Struggling with the Weekends



  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    I've actually gotten REALLY good at going out/hanging with my ladies and still staying in goal! Like everyone on here has already said, it's about logging every bit of every little thing that goes into my mouth!

    Not only do I have to be honest about it, it really does help me eat less. And when my friends ask me what I'm doing, I just straight up tell them that I want my bod bikini-ready by Memorial Day and NO I am not eating a second round of treats or whatever might be the temptation of the evening.

    Also, I pre-plan my nights in my head, and log them accordingly. For example, I knew I would be drinking Saturday for St. Pat's.. so instead of joining the BF for boozing at noon, I went shopping with a friend instead and scored some super-cute dresses. Then went and joined at five, with a plan in place to have 4 drinks and 4 drinks only. 4 Sweet Tea vodka and water's are plenty enough for me to have a good time, and run me about 330 calories. So I make the room in my calorie budget by working out earlier in the day and BAM, mission accomplished!

    Another good tactic that I haven't had to use in a long time is to do an extra workout the following day if I over-indulge. For example if I do go back for a second round of treats, or decide to do some extra shots/eat food I didn't plan on, then I hit it extra hard the next day. This is sufficiently painful that I stopped overdoing it realllll quick, lol!!

    Hope this stuff is helpful :-)
  • natmckn
    natmckn Posts: 48 Member
    Friday is HERE!!!! I've already logged what I know I'll be eating tonight as well as my planned workout to hold myself accountable. I'm determined to stay on track this weekend! Good luck to everyone! :):)
  • bluecrush1203
    bluecrush1203 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm the same way! At the beginning of the year I decided I was only going to drink once a month or so, instead of 1-3 times a week, and it certainly helped! I was always really good Mon-Thurs and would often lose 2-3lbs, I'd gain it right back on the weekend. I used to drink, then mindlessly munch on fried bar food. Then in the morning I'd be too hungover to work out and I'd want MORE fried food. . Also, logging on the weekends has helped a lot, too. I used to just say "screw it" and not log, but seeing it in front of me, even if I go over, really keeps me accountable. I know if I do want to go out to dinner or have a few drinks, I need to have a longer workout and try to hold back some more calories during breakfast and lunch. Good luck to you!
    I am so with you on this one. I do great all week. But on the weekends, if I can't quite remember how many drinks exactly I had, I certainly am not going to try to log them. Surely, Patron shots are low cal ! (haha) And then, to nurse a hangover, I eat whatever sounds comforting, which is never ever very healthy. I'm too embarrased to tell friends and family that I can't eat their food at parties, because I feel like the only one who has to watch their weight. As far as pounds go, I've been losing 4lbs, gaining 2, losing 4, gaining 2. It's a vicious cycle....

    That is EXACTLY what I'm going through!! I think it's time for me to *grow up* and drink less. I was so hungover from St. Patty's day festivities, and you just feel AWFUL. Log, log, and exercise.