This is why I weigh every day....



  • eowynmn
    eowynmn Posts: 165 Member
    Daily weigher here, and only record on Wednesday. I know tomorrow I might be up because I literally just ate an ahi tuna steak salted to perfection (it was awesome), healthy choice, high in sodium. This morning I was down 3.6 lbs from last week, so tomorrow it might only be 1-2 and whatever. I know I'm on the right track.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Weighing to understand your body fluctuations is fine. But you only need to do that once or twice and never again. Once you know, that's it. You know.

    Weighing every day whilst trying to lose fat can be very demotivational when people don't fully understand how the body works, therefore I'd advise against a scale all together.

    The number really doesn't matter.

    The number on the scale isn't imprinted on your forehead and nobody asks you every single day "Hey, what do you weigh?" or "Awww, man! I'd Love to weigh that amount"

    More often they'll think "I'd love to look how he/she does"

    People see you, not your number.

    You don't get it. That's okay. You don't have to.

    I get up in the morning, brush my teeth, and step on the scale. Don't think about it the rest of the day except if I'm at a new low (then I'm happy for 3 minutes).

    If I was trying to lose weight and told myself I could only weigh myself once a week or month or whatever, I'd think about it. It's like not thinking about a red Volkswagen.

    We're all different.

    I keep reading about people who get obsessed when they weigh all the time about little fluctuations. They shouldn't weigh themselves. What do I care what they do in their bathrooms if they are successful?
  • geerunz
    geerunz Posts: 163 Member
    I weigh daily too! I record it every day and on Saturday I average it and that is either my gain/loss for the week. I too like to see the daily fluctuations...helps keep me on track. And no, I don't stress over it. whatever it is first thing in the morning is whatever it is. Personally I would be more stressed if I only weighted once a week or every couple weeks.