Is It Possible To Lose 60+ Pounds In 3 Months?



  • DanaHerro
    DanaHerro Posts: 186 Member
    it depends on how big you are to start?
    100-150lbs overweight to start? Yeah, your body will shed weight QUICKLY at first

    ONLY have 60 lbs to lose? Yeah, no. Not in a healthy way.
    I'm down 60 in 10 months. My average weight loss until I hit the 50 lbs mark was 1.5 lbs/week. It took me 8 months.
    The last 10 took 2 months. I have about 10 more to go and I think it's going to take me at LEAST 6 months to drop.
  • maybyn
    maybyn Posts: 233 Member
    Not possible if you only have 60 lbs lose AND after the 60 lbs is lost, your weight is the lower end of the BMI (which I'm presuming is your target since you're a young female - you're welcome to correct me if I'm wrong!).

    This is even if you want to starve yourself.

    The first 20 lbs may come off really quickly if you do that but as time goes by, the weight loss will slow right down. Not just because of metabolism adjustments but because of lethargy and tiredness. You simply have no energy to do anything and you don't burn as much.
  • Losingthedamnweight
    I have heard that rapid weight loss puts you at risk for gallstones.

    Happened to me. I starved myself for a long time until suddenly I experienced the worst pain I've ever felt. I had a few of these attacks that lasted 5 hours with me on the floor practically crying. Eventually had to go to the hospital. Gallstones are no joke. Eat right or else you'll get em too!
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    i think the issue here is looking at WHY you want to lose it in 3 months????

    If you're wanting to lose weight to be healthier then you want it to be sustainable and for the weight to stay off but if you're looking to lose it for an event or something then be prepared for it to come straight back on

    I'm doing Atkins Induction, and it's hard, but EVERYDAY i look at my diary and say 'can I eat like this for the next 5 years', if I can, then good, but if I cant, then I know it's not sustainable and i'll be in the same place, at 350+lbs hating what I look like but know I did it to myself

    Also, with the website called myFITNESSpal and not mySKINNYpal, it's designed as a tool to help people be fitter and healthier, and that isnt always weight related - some guys on here weigh over 15st, but bodybuild and have like less than 10% body fat, their weight would say they're overweight, but by god you should see them *gorgeous*

    I'm going through counselling to address the real reason why I put on and kept on the weight, but not everyone needs to do that, but to be 100% honest with yourself is a great start x
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I've lost 40 lb in 20 weeks and it was hard but I am now fitter, stronger and have more energy. Why the rush ? What I found was setting artificial targets is counter productive for me. At the end of the day i need to put myself in a calorie deficit and the weight will come off - my body works in its own way though and sometimes even me wanting to lose weight faster doesn't have any effect at all :-). Best to do it slowly. If you rush you may/will damage yourself (i.e. burn muscle as well as fat, injure yourself though over training etc.) As I've said why the rush, surely you have the rest of your life to enjoy being lean and mean :-)
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Good for you with your weight loss. Nice job ! You are 100% correct it can be done in a healthy manner. I am on my way to trying to lose 60 pounds myself. I started exactly 1 month ago and I have lost 23 pounds. My fitnesspal has helped me tremendously with watching what I eat with regards to calories, carbs, fat, sodium, sugar, and protein intake. I allow myself 1620 calories daily. I walk very briskly for one hour a day or run for 50 minutes a day, five days a week. The whole key to losing weight is watching what and how much you put in your mouth and exercise. I eat 5 to 6 small meals per day to keep my metabolism steady. Believe me, I am nowhere close to fasting. I'm just not eating fried foods and deserts anymore. Bottom line is everyone is different and there is no way to answer yes or no to losing 60lbs in 3 months. Everyone just has to remember that eating right and exercising can't just be a phase, it's gotta be a lifelong commitment. Stick to that and you'll be ok.
    oceanguy - you don't know this. You started 1 month ago. You can say you are trying to do it but you have no basis to say it is possible because you don't know yet. Good luck and I really hope you come back in a years time and say you did it and it stayed off but I would question the validity of your claims until your own experience can confirm what you are claiming as fact
  • ianvarney2112
    I know this thread is way old, but hopefully someone still looks at it. Apparently, for my height as a male, I should be between 122-160lbs. Which seems ridiculous because when I joined the Navy, I was 170lbs. Yet I could do 100 pushups, 70 situps, and run a mile and a half in 9 minutes, and I looked like a beanpole. Now, I am 32, and I am over 100 pounds overweight (currently 264lbs). I am have started eating less, exercising more (between 1.5 hours and 2 hours a day), and I'm losing about 5 pounds a week. So far, doing this, I have lose ten pounds this past two weeks. I don't feel tired, or hungry, or anything. I know that the 60 pounds I want to lose will be a lot easier than the next 40, so that's why I'm doing this in stages. Lose the most I can quickly, then slowly readjust so I can lose the next forty in a more controlled fashion. I know it's hard, but people who say "Oh you will just gain it back faster", how can I when I am pushing hard at the gym every single day? I get the rush from being there, so I don't think I'm going to quit it. I love running, and I love lifting. Training my body to take what I can get, I don't think it is hording and storing any more fat.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Didn't notice that it was a zombie thread. Never mind.