The Fasting Diet ???



  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Has anyone tried this Fasting Diet??? I just bought the book on amazon...just wondering peoples thoughts

    CUScka, it would be really helpful if you could let us know exactly which diet it is you're talking about please. The name of the author or a link to it on Amazon perhaps?

  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member

    Would you like to actually look up "The Fasting Diet" which is what the OP had mention. If the OP is not actually talking of that diet and comes back to correct themselves than I will mention information about the other diets they could of meant. I know what the fasting diets are... I know what they include. Regardless of which method the OP is talking about they are ultimatelyhnothing special. They work for some, not for others. Simple as that.

    I have Googled 'The Fasting Diet' and all results (on the first page) refer to 'The Fast Diet' which is 5:2 fasting.

    If the op comes back and states that it's some pill popping liquid cleanse shyte then I'll stand corrected. Regardless I don't want to argue with someone who has a cute guinea pig as their profile pic :-)
  • thisisme13
    thisisme13 Posts: 150

    Would you like to actually look up "The Fasting Diet" which is what the OP had mention. If the OP is not actually talking of that diet and comes back to correct themselves than I will mention information about the other diets they could of meant. I know what the fasting diets are... I know what they include. Regardless of which method the OP is talking about they are ultimatelyhnothing special. They work for some, not for others. Simple as that.

    I have Googled 'The Fasting Diet' and all results (on the first page) refer to 'The Fast Diet' which is 5:2 fasting.

    If the op comes back and states that it's some pill popping liquid cleanse shyte then I'll stand corrected. Regardless I don't want to argue with someone who has a cute guinea pig as their profile pic :-)

    The Fasting Diet came up for me and on Amazon... either way it really doesn't matter.

    Guinea pig? Really?
  • pghfan
    pghfan Posts: 119
    I also assumed that the OP was talking about 5:2. I have been doing that (fifth week). Haven't weighed in this week but lost 10 pounds the first four weeks. Not at all hard to do, at least it isn't for me, especially once I had done a couple fasting days. I'm pretty sure that I would not have this much loss in four weeks. Not that it's all that much but an average of 2.5 pounds a week for four weeks is fine with me. I'd actually be happy with less than that and stay on it.
  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    Fasting is Bull **** and it is *****y.
  • TeresaB1979
    TeresaB1979 Posts: 158 Member
    To be clear I am talking about the 5:2 fasting diet. Never heard of a diet that involves not eating for a week! I could never do anything like that nor would I want to. :wink:

    What makes you want to do this diet?? It won't result in more weight loss than any other way of eating. It is good for some but not for others. Ultimately, don't do a diet you won't continue with forever.

    I think you might have been confusing me with the OP? Either way I have replied to you just now. :wink:

    I originally did have you two confused.

    Ultimately everyone needs to choose what works best for them. I don't believe in following a specific diet... I choose to eat healthy, choose less processed foods and move more.

    Funnily enough I hate to follow a 'diet' too. That's why I like this. It just feels like a different approach to eating with a lot more freedom than a 'watch every calorie, every day' diet. Yeah, people need to choose what works best for them but if the OP is asking about The fast diet (which I assumed they were- I could be wrong) then I can tell them it certainly is something special for me and many others so could be for them! :smile: Anyway, time for me to hit the hay here. Goodnight.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    The Fasting Diet came up for me and on Amazon... either way it really doesn't matter.

    Guinea pig? Really?

    Possibly you're on dot com rather than

    If the op is talking about 'the fast diet' then it's not a cleanse, or a detox and you eat real food. If he/she is talking about something else entirely then I guess we'll find out.

    And on the motivation and support theme - it's odd that it doesn't seem to apply to people doing IF because every time there's a bloody thread about it the same statements are trotted out about it being unhealthy, people starving themselves, how stupid it is and why don't they just 'eat properly'. Nobody says it's the 'best' way to lose weight - it's just 'a' way that suits some people and it's neither unhealthy nor starving yourself.
  • thisisme13
    thisisme13 Posts: 150
    The Fasting Diet came up for me and on Amazon... either way it really doesn't matter.

    Guinea pig? Really?

    Possibly you're on dot com rather than

    If the op is talking about 'the fast diet' then it's not a cleanse, or a detox and you eat real food. If he/she is talking about something else entirely then I guess we'll find out.

    And on the motivation and support theme - it's odd that it doesn't seem to apply to people doing IF because every time there's a bloody thread about it the same statements are trotted out about it being unhealthy, people starving themselves, how stupid it is and why don't they just 'eat properly'. Nobody says it's the 'best' way to lose weight - it's just 'a' way that suits some people and it's neither unhealthy nor starving yourself. ... I know what the Fast Diet is.

    I never knocked the actual IF diets. I simply said they weren't for everyone and aren't anything special. Do what works best for you. With my friends I am supportive of whatever diet they decide to do provided they are not actually starving themselves. Don't try to tell me your diet is better than mine and we're good is my attitude towards it. I may not personally agree but everyone does what is best for them.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Lol, no ones sees the oxymoron here? How the hell do you diet while fasting?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    This was honestly my first thought upon reading the title. Fast and diet seem mutually exclusive. Of course you're going to lose weight fasting. Fasting is not eating. Not eating creates a massive calorie deficit.

    First rule of weight loss, eat less, move more. You can't get much less than none. Not sure how terribly healthy it's going to be long term though.
  • CUScka
    CUScka Posts: 14 Member
    I was speaking in regards to the 5:2 fasting diet
  • adrienne_ut1
    adrienne_ut1 Posts: 14 Member
    I have been doing this for three weeks now and have loved it so far. I ran across the BBC documentary Eat, Fast, Live Longer (highly recommend, you can find it online). I don't look at it as a diet but a way of life...i've been losing weight because I have weight to lose obviously but the other health benefits are the real prize in my mind. I started with the 5:2 version but this week started doing 20 hour fasts daily. I don't feel weak and in fact feel incredibly energized throughout the whole day, including my workouts which I do at the end of my fast before eating, plus sleeping much better at night. Between the research I've done and my own personal experience with it, I truly believe this is how our bodies were meant to function. Good luck!
  • matthewcorb
    I never really thought about fasting. I think it's just very difficult, maybe too much of a challenge. Probably do it once every half a year just to cleanse your body but doing it consistently is really tiring.

    Why not try something more reliable like Aztec or Paleolithic diet? They are much better options in my opinion.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Fasting is really an unhelpful name when it refers to the "5:2" approach, as it allows SOME food to be eaten on the 2 low days per week. So it's not strictly fasting in the sense of "no food". But the (albeit very limited) research showed that the same health benefits that arise from true fasting are still present at this very reduced calorie level. These are health benefits aside from weight loss.
  • freckletone
    I heard about this last year, been meaning to 'try' it. Not so much for myself, but for my mum. (though if it does work then it's totally, totally for myself and my mum's just copying me XD)

    I get the science of this and I can also see why people might deem it unhealthy. But 5 days eating normally and 2 days eating 500 calories is actually pretty doable
    and it'll teach you to keep a handle of what you eat

    To listen to your body and only eat when you are hungry and stop as soon as your full to avoid going over calorie in take.

    that said, i'm not diet expert, it's just my opinion :D
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Why wouldn't you just use the books title?
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    The fast diet is the best thing to happen to me and a lot of other people on this board.

    Try it and see the results for yourself!
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    I love every aspect of it. The weight loss is my favourite part but it has also given me an energy boost, a change of attitude towards food and generally made me feel good. For five days a week I enjoy eating foods I love and even have a few treats (curry, pizza, drinks) completely guilt free and on the two days I fast I drink plenty of water and feel more energetic than ever. I intend to fast for one day every week once I hit goal weight to maintain and also because I enjoy the benefits of fasting and would much rather be a careful calorie counter for one day per week and relax and eat the foods I love most of the time (obviously not over indulging all the time though which I don't feel like doing since starting this) than spend every single day calorie counting. I no longer feel like I am 'on a diet'. I've just changed how I eat and it's so much easier than I thought it would be. Look up the documentary 'Eat, fast and live longer' on dailymotion for more information (and inspiration. ). You will get people on here who have no knowledge about intermittent fasting telling you how awful it is and talking about 'starvation more' but you are better off doing your research and talking to people who do it before deciding if it's something you want to do. :smile:

    This is what I have just now started to do as of last week. I love it. i would venture to guess this is a lifestyle change for me forever. So much easier, my energy is increased and I am FINALLY losing weight.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    yep, i do it all the time, there is a good group on here, there are lots of us that do it here!
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    I have been doing this for three weeks now and have loved it so far. I ran across the BBC documentary Eat, Fast, Live Longer (highly recommend, you can find it online). I don't look at it as a diet but a way of life...i've been losing weight because I have weight to lose obviously but the other health benefits are the real prize in my mind. I started with the 5:2 version but this week started doing 20 hour fasts daily. I don't feel weak and in fact feel incredibly energized throughout the whole day, including my workouts which I do at the end of my fast before eating, plus sleeping much better at night. Between the research I've done and my own personal experience with it, I truly believe this is how our bodies were meant to function. Good luck!

    I second this. I am floored at how amazing I feel. Love, love, love. Lost 4 lbs in 8 days. Prior I lost 4 lbs in 8 weeks. FINALLY LOSING OMG! And feel better now energy-wise than I did then. Did I say, "love"!
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    Why wouldn't you just use the books title?

    Agree! What is the book title?