fasting cleanses?



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    There isn't much support here.

    you left off "for doing stupid things."

    OP, listen to the folks that have been here found continued and proven success.

    Sure.great advice. They tell you they eat ice cream and poptarts every day. Yes, listen to them. They are either giving bad advice or rubbing it in your face.

    BTW, eating sweets can kill more people than doing cleanse/

    Not as part of an otherwise healthy diet. It doesn't have to be all or nothing.

    Not sure where I have told people to eat ice cream and pop tarts every day either...would love to see where I have.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You have people who say, "don't cleans'. . ."eat ice cream daily". Who would listen to someone like that? That isn't a person who knows their stuff NOR who gives healthy advice.

    Just because someone LOOKS healthy on the outside doesn't mean they are healthy on the inside. Don't be fooled.

    Who says eat ice-cream daily?

    I eat ice cream daily but please refer me to where I have ever said that others should
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    There isn't much support here.

    you left off "for doing stupid things."

    OP, listen to the folks that have been here found continued and proven success.

    Sure.great advice. They tell you they eat ice cream and poptarts every day. Yes, listen to them. They are either giving bad advice or rubbing it in your face.

    BTW, eating sweets can kill more people than doing cleanse/

    Interesting. Seems that whenever you can't win the intellectual argument you start with the character attacks. Maybe you need a cleanse for that. Is there some kind of cleanse for that?
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    OP, can you tell us a little about why you want to do this cleanse? People may have suggestions for something that may meet your needs but from a less stringent method.

    For instance, when people want to cleanse for the psychological boost (to help reduce cravings, to lose quick water weight in a few days), I suggest the O2 four day cleanse. There are no special teas or laxatives, and you can find the program for free online. It's loaded with fruits and vegetables, some healthy fats, and lean protein. (I have to modify it to meet my dietary preferences, but I think fish and eggs are included.) It looks like a small amount of food, but it's so water based, I have a hard time finishing the meal plan when I do it. It does help me get myself into a healthier frame of mind, and I lose a bit of water weight.

    If you are feeling constipated, try eating foods that may make you go (pineapples, grapes, prunes, beans with lots of water, coffee.) If that doesn't work, repeat the next day after taking ONE stool softener (not a laxative.) Don't do that often, only when actually constipated.
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    Sorry. I can help myself . . . I'm just fascinated by train wrecks

    ETA - Just in case you're counting OP, add another vote to the "don't do it cleanses don't do anything, eat right (including the occasional Ice cream) and exercise" category
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    There isn't much support here.

    you left off "for doing stupid things."

    OP, listen to the folks that have been here found continued and proven success.

    Sure.great advice. They tell you they eat ice cream and poptarts every day. Yes, listen to them. They are either giving bad advice or rubbing it in your face.

    BTW, eating sweets can kill more people than doing cleanse/

    if i thought i could get through that thick skull of yours with common sense, i would try. but i know i can't, so i won't.

    i just wonder why you so desperately want to lead people down a false path. is it because you feel it would vindicate your own poor health choices? this is not an "alternative medicine" site. perhaps you should one of those sites and spend your time there. you may find that audience much more receptive to your non-scientific theories about how the body works.

    the people advocating against cleanses and detoxes are trying to help people. they want to prevent people from being tricked into doing something that a) doesn't work, and b) is a scam. they all have lives of their own and i'm sure they can find other things they could be doing with their time. but they genuinely want to help people, so they take the time to respond to these threads day after day after day after day.

    i don't know why you're here. is it because you are angry at a couple of these people and have decided to make it your mission in life to argue with them on every one of these threads? in order to provoke them into saying something that can get them a strike? if so, why? what do you get out of it? you know you don't have science on your side, so you can't win. maybe you should stop. or maybe you should find an alternative medicine forum where you'll find universal acceptance of your ideas. you won't even need to create multiple sock puppet accounts on such a site. i'm sure you'd fit in there. i imagine you have quite a collection of crystals already. am i right?
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    There isn't much support here.

    you left off "for doing stupid things."

    OP, listen to the folks that have been here found continued and proven success.

    Sure.great advice. They tell you they eat ice cream and poptarts every day. Yes, listen to them. They are either giving bad advice or rubbing it in your face.

    BTW, eating sweets can kill more people than doing cleanse/

    Not as part of an otherwise healthy diet. It doesn't have to be all or nothing.

    Not sure where I have told people to eat ice cream and pop tarts every day either...would love to see where I have.

    I don't think I've ever seen you do that either. I've seen you post that YOU eat ice cream daily, after you have met your protein and fat goals, but never seen you tell anyone else to do it.

    Some people don't understand that an overall healthy diet, can include some treats.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    You have people who say, "don't cleans'. . ."eat ice cream daily". Who would listen to someone like that? That isn't a person who knows their stuff NOR who gives healthy advice.

    Just because someone LOOKS healthy on the outside doesn't mean they are healthy on the inside. Don't be fooled.

    I'm not YOU.

    Why do feel the need to attack Sara when you know nothing about her other than the fact that she refused to give up ice cream while she got into awesome shape?
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    Eat a balanced diet.

    Get regular exercise

    Drink water

    Let your body handle the rest.

    A "cleanse" is unnecessary and often does more harm than good.

    ^^This says it all!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    Wait. Ice cream is bad for me? If ice cream is bad I don't want to be right.

    Lori_lynnie. C'mon - all you do is bait people. Ice cream isn't bad. PopTarts aren't bad. Maple syrup isn't bad, lemons aren't bad, cayenne pepper isn't bad, senna tea isn't bad. Trying to live off some combination of the above isn't a good idea.

    You could have some lemons and cayenne pepper and maple syrup every day. Or you could have PopTarts and ice cream every day. No one thinks you should make up an entire diet of these. An ice cream and Poptart cleanse is every bit as effective as the Master Cleanse. And lots more fun.
  • the_zenith
    I did it a while back for a few days. I ended up binging (actually, can you even call it binging when you're genuinely starved?) and I was in bed for five days with very bad indigestion. Couldn't even get to the doctors, she had to ring me! (I think most people can guess that she wasn't terribly sympathetic).

    If you do do it (and I really wouldn't) you need to be so careful when it comes to eating again.

    Oh, and I lost 3lbs in 2 days, then went up 5lbs in one day (which took AGES to lose again)
  • HealthyStartsHere
    HealthyStartsHere Posts: 126 Member
    The only cleanse I advise you to do is eat 3-4 Big juices of real fruits or veggies.(about 400 calories each) Its not a cleanse because fruit and veggies are real food; and people have lost a lot of weight on it. Watch the documentary Fat Sick and nearly dead if you want.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    You will get beaten up here for even mentioning it!

    no-one's being beaten up.... just warned that something is a) potentially dangerous and b) doesn't work.

    What other ethical choice is there if you see someone who's planning to do something that's potentially harmful to their body? Do you seriously expect people to just pat them on the head and tell them "yes go for it" instead?
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    You have people who say, "don't cleans'. . ."eat ice cream daily". Who would listen to someone like that? That isn't a person who knows their stuff NOR who gives healthy advice.

    Just because someone LOOKS healthy on the outside doesn't mean they are healthy on the inside. Don't be fooled.

    Who says eat ice-cream daily?

    I eat ice cream daily but please refer me to where I have ever said that others should

    What makes you think I am talking about you?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You have people who say, "don't cleans'. . ."eat ice cream daily". Who would listen to someone like that? That isn't a person who knows their stuff NOR who gives healthy advice.

    Just because someone LOOKS healthy on the outside doesn't mean they are healthy on the inside. Don't be fooled.

    Who says eat ice-cream daily?

    I eat ice cream daily but please refer me to where I have ever said that others should

    What makes you think I am talking about you?

  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    You have people who say, "don't cleans'. . ."eat ice cream daily". Who would listen to someone like that? That isn't a person who knows their stuff NOR who gives healthy advice.

    Just because someone LOOKS healthy on the outside doesn't mean they are healthy on the inside. Don't be fooled.

    Who says eat ice-cream daily?

    I eat ice cream daily but please refer me to where I have ever said that others should

    What makes you think I am talking about you?

    Why else would you mention the ice cream?

    By the way, have you read Sara's story?
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    You have people who say, "don't cleans'. . ."eat ice cream daily". Who would listen to someone like that? That isn't a person who knows their stuff NOR who gives healthy advice.

    Just because someone LOOKS healthy on the outside doesn't mean they are healthy on the inside. Don't be fooled.

    Who says eat ice-cream daily?

    I eat ice cream daily but please refer me to where I have ever said that others should

    What makes you think I am talking about you?


    Personal attacks...catches flack...tucks tail and runs while backtracking.

  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    There isn't much support here.

    you left off "for doing stupid things."

    OP, listen to the folks that have been here found continued and proven success.

    Sure.great advice. They tell you they eat ice cream and poptarts every day. Yes, listen to them. They are either giving bad advice or rubbing it in your face.

    BTW, eating sweets can kill more people than doing cleanse/

    if i thought i could get through that thick skull of yours with common sense, i would try. but i know i can't, so i won't.

    i just wonder why you so desperately want to lead people down a false path. is it because you feel it would vindicate your own poor health choices? this is not an "alternative medicine" site. perhaps you should one of those sites and spend your time there. you may find that audience much more receptive to your non-scientific theories about how the body works.

    the people advocating against cleanses and detoxes are trying to help people. they want to prevent people from being tricked into doing something that a) doesn't work, and b) is a scam. they all have lives of their own and i'm sure they can find other things they could be doing with their time. but they genuinely want to help people, so they take the time to respond to these threads day after day after day after day.

    i don't know why you're here. is it because you are angry at a couple of these people and have decided to make it your mission in life to argue with them on every one of these threads? in order to provoke them into saying something that can get them a strike? if so, why? what do you get out of it? you know you don't have science on your side, so you can't win. maybe you should stop. or maybe you should find an alternative medicine forum where you'll find universal acceptance of your ideas. you won't even need to create multiple sock puppet accounts on such a site. i'm sure you'd fit in there. i imagine you have quite a collection of crystals already. am i right?

    I am not on here promoting ideas. I have never created a thread which said "do a cleanse". I respond when people ask about MY experiences. I am sharing my experiences and my thoughts as are you. Neither of us are displaced here, we are responding specifically to a question about our thoughts.
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    You have people who say, "don't cleans'. . ."eat ice cream daily". Who would listen to someone like that? That isn't a person who knows their stuff NOR who gives healthy advice.

    Just because someone LOOKS healthy on the outside doesn't mean they are healthy on the inside. Don't be fooled.

    Who says eat ice-cream daily?

    I eat ice cream daily but please refer me to where I have ever said that others should

    What makes you think I am talking about you?

    Why else would you mention the ice cream?

    By the way, have you read Sara's story?

    I had absolutely no idea that story existed. I don't even look at profiles and look at photos. Now I know why you all think everything I say about ice cream is about Sara. I only said it bc of what her comment was to me last night when I said I was doing a cleanse. She said, "I'll be thinking about you while I eat my daily bowl of ice cream"

    I am here to converse and I read what ppl say in threads, but I have never snooped into another's profile. I honestly guess I have no interest. Thanks for sharing though.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    You have people who say, "don't cleans'. . ."eat ice cream daily". Who would listen to someone like that? That isn't a person who knows their stuff NOR who gives healthy advice.

    Just because someone LOOKS healthy on the outside doesn't mean they are healthy on the inside. Don't be fooled.

    Who says eat ice-cream daily?

    I eat ice cream daily but please refer me to where I have ever said that others should

    What makes you think I am talking about you?

    Why else would you mention the ice cream?

    By the way, have you read Sara's story?

    I had absolutely no idea that story existed. I don't even look at profiles and look at photos. I guess I really don't care. I am here to converse and I read what ppl say in threads, but I have never snooped into other portions. I honestly guess I have no interest. Thanks for sharing though.

    That is actually a forum post, not from her profile. People talk about a thread.