Eggs and Bacon every morning... lose weight?

I have a friend of mine who has been lifting weights with me since September and lately says he wants to lose weight. He continues to lift every day but with very little cardio involved in his workout. A few weeks ago he told me he's excited for his "bacon and eggs". I guess he makes himself eggs (not egg whites) and bacon every morning and sometimes switches it up and makes sausage instead of bacon. I am not sure what the rest of this meals consist of but with little cardio involved and more lifting than anything, will my friend lose weight? Or lose it as quickly as he would like? Should I offer any advice or just let him do his own thing if he's "enjoying" it and has continued to stick with it?


  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    When I was losing, I ate bacon and eggs every morning... and lost 30 pounds just fine.

    As long as he's in a calorie deficit, he'll lose the weight.. cardio or no cardio.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    If your friend is in a calorie deficit each day he will lose weight. I lost all of my weight while eating 6 eggs, 2 packets of maple and brown sugar instant oatmeal, and 4 strips of bacon every day.

    Not trying to be mean, but if you don't realize that it's the total calories that you eat each day that matters above all else, you should not be offering people advice on weight loss at this time.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    yes he will lose
    you don't need cardio to lose
    you don't need to restrict food groups
    you need deficit

    he is eating protein and lifting heavy.
    sounds like he's doing it right
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Yes he will lose! And if he is lifting heavy and working hard in the gym those eggs and bacon are a great breakfast for it! The protein will help his muscles grow and have his body burning fat.

    Do you know if he is low carb dieting?
  • EpicMeyri
    EpicMeyri Posts: 109 Member
    Eating eggs and bacon won't stop his weight loss. (I personally don't like eating the same thing everyday lol) .. But he should do some cardio IF he wants to see much better results.
    BTW I think you should give him your advice. But after if he doesn't take it, then let him be :)

    Good luck to your friend :)
  • mdhummel
    mdhummel Posts: 201 Member
    As long as he isn't eating a plate of bacon I don't see any harm in his breakfast. It's better than eating sugary cereal or even worse, skipping breakfast.

    I do a slightly leaner version of his breakfast: two eggs, 1 oz of 2% cheese and 1-2 oz of lean ham. I occasionally do Jenny O Turkey links, but it really cuts into my calorie allowance so I will swap my eggs for egg whites if I indulge in the turkey sausage.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    You lose weight with a calorie deficit. It doesn't matter if you're eating rice cakes all day or bacon and eggs, as long as you eat less than you use, you lose weight. Cardio isn't required either (it helps increase calories used, and thus the deficit, so it isn't necessarily pointless). Lifting weights also will use calories, and is a good exercise, and I have known people (well, many success stories on this site) who have lost a good amount of weight doing mostly weights and little cardio.
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    It is working for me. 20 pounds off since September and working with weights and some cardio. I eat bacon and eggs around 3x a week.
  • scottdeeby
    scottdeeby Posts: 95 Member
    I'm doing it right now.

    Cardio makes me hungry, so I don't do it while in a calorie deficit. I lift though.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    As long as he's has a plan and he is sticking to it he can lose ( an assuming thats the goal). What a great way to lose without feeling deprived:).
  • oldandhealthier
    oldandhealthier Posts: 449 Member
    i am eating sausage and eggs as i type this. Bacon or sausage almost every morning and it has not slowed down my weight lose.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    your friend could lose weight eating ice cream for breakfast everyday as long as he stays at a calorie deficit.
  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member
    Wait - he's eating the whole eggs and not just the whites?

  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Whole eggs and bacon aren't really that many calories in the first place... and super high in protein which is what lifters need.

    I'm thinking you need to mind your own business.
  • NakedLunchTime
    Yes! Like others have said calorie deficit = weight loss.
  • mbelle97
    mbelle97 Posts: 37 Member
    Thats actually a really good breakfast. Lots of proteins!
    As put of a low calorie low carb diet I almost always eat 1-2 eggs (whole eggs) and some kind of meat for breakfast. I suallly add a tiny bit of carb like some fruit.
  • boxingday2010
    Thanks guys, appreciate the input. Looking back I see I worded my post a little awkwardly from the beginning; of course a calorie deficiency will lead to weight loss. I guess what I didn't express properly was more my concern about the health factors involved since there's been some concern/debate about eating eggs every day because of the cholesterol levels and not too much mention the cholesterol and saturated fat levels in bacon.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    No. We understood your post perfectly. There is No concern or debate about eating eggs and bacon. They are perfectly healthy options that will not adversely affect his cholesterol. Like I said initially, you probably aren't ready give health and fitness advice if you don't understand basic things like eggs improve your cholesterol.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    3 eggs for breakfast every day and I'm losing - none of this 'whites only' rubbish.

    I tried talking to my chickens to see if they would lay white-only eggs, but they were having none of it. :grumble: