Meat labeling trickery, Must read



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    if i showed 100 average americans a container of ground red meat that had the label 90% lean on it, then asked the average american what percentage of the item was fat? how many of thoes 100 americans will say 51%? how many will say 10%? how many will say something completely different? when you consider the average americans that are reading these labels you must realize the label is intentionally misleading and therefore DISHONEST
    51% of the calories are from fat. 10% of the overall product is fat. 90% lean has absolutely nothing to do with the caloroes, it's based on the weight. There is nothing intentionally misleading about it, you're making up something that isn't there.

    Most normal humans understand that lean/fat ratios are based on composition, not calories.

    i disagree....what percentage of americans know that 70% of the weight of their red meat does not count towards fueling their bodies??? Nobody except us fitness nut jobs know things like that!!!!
    Did you, by any chance, make it passed the 5th grade?
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    if i showed 100 average americans a container of ground red meat that had the label 90% lean on it, then asked the average american what percentage of the item was fat? how many of thoes 100 americans will say 51%? how many will say 10%? how many will say something completely different? when you consider the average americans that are reading these labels you must realize the label is intentionally misleading and therefore DISHONEST

    I would say that 10% of the item was comprised of fat. And I would also know that the 10% pure fat part has more calories per gram than the lean part and might in fact make up the majority of the overall calories.

    For example, if I made a mixture of one cup of cooked squash and one tablespoon of olive oil, about 90% of the 140 total calories would come from the olive oil. It doesn't mean that the mixture is 90% olive oil.