Alternative to Carbs



  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I've decided to cut carbs out after 5pm. I did this before and eat the majority of my carbs for lunch and it really helped me lose weight and get fit.
    Does anyone have any good ideas for what to replace that part of an evening meal with? Salad and califlower boiled is getting a tad boring?

    ?? veggies are carbs...

    protein and fat are your only other options, but if you meant going sans starch and grain carbs, then... you've really got an unlimited number of options. just peruse a vegetarian recipe book.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    you never lived in a brick house?

    I've lived in a house made with bricks, but I have never lived in a brick.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    you never lived in a brick house?

    I've lived in a house made with bricks, but I have never lived in a brick.

    by this logic, no food is anything... chicken is just made of "primarily" proteins but is not - itself - a protein.

    it's silly.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    you never lived in a brick house?

    I've lived in a house made with bricks, but I have never lived in a brick.

    by this logic, no food is anything... chicken is just made of "primarily" proteins but is not - itself - a protein.

    it's silly.

    Ok, what?

    Chicken has protein. Chicken is not protein.

    Proteins are large organic molecules made of chains of one or more amino acids. A chicken is not a large organic molecule, the muscular tissue of a chicken is not a large organic molecule.

    I mean, yeah, using words... for what they mean... it's so silly!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Eating carbs after a certain time is one of the biggest myths in the diet industry.

    Eat you carbs anytime of day you feel like it.

    And just to be clear broccoli is a carb and so is any other vegetable.

    Protein and fat are the only alternative to carbs.


    I choose to eat a very low carb diet with no grains, but I eat my veggie carbs any time. It's kinda funny to see people talking about replacing carbs with carbs. However, for me, carbs from vegetables are the best kind.

    When carbs are reduced then other nutrients must increase. I keep my proteins at a moderate level and replace my carbs with healthy fat. (Yup, fats are healthy, especially the natural, saturated kinds!)
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    You might want to explore the reasons why it has worked for you, and what "worked" actually means. Was it due to reducing your overall calories, or was it due to some magical force that science has not yet discovered?

    I didnt reduce the amount of carbs I ate just when I ate them. Everybody is different. Maybe this was just works for me.

    Sorry but unless you're not human or have a medical condition that we're unaware of you metabolize food just like the rest of us.

    If you're over consuming calories you'll gain weight.

    If you're under consuming them you'll lose it.

    It's as simple as that.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    You might want to explore the reasons why it has worked for you, and what "worked" actually means. Was it due to reducing your overall calories, or was it due to some magical force that science has not yet discovered?

    I didnt reduce the amount of carbs I ate just when I ate them. Everybody is different. Maybe this was just works for me.

    That's not what everybody's different means. We're all fundamentally the same.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Ok, what?

    Chicken has protein. Chicken is not protein.

    Proteins are large organic molecules made of chains of one or more amino acids. A chicken is not a large organic molecule, the muscular tissue of a chicken is not a large organic molecule.

    I mean, yeah, using words... for what they mean... it's so silly!

    i guess you just like to argue... because this one serves no purpose.

    she asked for an alternative to carbs and listed a bunch of foods that (while low carb) are virtually entirely carb. not surprisingly, people pointed that out.

    when your speaking in general terms of macros, what the hell else is one supposed to call a veggetible if not a carb?
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Ok, what?

    Chicken has protein. Chicken is not protein.

    Proteins are large organic molecules made of chains of one or more amino acids. A chicken is not a large organic molecule, the muscular tissue of a chicken is not a large organic molecule.

    I mean, yeah, using words... for what they mean... it's so silly!

    i guess you just like to argue... because this one serves no purpose.

    she asked for an alternative to carbs and listed a bunch of foods that (while low carb) are virtually entirely carb. not surprisingly, people pointed that out.

    when your speaking in general terms of macros, what the hell else is one supposed to call a veggetible if not a carb?

    My guess is that you're not vegan and you haven't had to prove to a multitude of friends and family that yes, plants have protein in them and no, you're not going to shrivel up and die without meat.


    Yes, cauliflower is 78% carbohydrate. It's also 19% protein and 3% fat. It has carbs, it is not just carbs.

    You might also call steak a protein, but many cuts of steak will have around 60% of their calories from fat. Categorizing foods based on generalizing "macros" is really inaccurate and misleading.
  • SamBristol24
    So I asked a simple question as to what I could eat instead of high carbs in the evening as it helps me with losing weight and toning up.

    You have told me basically that, even though I have done this before and it worked, it is not going to work and pointed our every single reason as to why I am basically not correct.

    Some have been very helpful and I am thankful to you few. To you really thinking this is beneficial to helping someone reach the goal they intend?? Some of the comments have been very negative.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    You might want to explore the reasons why it has worked for you, and what "worked" actually means. Was it due to reducing your overall calories, or was it due to some magical force that science has not yet discovered?

    I was going to post this, but now i can save my calories.. thank you.
  • GamerLady
    GamerLady Posts: 359 Member
    Meat and vegetables, you can also have breakfast for dinner, I do that sometimes... and if you want something breaded use carbquik or almond flour.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    "Magical force science has not discovered yet," is a plausible explanation for this, but I would say a more accurate description would be, "something we cannot measure yet," or "individual variables unaccounted for." Individual variables like lifestyle and mental state and those two things are very important in the process of weight loss.

    Is there some huge propaganda push in the diet industry to sell products based on this philosophy or something? I'm looking for a good reason to be so anti-"no carbs in the evening." If it's been proven that it doesn't make a difference when you eat the carbs, that's all the more reason to just do what you feel works for you, right?