What do your pets do that crack you up?



  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Also a new thing my dog will do is when I'm doing push ups, he'll sit on my back and growl at me. I have NO idea why, but it makes me laugh so much!!!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Our cat, Mortimer, brings us small stuffed toys when we are in bed. He makes the weirdest gutteral meows just before.

    The other, Nacho, knocks things off the dresser when he's ready for us to wake up. (annoying)
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    Our ferret has a 1lb pink dumbbell she carries around. She's trying to get bulky.
  • kkzmom11
    kkzmom11 Posts: 220 Member
    my 2 dogs, Kirby and Ziggy, used to sit on either side of me and sniff me, then lick me. now, since they have discovered that is an exercise in futility, they just lay down on either side of me and go to sleep. now it becomes my DH's responsibility to get me outta bed. Kirby will fart, and it STINKS, but then will look at us when we start waiving our hands in front of our noses like he's saying "what's wrong with you?"
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    Also a new thing my dog will do is when I'm doing push ups, he'll sit on my back and growl at me. I have NO idea why, but it makes me laugh so much!!!

    My American Bulldog used to do yoga with me, it was the funniest thing ever. RIP, Dubba....
  • klross
    klross Posts: 49 Member
    My great dane, Maximus, will go to the back door, scratch it, indicating "I need to go out, please". I get up out of my comfortable sofa, walk over there, open the door for him and then he goes back into the living room and takes the exact same spot I was just sitting in. He wanted my spot and knows I'll get up when he scratches the door.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    I have a 7 month old kitten. She's very energetic and playful, but sometimes she just acts stupid when she's going wild.

    Cats are usually so graceful and balanced but her coordination is totally skewed. She often jumps on something unstable and then falls off, usually in a really funny way.

    When I clean up she always gets really excited and runs around, which makes her slip and slide because the floor is wet.

    She gets really confused when I work out or dance. She gets scared and runs away or just stares at me with a confused look in her eyes. Sometimes she tries to catch my legs.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    My cat will find the package that catnip comes in, roll over on his back, and use his paws to rub the catnip package all over his head over and over again.
  • BaileyP3
    BaileyP3 Posts: 151 Member
    We're a cocker spaniel family...my first (RIP) loved alcohol.. she would suck on beer caps, try to drink out of wine glasses (partial to single malt scotch too!) and once ate the filling out of a grasshopper pie (loved the crème de menthe I guess)

    Second spaniel (RIP) was fascinated with watching elephants on tv. She would come running into the room if they were on Animal Planet but the funniest was her attachment to Sharon, Lois and Bram's Elephant Show theme with the elephant accompanied by them singing Skinnamarink. It got to the point where she'd get excited if we started to sing Skinnamarink to her :-)))

    Current furbaby loves to suck on my hair in the middle of the night. She wakes me up pulling on it. Crazy
  • brandymandycandy
    My yorkie plays with her food, literally. When I'm cooking dinner she grabs one piece of food brings it in the kitchen and throws it around for a good minute or two, the she'll jump at it and get real low and bark, everytime I grab my phone to video tape it she quits and just eats it.
  • IntoTheSky
    IntoTheSky Posts: 390 Member
    Allie - my cat, tries to play my ipad with me. I am trying to kill zombies, and this big furry paw comes swiping in to my rescue - or demise- but HE thinks he is helping me.

    Trixie - my chihuahua - When she gets fed up and wants to make her point, she will kick one back foot bacwards, like a chicken. If she potties in the house, when we come in, she is on the couch "bowing" - butt in the air, front feet stretched out in front, head down

    Maisy - other chihuahua- gets surprised by her own farts and will cry if she doesn't have a blanket to curl up in, and will steal my daughters stuffed animals and drag them into her quilted lair on the couch

    Sailor - the shih-tzu - he sneezes and hits his head on the floor every time. And he doesn't have the brain cells to be killing off like that

    My fish is normal, though. So is the hedgehog.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    My cat Drizzit will use the litter then take off racing thru the house making this GODS awful yowl/screech sound at the top of her lungs (i have checked her and nothing is wrong - has been doing this since I got her - 3 homes ago). She runs into the bedroom and hops on the bed, rolling around and purring her head off. If the door is closed, she will bounce off the door and race BACK thru the house making the sound 2 or 3 more times, then stroll thru like nothing ever happened.

    She also "cringe creeps" up onto your chest, giving you "sad puppy" eyes when she wants lap time and you aren't paying attention to her. It's hillarious because she's a 10lb Snowshoe and there's NO way you can miss her "creeping" into up onto your chest (not lap - no, it HAS to be chest).
  • travlinjess
    travlinjess Posts: 243 Member
    My Maine coon kneads her biscuits like crazy on my chest every night before going to sleep. She's over 14lbs!

    She also likes to plop down on my exercise mat right as I'm about to get into my workout. Like clockwork.

    Another one of her quirks: she's deathly afraid of our metal clothes rack: bringing it out, hanging clothes on it, or accidentally bumping into it puts her into a frenzy state. Not sure why?
  • Kable_Killer
    My cat lays on our bath mat in front of the shower which is also in front of the toilet...he will not move for anyone!!! If he's sleeping and you have to go..he will not move for you. you have to spread you legs as far apart as possible and try to be as comfortable as you can.... :laugh: while trying to go to the bathroom and the little jerk will lay there sleeping

    He also has a tendency to pretend he is sleeping on the stairs and likes to attack my kids when the are going up or downstairs or chases them and we always know when he's doing that from my kids yelling "NO MILO!!!!"
  • red9812
    red9812 Posts: 85 Member
    After I bathe the dog, he loves to run around the house like a maniac. He'll run and up and down the length of the couch, rubbing his face up against it. He does the same thing after I comb him. Apparently he doesn't like the way Mom styles his hair. He looks like a little lion after he's done.

    He loves to be held like a baby and is always with which ever one of us is sleeping, curled up as close as possible.

    He's also a little bug... He loves to steal your seat when you get up from the couch and he recently decided he loves human food, although he rarely gets any, so if you're eating he has to be right next to you. Just in case you change your mind.
  • peace_pigeon
    peace_pigeon Posts: 120 Member
    Our cat, Pras, is missing a couple of front teeth and now his tongue sticks out permanently. The cutest thing ever is when he lays on his back with his front legs stretched over his head in a "touchdown" pose with his tongue sticking out.

    Our menace cat, Bad Kitty, has been known to sniff out the hidden bag of catnip, bust open the whole thing and then destroy the house. Once he knocked down a shelf of antiques- a copper kettle and stand and a bunch of copper pots and pans- and the whole area was dusted with catnip. He has a problem. Makes me laugh though.

    My horse cracks me up because she will pick and choose who she will allow to ride her- a pro got on her and she refused to go faster than a walk. My young daughter got on her after and cantered around as happy as could be. Typical woman, lol.

    My little eskimo dog makes tunnels in the snow with her nose and spins like a top when I put something nice in her supper dish.

    I can't imagine life without any of them!
  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    My cat Jasper is barely 11 months old and he is already 15 pounds. He is going to be a massive cat when he reaches full adult size, yet has the most pathetic meow I've ever heard from a cat (which must mean it's very pathetic, considering that I've dealt with a LOT of cats through fostering and volunteering). Every night, he knows his place to sleep. While I'm cuddling my boyfriend, he lays on his back and I'll cuddle up under one of his arms while Jasper cuddles up under the other arm. Then, the second I decide to move and there's room between my boyfriend and I, he'll go and cuddle up in between us. Adorable and funny!

    His brother Casper winds his tail into a spiral whenever you scratch right above his tail. He's also a spaz...He can be in (what seems like) a dead sleep, then out of nowhere he will get up, make a frisky purr/meow combination sound, then run across the room and tackle something...Anything, towels, another cat, the couch...etc.

    Callie, their sister, acts like a princess, literally. She has an "I'm better than you" strut, and is obsessed with bathrooms.
  • Zelinna
    Zelinna Posts: 207 Member
    When my dog gets excited she crawls on her belly, but she keeps her one side stationary so she just ends up going in a circle. She won't stop crawling until she has completed the circle :D

    She also has what we refer to as "Wet dog, cold dog, outside dog... etc Crazies" where she will run around the house in a frenzy after finishing either a bath or a walk outside in cold weather.
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    Wake themselves up when they fart...
  • PriceK01
    PriceK01 Posts: 834 Member
    Mine does not like if things are out of place. She will bark if I leave dishes in the sink or on the counter,the broom/vacuum left out, a laundry basket on the floor in front of the washer, groceries not immediately put away. Like me, she's OCD (and we share no DNA!).