drop sets

imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Looking to break a plateau, or add a new dimension to your workout, try drop sets. You can drop set just about any exercise you're doing, for example, bicep curls, do two sets at whatever weight your comfortable...actually let's use me as an example. I would fo two sets of 8-10 reps with 40lb dumbells (with a 30-45 sec rest in btw sets) my next set would look like this, 40lbs, drop (no rest) the weight to 30lbs, another 8-10 reps, drop again (no rest) to 20lbs. You'll be at muscle failure by this point and your arms will be screaming!! I tend to drop set every once in awhile to keep things progressing.


  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I'm a little slow
    So you're saying do 2 sets of 8 with 40 lbs ( or whatever weight)
    Then a set of 8 with 30lb
    Then a set with of 8 with 20lb
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Interesting. So this uses calories, gives you more strength, but does not bulk you up?? I do not want to bulk up. I go for walking, playing hide and seek and tag with my 5-year old grandson, and other aerobic exercise. Tell me I will not get large muscles and I will be glad to add this to my list of exercises. Thanks, BJB
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    your first three sets are at your heaviest weight. On the last set you don't rest, you'll be doing three sets back to back

    1st set= 40lbs
    2nd set=40lbs
    3rd set=40lbs
    4th set=30lbs
    5th set=20lbs

  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Interesting. So this uses calories, gives you more strength, but does not bulk you up?? I do not want to bulk up. I go for walking, playing hide and seek and tag with my 5-year old grandson, and other aerobic exercise. Tell me I will not get large muscles and I will be glad to add this to my list of exercises. Thanks, BJB

    unless you lift really heavy, frequently or have tons of testosterone you will not get big muscles :laugh: :wink: it will definitely give definition and to help tone. Drop sets for the tricep really help with the waving flags for women. :tongue:
  • Crunchytxmama
    Crunchytxmama Posts: 169 Member
    Interesting. So this uses calories, gives you more strength, but does not bulk you up?? I do not want to bulk up. I go for walking, playing hide and seek and tag with my 5-year old grandson, and other aerobic exercise. Tell me I will not get large muscles and I will be glad to add this to my list of exercises. Thanks, BJB

    unless you lift really heavy, frequently or have tons of testosterone you will not get big muscles :laugh: :wink: it will definitely give definition and to help tone. Drop sets for the tricep really help with the wzving flags for women. :tongue:
    I agree--I always see women saying this and unless you are TRYING to bulk up, it's not going to happen. I think this idea of women "bulking up" has become an excuse for women avoiding strength training.

    Thanks for the idea! I'm looking to step up my lifting routine.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Just a side question, How do you choose a good squat weight. .I've done 40lbs and I got through 2 sets. Should I just keep going back and trying 50, 60 70 until I can only do one set?
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    Interesting. So this uses calories, gives you more strength, but does not bulk you up?? I do not want to bulk up. I go for walking, playing hide and seek and tag with my 5-year old grandson, and other aerobic exercise. Tell me I will not get large muscles and I will be glad to add this to my list of exercises. Thanks, BJB

    unless you lift really heavy, frequently or have tons of testosterone you will not get big muscles :laugh: :wink: it will definitely give definition and to help tone. Drop sets for the tricep really help with the wzving flags for women. :tongue:
    I agree--I always see women saying this and unless you are TRYING to bulk up, it's not going to happen. I think this idea of women "bulking up" has become an excuse for women avoiding strength training.

    Thanks for the idea! I'm looking to step up my lifting routine.
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    Interesting. So this uses calories, gives you more strength, but does not bulk you up?? I do not want to bulk up. I go for walking, playing hide and seek and tag with my 5-year old grandson, and other aerobic exercise. Tell me I will not get large muscles and I will be glad to add this to my list of exercises. Thanks, BJB

    unless you lift really heavy, frequently or have tons of testosterone you will not get big muscles :laugh: :wink: it will definitely give definition and to help tone. Drop sets for the tricep really help with the wzving flags for women. :tongue:
    I agree--I always see women saying this and unless you are TRYING to bulk up, it's not going to happen. I think this idea of women "bulking up" has become an excuse for women avoiding strength training.

    Thanks for the idea! I'm looking to step up my lifting routine.

    I will give this a try too, I'm excited because my arms are just to weak and skinny. It's one area of my body I would like to make bigger (well ok, it would be ok for my boobs to get bigger too LOL) I will let you know how this goes. Thanks!

    Chill about getting bulky woman...it takes a lot more than playing hide-n-seek before that happens. I think it's awesome that you are active but I don't think you have to worry about bulkin' up.

    PS: Running the Run to Wrigley on Saturday (Go Chicago Cubbies) - anybody else?
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Just a side question, How do you choose a good squat weight. .I've done 40lbs and I got through 2 sets. Should I just keep going back and trying 50, 60 70 until I can only do one set?

    First off, your legs are strong, they can handle heavy weight, to find your max weight go heavier until you struggle at the 6-8rep point, your legs should be feeling the burm, if you can pump out 12 or more reps and aren't feeling too much discomfort then the weight is too light. I personally like the Smith machine for squat work, I can go much heavier, (200-250lbs) then I could possibly go with a barbell, and keepswitching up your form, do plie's toes pointed out wider stance, and do closed squats, where your feet are together, the deeper the squat, the harder, but the more glute definition you'll see, I LOVE LOVE working out my legs!!! follow up your squat work while you still have the bb onyour shoulders with calf work, women tend to forget about their calves...not that you do, but in general.
  • KeriD
    KeriD Posts: 324
    Thanks for sharing..... I am going to try this!!!! I recently started lifting the heaviest I can lift for 8 reps, just making this change has helped.
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Drop sets for the tricep really help with the waving flags for women. :tongue:

    I need lots of help in that area! :laugh: Thanks very much. BJB
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Looking to break a plateau, or add a new dimension to your workout, try drop sets. You can drop set just about any exercise you're doing, for example, bicep curls, do two sets at whatever weight your comfortable...actually let's use me as an example. I would fo two sets of 8-10 reps with 40lb dumbells (with a 30-45 sec rest in btw sets) my next set would look like this, 40lbs, drop (no rest) the weight to 30lbs, another 8-10 reps, drop again (no rest) to 20lbs. You'll be at muscle failure by this point and your arms will be screaming!! I tend to drop set every once in awhile to keep things progressing.

    I wish you could be my trainer. :happy:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I did concentrated bicep curls with my trainer yesterday, but he only made me do 1 set, then drop. I want more out of my workout, so I will try as suggested.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I did concentrated bicep curls with my trainer yesterday, but he only made me do 1 set, then drop. I want more out of my workout, so I will try as suggested.

    I find that a male trainer with a female client seems to think she can't handle her weights...it's BS, we can..heck I lift heavier then most men in the gym..:bigsmile: big wussies! :laugh: On a one set then drop, would mean you're getting four sets in, but you won't fatigue the muscle as well a i'd like to see. When you think you can't push another rep out, when your arms are shaking, and then pain starts to set in, try to push out two more, those two will make the difference. I did drop sets this morning on the leg extension and curl machine, my legs were screaming at me!! I'm still feeling muscle tightness in my thighs and booty and it's been 8 hours since my workout...gotta love those calories i'm still burning!! lol
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I took your advice and tried this the last two days...oh my, my muscles were on fire!

    I must have remembered it wrong because I was doing for instance 60 lbs, 50 lbs 40 lbs, rest, then 60 50 40 again. And man was I hurting today! A good hurt, though.

    Keep the good advice coming! :flowerforyou:
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    First off, your legs are strong, they can handle heavy weight, to find your max weight go heavier until you struggle at the 6-8rep point, your legs should be feeling the burm, if you can pump out 12 or more reps and aren't feeling too much discomfort then the weight is too light. I personally like the Smith machine for squat work, I can go much heavier, (200-250lbs) then I could possibly go with a barbell, and keepswitching up your form, do plie's toes pointed out wider stance, and do closed squats, where your feet are together, the deeper the squat, the harder, but the more glute definition you'll see, I LOVE LOVE working out my legs!!! follow up your squat work while you still have the bb onyour shoulders with calf work, women tend to forget about their calves...not that you do, but in general.

    Imagymrat, I really am glad to see you encouraging the ladies here to get out there and SQUAT! I just have to comment on the suggestion to use a smith machine vs barbell just to go heavier. Using a smith machine may indeed let you squat more, but you are neglecting some of the stabilizing muscles that work more actively when squatting with a barbell. I think activating those muscles are critical in developing balance/agility with the squat. Just my 2 cents. I am glad to see any lady squatting deep and heavy regardless of how!
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 642 Member
    There are concerns over the use of the Smith Machine during a squat workout. The biggest concern is that you are locked into a set position which in turn puts stress on the front part of the knee and then the back part of the knee in opposite directions at the same time(Charles Poliquin).
    Another good point brought up was that it takes the stabilizers out of play, granted you can push more weight, but at what cost? The heavier load you put on the bar, the more force will be exerted against both side of your knees. There is nothing wrong with bodyweight squats,lunges etc...
    Want a true burn from squats, do 100 bodyweight squats without stopping. Want them to burn even more but do less, do 1 1/4 reps. Squat down all the way,come back up 1/4 of the way and pause 1 sec, go back down to the bottom and pause 1 sec ,and then all the way back up-thats 1 rep. You can do the same with any exercise using the 1 1/4 technique. Personally I would not do squats on a smith machine, even though it makes it easier, it is also more hazardous to your knees.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Hmmm. I'll have to buy more weights but this sounds awesome! I definitely need help with my arms. I just started doing a new routine and am hoping to see some more definition by the end of the month.
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 642 Member
    Since we are talking arms lets discuss the triceps and the many variations of DB exercises you can use wether at the gym or at home.
    Obviously the first would be standing, DB in one hand over your head, using the tricep to lower the weight behind your head and then using the tricep to return it to the top. If you have heavier weights, you can use two hands for this same exercise.
    TRICEP KICKBACK-standing(leaning forward), seated or kneeling- lock your arm out at your side, extend the weight to the back, then to the front again concentrating on the tricep doing all the work
    Lying tricep Extension- Lie down , extend your arm straight out in front of you with DB in hand, now either lower the DB to your shoulder area or lower it across your face, either way -again using the tricep to lower and raise the DB

    Those are a few...wanna make em harder, do 1 1/4 reps or 1 1/2 reps pausing at each moving point of the exercise. Time under tension- 3 seconds up-3 seconds down. Twenty Ones.
    Did you see the reoccuring theme though:
    USE YOUR TRICEPS TO LIFT AND LOWER THE DB !! Really concentrate on that, feel it, visualize it, dont go through the motions, feel the motions, feel the muscle involved even if you have to drop down in weight, feel and use the muscle you are training and you will see results !
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    don't forget the skullcrusher! I love those for my tri's
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