Success stories eating 1200 net calories



  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    I lost 15 lbs eating 1200 a day.

    Binged for almost two weeks straight and gained most of it back. This time, I upped my intake to 1500 and ate back half of my exercise calories and saw an 18-19lb loss. I stalled for what felt like forever, so I took good advice and figured out my TDEE and subtracted 20% of that. Now I do not eat exercise calories back because they're figured in.

    I just did this recently, but I went on a trip and didn't log exercise or the food I ate, but I'm sure I missed every macro by a mile and was way over on my daily calories and gained +/- 2lbs.

    As of yesterday, I'm down .5lb since my trip last weekend working with my new formula. Hopefully this helps you because it's my experience, but I really do think it's the way to go. There are some great threads on this site for you to reference.

    Good luck, OP
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    This thread is misleading to say the least........

    Everyone burns calories just sitting around, sleeping, breathing.... basically at rest.
    This is known as your BMR (basal metabolic rate). This number is different for everyone and is determined by many factors including genes, lifestyle, body mass etc.

    If you know your BMR then you know what calories you can consume per day, without exercise and still break even. Any calories taken in above this number is contributing to weight gain.

    My rule of thumb is to consume my BMR calories (mine is 1700Kcals) from THE RIGHT TYPE OF FOOD,OFTEN and IN THE CORRECT PROPORTIONS.
    (You can eat below your calorie intake, and still not maintain weight loss if eating the wrong foods).

    If you eat too few calories, ie to far below your BMR, you will put your body into starvaion mode, your BMR will reduce, you will be lethargic and tired, irratible and hungry. This is not the ideal situation for staying on a clean, healthy diet and will break your will.

    A specific calorie intake that will work for one person, may not work for someone else. Try and aim for your BMR and see how you feel on training days, if you are too tired, eat a small amount more!

    As previously said, 1lb of fat = 3500Kcals, but starving yourself is not the answer.
    No! You should NOT be eating your BMR!!
    Eat tdee-10-20%!!!!!
    BMR is just the number you need to stay alive if you were in a coma!
    It does not include the calories you burn doing everyday activities!
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Apart from calories, should I be thinking about percentage of fat tht I'm taking? Fr example if I need to take in 1200 calories and I'm using a lot of oil cooked things, butter and cheese and coke.. Should I lessen those or is it all about the calorie intake? My focus is losing my belly rest o the body is lean

    You're 30 years old and male, with only 22 pounds left to lose? Why are you only eating 1200 calories? Read the links that srslybritt posted above.
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member