1800 calories a day and I work out 5-6 days a week. I do cardio every day and every other day strength training.
    Second, even doing cardio you're going to build muscle. Let's say all you do is walk. Well all that walking will build up muscles in your legs, and your core because walking engages those muscles.
    Third, I agree. I strength train and I do not by any means look like I am ripped or "muscley". I doubt I will even once I lose all of my weight. I don't go in there and try to squat 300 pounds either. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but you don't have to strength train like you're trying to enter a body building contest.

    Honestly, the best thing is to find a work out buddy or someone you can be accountable to. They will help you stay motivated and on track and can even help push through workouts. Plus, get more calories in there! Your body will thank you I promise!
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    rule of thumb if you are eating 1000cals you need to burn 1000 cals that should be about 180 mins on a treadmill or elliptical

    Please don't listen to this! I certainly hope this guy was misreading something and not actually suggesting to anyone that a net calorie goal of zero is what you want.

    I would say the same as the do need to increase your calories. Cardio and eating at a deficit are not going to create muscles. I would suggest 60 minutes 4 times a week and add in some strength training, but that is just me.

    Good luck!

    I believe he posted this to troll a troll. There are too many things "off" with the op's posts. 1st thing I thought is it's a put on when I read it.
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    rule of thumb if you are eating 1000cals you need to burn 1000 cals that should be about 180 mins on a treadmill or elliptical

    Please don't listen to this! I certainly hope this guy was misreading something and not actually suggesting to anyone that a net calorie goal of zero is what you want.

    I would say the same as the do need to increase your calories. Cardio and eating at a deficit are not going to create muscles. I would suggest 60 minutes 4 times a week and add in some strength training, but that is just me.

    Good luck!

    I believe he posted this to troll a troll. There are too many things "off" with the op's posts. 1st thing I thought is it's a put on when I read it.

    Thanks. My troll spotting skills aren't very good. :smile:
  • charleigh_gee
  • charleigh_gee
    Hi,i am currently 260 lbs down from 340lbs. How much cardio do i need to do in a 24 hr period to burn weight but not gain too much muscle? i really wanna lose another 60 as soon as possible. currently on 1000 cals a day, does that need adjusting too?
    How did you lose 80 pounds without this coming up before?
  • TwinkiesNKetchup
    Haha, fat womens' fear of becoming muscular is just too ridiculous.

    I usually dont post anything but i saw this and became infuriated! How dare you call someone "fat". Who the hell are you to judge if someone is fat or not, im sorry do you have the perfect body? Pretty sure you dont! If you are not going to give some helpful advice why even bother typing anything at all? Ignorant trolls like you make me laugh!!

    Well said, thank you!!