FIghting temptations...

What do you do when temptations (sweets, fast foods, etc) is staring you in the face?


  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    Usually give in >.< I have to break that nasty habit though lol i'll be coming back to this in a bit, hopefully someone is more helpful than me =D
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    As far as food goes, I have eliminated being tempted at all. For me, temptation comes when I have consciously tried to avoid certain things. So, now I simply eat what I like and account for it somehow in my calories. If it looks like I'm going to be over my goal then I exercise a bit to make up for it. I also average my calories for the week...not just daily. That way, if I go over a bit on Monday, I make up for it through the week.

    Good luck!:smile:
  • she_fit
    she_fit Posts: 36
    I throw it away. I purposefully do not buy junk food because I know that I will eat it, if I see it. If someone has gifted us junk food, I usually eat a little and then throw it away.
  • AlohaKeAkua
    I think of the hard work it would take to burn off what I want to eat and also think about the hard work I've done to get to where I am now. My phrase is, "it's just not worth it!" or "I worked too hard today to waste it" and then try to find a better option for me that wouldn't be as bad, but should help fill that craving. It's not easy by any means and I love food, but I've learned that I've loved food too much in the past. Now I try to balance "small treats" and dieting so I don't crash and burn! Something yummy once in a while is OK, as long as it doesn't break you!
    I went away last weekend for my anniversay and ate like a fool. "I'll get back on track on Monday". This week has been the hardest week in my journey bc I went too over board this past weekend. I should have listened to myself and not cheated so much. My cravings have been unbelievable this week and I only hurt myself! I'm back on track as of yesterday though :-)
    Good luck! You can do it!!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    I try not to be hungry when facing the temptation. If I really am hungry I eat something good for me to get me not hungry.

    I decide if this really is worth treating myself. For example yesterday someone brought into work some chocolate chip cookies, nothing special, just your store bought cookies, like Chips Ahoy. I said to myself, that if it had been warm from the oven Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies, then it would be worth it to take one, but why mess up my diet for blah cookies just because they're there. I kept repeating that they were nothing special, you could have them anytime and wouldn't have wanted them if they weren't there. It helped and soon I didn't even see them though I walked by them all day.

    If they had been Tollhouse cookies I would have taken one, ate it, and enjoyed it. Again, knowing that I can do that if I want helped me not eat these particular cookies.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    I usually eat it but just a little
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Eat it. I am weak.

    But sometimes I can just turn around and leave it, even if people are pushing it on me. I think the best method is to decide whether or not it's worth it, and if you'll be happy about it several hours from now. The answer is "no" most of the time, but sometimes I'm just happier to have had the cheeseburger/cake, and it's worth it to me.
  • spambubbles
    spambubbles Posts: 36 Member
    I usually give in. I'm working on self control right now when it comes to food.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Ask myself if it's worth logging. If it is, I eat it.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    Ask myself if it's worth logging. If it is, I eat it.

    This is what I do too!
  • FabFran33
    FabFran33 Posts: 36
    I just go ahead and eat it. Then I make sure I get in some good cardio.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 436 Member
    I throw it away. I purposefully do not buy junk food because I know that I will eat it, if I see it. If someone has gifted us junk food, I usually eat a little and then throw it away.

    I second this. Throwing away food that you do not need is NOT wasteful. You don't need to clean your plate, and you don't need to eat something, just because someone gave it to you.

    My other trick is to figure out how many miles I would have to run to burn it off, that puts it into perspective very quickly. I've come to think of food as fuel now, not as something that gives me happiness or satisfaction.
  • Pnutcashew
    Pnutcashew Posts: 24 Member
    I have been cooking more at home and trying not to run errands if I know it coincides with a meal time.I have a hard time with willpower and I am not at the point where I can just take a small bite. I also keep my healthy snacks in my purse in case I am struggling.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    As far as food goes, I have eliminated being tempted at all. For me, temptation comes when I have consciously tried to avoid certain things. So, now I simply eat what I like and account for it somehow in my calories. If it looks like I'm going to be over my goal then I exercise a bit to make up for it. I also average my calories for the week...not just daily. That way, if I go over a bit on Monday, I make up for it through the week.

    Good luck!:smile:

    This is what I do too, and it works. Note the munchkins in my diary from yesterday! I've tried and failed to lose weight many times in my life because I wasn't giving myself the flexibility in my diet to live like a normal human.

    ETA: When I tempted to eat something really awful, it helps to think that what you eat is fuel for your next workout. Do you really want your next workout to be fueled by pepperoni pizza? or pasta with alfredo sauce? or ice cream? ew! No thanks!
  • amyniceneasy
    amyniceneasy Posts: 143 Member
    I try not to be hungry when facing the temptation. If I really am hungry I eat something good for me to get me not hungry.

    I decide if this really is worth treating myself. For example yesterday someone brought into work some chocolate chip cookies, nothing special, just your store bought cookies, like Chips Ahoy. I said to myself, that if it had been warm from the oven Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies, then it would be worth it to take one, but why mess up my diet for blah cookies just because they're there. I kept repeating that they were nothing special, you could have them anytime and wouldn't have wanted them if they weren't there. It helped and soon I didn't even see them though I walked by them all day.

    If they had been Tollhouse cookies I would have taken one, ate it, and enjoyed it. Again, knowing that I can do that if I want helped me not eat these particular cookies.

    This is how I look at sweets! Its gotta be something homemade if its baked goods or a gooey dessert, my favorite chocolate if its candy, or the best ice cream I can find if its ice cream I want. I"m not going to waste my hard work on low quality crap.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I try logging it to see if I can fit it in my goals for the day. If I can - WIN! If I can't, I'll see if a smaller portion will fit.

    I won't be able to avoid all temptation, so I try to work around it.
  • TaniaB_79
    TaniaB_79 Posts: 52 Member
    I'll usually have a little or work out how much exercise it costs, if I really want it then I'll do the exercise!
  • maedarrell
    I drink water, and lots of it. It'll fill me up and get my mind on whatever I need to be focused on.
  • Wrenbot87
    Wrenbot87 Posts: 100 Member
    First I see what it will do to my diary when I log it. If it's going to kill my day I just walk away. If it's the end of my day, and I crave something I try and distract myself. Normally if I can white knuckle it, the urge will go away. It's just a mind of matter thing I think sometimes. Not to say having a splurge here and there doesn't happen...I mean I love birthday cake...but I make a point to just stay away from it.
  • maedarrell
    First I see what it will do to my diary when I log it. If it's going to kill my day I just walk away.

    Amen to that! I have made my meals a lot lighter and I was craving a snickers, I added it into my journal to see and it would have been almost 300 extra calories. I said no way! That increased my 'if everyday were like today weight' up three pounds! No thanks!