I think I'd like to meet someone but not sure



  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523
    Oooh do tell!
  • fitbum19
    fitbum19 Posts: 198 Member
    just find the drunk ones


    OP listen . . .

    You think you want this but it's just a trick that's been beat into your head by shows like Grey's Anatomy.

    All you really have to do is get the drunk, pretend like you're interested, and ask them a bunch of questions and ****.

    Then they do a whole lot more than kiss you.

    If you are looking for a GF and not just a lay, don't listen to these d-bags
  • fitbum19
    fitbum19 Posts: 198 Member
    Hey guys, thanks for your support and funny pictures. :smile:

    Last night went quite well, was really nervous but found it really easy to talk to her, got a bit drunk.

    A little kiss and a couple of hugs at the end of the night, :noway: Bit awkward when she asked about ex-girlfriends.

    Ended up stopping out but she had an early night, saw another girl who seemed interested but I didn't want to do anything. :huh:

    She said she wont be out for a while as she is hasn't got any money, I said I'm not drinking much next weekend as I'm doing the half marathon. :noway:

    Really nice girl, just need to persuade her to come out more, she says she had a bad relationship before and doesn't go out and saves all her money for holidays.

    Trying not to get carried away but I think if I work on it it something good might happen.

    This sounds like WAY too much work.

    I'd suggest finding someone that doesn't have so many issues. They're more likely to sleep with you faster and you don't have to constantly beg them to go out.

    I like where your heads at with the alcohol though. I usually don't drink on dates and carry a flask just to add a bit more "punch" to her cocktails.

    Cr01502 is an *kitten*.

    I am glad you had a good time. and I am glad you are not a Douche. Just offer to pay for her dinner and drinks next time you want her to come out. Not saying you should do that everytime....but if you give her enough reason to WANT to come out....maybe she will be more willing. If she still doesnt want to, I would just let it go. :-/ Find a new girl. And please, don't listen to any of Cr01502's advice.
  • fitbum19
    fitbum19 Posts: 198 Member
    FRIEND ZONE is a good place to start a great relationship.
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523
    I guess it all depends if you are the go out and drink kind of guy.

    I tend not to drink, in fact I didn't drink on my first date with my boyfriend. I'm not a bar or club girl and like the stay in option. If you get to know any of these girls well enough, why not suggest a night in with a movie if they are cash strapped.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Just be yourself.. There is nothing worse than a guy pretending to be someone else.
    It will happen when it happens. Don't worry good luck and have fun :smile:
  • Ladyslippers
    Ladyslippers Posts: 186 Member
    I want to look at this later when I'm not running off to work (ok, not running--I've got a 20 mile commute that'll take at least an hour in the car...). Had to comment though because I'm toying with the same idea. Was married for 18 years when the divorce was final, had been with him for 22 years. We are now good friends and I adore his new wife. I've been on my own (custodial parent of our two boys) since 2009 and have had times when I really miss having that emotional connection with someone. But I'm really gun shy about letting someone else's drama back into my life. I want the companionship but am not sure I'm ready yet. Funny how these things go.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Hey guys, thanks for your support and funny pictures. :smile:

    Last night went quite well, was really nervous but found it really easy to talk to her, got a bit drunk.

    A little kiss and a couple of hugs at the end of the night, :noway: Bit awkward when she asked about ex-girlfriends.

    Ended up stopping out but she had an early night, saw another girl who seemed interested but I didn't want to do anything. :huh:

    She said she wont be out for a while as she is hasn't got any money, I said I'm not drinking much next weekend as I'm doing the half marathon. :noway:

    Really nice girl, just need to persuade her to come out more, she says she had a bad relationship before and doesn't go out and saves all her money for holidays.

    Trying not to get carried away but I think if I work on it it something good might happen.

    This sounds like WAY too much work.

    I'd suggest finding someone that doesn't have so many issues. They're more likely to sleep with you faster and you don't have to constantly beg them to go out.

    I like where your heads at with the alcohol though. I usually don't drink on dates and carry a flask just to add a bit more "punch" to her cocktails.

    so you have to get girls drunker than they want to be to get laid?
    I see jail time in your future.

    Agreed. Under NY state law, what this dude is suggesting is rape. I assume it is considered rape in many other jurisdictions as well.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Hey guys, thanks for your support and funny pictures. :smile:

    Last night went quite well, was really nervous but found it really easy to talk to her, got a bit drunk.

    A little kiss and a couple of hugs at the end of the night, :noway: Bit awkward when she asked about ex-girlfriends.

    Ended up stopping out but she had an early night, saw another girl who seemed interested but I didn't want to do anything. :huh:

    She said she wont be out for a while as she is hasn't got any money, I said I'm not drinking much next weekend as I'm doing the half marathon. :noway:

    Really nice girl, just need to persuade her to come out more, she says she had a bad relationship before and doesn't go out and saves all her money for holidays.

    Trying not to get carried away but I think if I work on it it something good might happen.

    This sounds like WAY too much work.

    I'd suggest finding someone that doesn't have so many issues. They're more likely to sleep with you faster and you don't have to constantly beg them to go out.

    I like where your heads at with the alcohol though. I usually don't drink on dates and carry a flask just to add a bit more "punch" to her cocktails.

    so you have to get girls drunker than they want to be to get laid?
    I see jail time in your future.

    Agreed. Under NY state law, what this dude is suggesting is rape. I assume it is considered rape in many other jurisdictions as well.


    Desperate times call for desperate measures.

  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Hey guys, thanks for your support and funny pictures. :smile:

    Last night went quite well, was really nervous but found it really easy to talk to her, got a bit drunk.

    A little kiss and a couple of hugs at the end of the night, :noway: Bit awkward when she asked about ex-girlfriends.

    Ended up stopping out but she had an early night, saw another girl who seemed interested but I didn't want to do anything. :huh:

    She said she wont be out for a while as she is hasn't got any money, I said I'm not drinking much next weekend as I'm doing the half marathon. :noway:

    Really nice girl, just need to persuade her to come out more, she says she had a bad relationship before and doesn't go out and saves all her money for holidays.

    Trying not to get carried away but I think if I work on it it something good might happen.

    This sounds like WAY too much work.

    I'd suggest finding someone that doesn't have so many issues. They're more likely to sleep with you faster and you don't have to constantly beg them to go out.

    I like where your heads at with the alcohol though. I usually don't drink on dates and carry a flask just to add a bit more "punch" to her cocktails.

    Cr01502 is an *kitten*.

    I am glad you had a good time. and I am glad you are not a Douche. Just offer to pay for her dinner and drinks next time you want her to come out. Not saying you should do that everytime....but if you give her enough reason to WANT to come out....maybe she will be more willing. If she still doesnt want to, I would just let it go. :-/ Find a new girl. And please, don't listen to any of Cr01502's advice.

    Excuse me but that language is uncalled for. I was just giving advice to the OP. If you don't like it you don't have to listen to it.

    Also you plenty of women sleep with guys and then trick them into relationships . . . what's so wrong with tricking girls into sleeping with you??