No where to turn--any help would be appreciated



  • lcyama
    lcyama Posts: 209 Member
    you are here, asking for help. that is the first step to making the changes you want in your life.

    i just wanted to tell you how sorry i am for your loss. i lost my father to lung cancer, three weeks after he was diagnosed, and the shock of it knocked me down for a while. take care of yourself. don't add to your grief by punishing yourself right now.

    add me if you want -- i log in every day.
  • Julesbait
    Julesbait Posts: 190 Member
    What you need more than anything right now is to grieve. Once you've started to heal emotionally, the rest can be dealt with.

    I'm so sorry for your loss.
    FUELERDUDE Posts: 150 Member
    Stop beating yourself've been through a lot. Take tiny, itty, bitty steps towards your goals. Make small changes you can live with, and don't do silly things like starve yourself. try to walk a tiny little bit further each day, clean up your diet tiny bit by bit. Making long lasting changes will probably take years, and it's easy to get discouraged, but remember how you felt seeing your family members grieving. GOOD LUCK!

    This sums up most of what I feel could help, as well don't beat yourself up. I can be terrible about this myself and I have found people on MFP who help to realize the good in me and help me to keep fighting. This is a terrible part of your life, and you do need to greive and cope with your loss. Starting a life change can be difficult, but doable in small steps. Posting what you have tells me you do want this, but need some help and support and you are in the right place for that.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    I lost my Mom on the 29th of Jan of this year. Sorry to hear about yours, it's tough.

    I had the same reasons as you stated right now on Jan 6th of 2012. My Mom had a terminal disease and had it for five years. Four years into it I was nearing rock bottom and she wasn't even gone yet. I was sick of everything and have since lost nearly 70 pounds. Just stay strong, realize it's a change and get excited about your progress. Good luck!
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    I am so sorry for your loss? I lost my mother to lung cancer 1.5 years ago and a day doesn't go by that I don't think about her. When you lose that compass in you life, you feel alone, abandoned and don't know where to turn.
    That being said.....take some time to grieve. Try going for a short walk each day, it will help you clear your head, give yourself some alone time to think, and you will get some exercise too. These are things that I did, and told the family it was my time and they understood. Anyone would.
    Don't beat yourself will get thru this. If you need me, I am here.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member

    You are going through something so hard, and i know your pain.

    Take one day at a time... log your food... try to move a little.

    just dont give up.
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    Debbie - don't beat yourself up! You've been thru a lot and are under a lot of stress. Take baby steps, do one thing at a time if that's all you can do. Plan a healthy menu so you aren't snacking on junk. Plan some "me time" exercise. And that's what it is - your exercise is your time to take care of yourself. Find several exercises you like & will stick with. If its not something you like you won't do it. If you can only find time or energy to walk a half a block then do just that & increase the distance when you can. Don't overdo it & hurt yourself but push yourself enough so you get some benefit. Trust me sometimes the hardest thing is to do is to just get started. I know if I take a break from working out it takes "a lot" of motivation to get back into it. I've read that it takes 30 days to get into a routine - maybe so.

    I don't know what your diet is like but for me I found it easier to gradually clean out my diet - I focused on a few things at a time. This week I focused on cutting back my soda intake & increasing my water intake, the next week I focused on cutting out chips or measuring all my food. You would be overwhelmed if you tried to do everything at once. Good luck!! We are here for you so come back whenever you want to talk
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss. I agree with a PP about taking it one day at a time. You need time to grieve. Don't beat yourself up for not jumping into a new health regiment. Maybe just start by doing something very small each day. It might just be coming here for some motivation. It might be giving up a snack or incorporating something new into your diet. It might be a 5 minute walk. Do what you can each day, but remember that each day is a chance to start new.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Honey - You lost your mom less than 2 weeks ago. Give yourself a little break. Try to take the time you need to feel what you're feeling. Try to set a goal for each week. Maybe something like "this week I'm going to throw in an extra veggie each day." Or "I'm going to get to bed a half hour earlier than usual." or something like that. start with small, attainable goals.

    you don't have to tackle everything at once, but ya need a start. it all seems overwhelming right now, and that is totally understandable. just don't put too much pressure on yourself right now.

    you can do this.

    ^This. Focus on little changes, if any at all right this second. You need to give yourself time to heal emotionally. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  • magmama23
    magmama23 Posts: 21
    I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my mom in December of 1998 and still would give anything to hear her voice or hug her. My mom passed away at the age of 53 after a battle with breast cancer. Watching my mom battle cancer helped me realize that I have to become healthier for myself and for my family. Try baby steps...dedicate at least 30 minutes to walking each day and if you have to do it in 3 10 minute bursts thats ok. Once you master that challenge, increase your time.

    I don't know if you are a spiriual lady or not but another thing that has helped me after I didn't have my mom to turn to anymore is the serenity prayer. Best of luck to you and feel free to friend me.
  • marqcutie80
    marqcutie80 Posts: 68 Member
    Debbie -

    I am so sorry for your loss. Please make sure to take the time to grieve and take care of yourself emotionally as well as physically. That being said, the journey to getting healthy starts with a single step. Maybe keeping a written journal for yourself will be helpful as well as tracking on here. For example you can make a section for writing in the goals you set for yourself. Start small and make them attainable. Also, make a place for mealtimes (when you know you should eat) and try to eat something, even a snack then, and track it. Lastly, write down your feelings for the day. This can be about your mom, day at work, energy level, etc.

    It's a tool that many people use and might help you get started. It's also a great tool to be able to look back and see how far you've come. The healthier you get, the more energy you'll have too. Everything will come in time. Please take care. :flowerforyou:
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    I'm terribly sorry for your loss.

    It's good that you turned it into the motivation to do something good. Something that may lengthen your life and the time you can enjoy with others you love and that they'll have you. I saw a quote earlier today that may apply...
    Be nice to yourself.
    It's hard to be happy when someone is mean to you all the time.

    Now for some advice... first be kinder to yourself. You've already done the most important and hardest things. You decided to change and you asked for help. It may be especially hard to change your food habits right now if you use food for comfort. Start with some things you can do.

    First begin tracking what you eat. Don't worry about changing it yet. (Although the simple act of tracking may make you think twice about what you eat. And it will make you more aware of the good and bad parts of what you eat now. Even fast food places have some good options.)

    Can you exercise at all? Even just marching in place during a commercial or a short walk around the mall? Could you aim at 5 minutes a day? It doesn't even have to be all at once.

    Part of the reason you are tired is your weight, so as it gets better, you'll probably be less tired and may have less trouble with sleep apnea. But another reason to be tired is grief. Grief is often extremely tiring. Not sleeping well is tiring. (If you can afford it, check with a doctor about the sleep apnea. It can be dangerous, and my friends who have been able to do something about it say they sleep much better now.) So this will get better. Some exercise during the day may also help you sleep better. It's really hard to move when you're already exhausted, but unless you have a medical reason not to... try for just those few minutes of gentle exercise.

    You can do it. Another popular quote around here is that "A year from now, you'll wish you started today." But even better may be that "A year from now, you'll be glad you started today."

    Be gentle with yourself. Many of the successful people here started with easy steps, and then another easy step... and after a bit they were running. You wouldn't expect one of your children to learn how to run instantly, would you? They crawl, stand, then toddle with help first... but they usually get there.

    For more early steps, see

    Good luck!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I'm so sorry. Please try to just focus on your health, for now/ Everything else will fall into place if you make that a priority.
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    I am so sorry for your loss!

    I lost a dear family member in September and then suddenly a second one in October.

    In my opinion you are suffering from depression - understandable - and are still grieving. It has only been a few weeks.

    What i know now that i wish i knew then was to set a time limit for ceasing my workouts and just grieving.

    One week turns into 2, etc. it has been 5 months now and it is harder now to get back on my plan because i took so much time off. I felt guilty worrying about my weight when someone had died. It seemed selfish.

    Now i know that taking care of yourself is NOT selfish - that 's how we will be able to stay healthy for our families.

    Get counseling if possible and try to get something like a walk in daily. Add minutes to the walk.

    Just keep moving as you take all the time you need to heal.

  • Alexc2013
    Alexc2013 Posts: 7 Member
    I am so sorry for your loss. I can't even begin to imagine the pain in your heart. Please know that you have alot of people here at MFP that will support you every steip of the way. The important thing to remember is that you don't fail until you stop trying. Do it for yourself and for your family. Make your health your priority. Also, try weaning yourself off of the power drinks, they could be making you even more shaky. Try stocking up on protein bars and Ensure. Ensure is full of so many vitamins. Before you know it your body will bounce back and your desire to workout might also pop up. But please take the time to mourn, don't beat yourself up. Honor your Mom by being the best you that you can be. I know you can do this.... Take care of yourself :flowerforyou:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Hi Debbie. So sorry for your loss and the painful time you're going through right now. Losing a parent is devastating, and grief is so exhausting and so hard to push through. I commend you for wanting to live a healthier life. It's a great way to honor your mother, and I'm sure she would be proud of you. Start small if you have to...short walks and logging your food, and take it from there. It'll get easier eventually. Good luck.
  • First of all, I am sorry for the loss of your mom. I had lost my father suddenly a few years back and I know the pain, grief and emptiness it brings. You must understand this lifestyle change of improving your physical life is a journey. It takes time. Unlike popular media claims, there is no quick fix. I agree with many of the other members ... set small goals for yourself in the beginning. A walk to the end of the block, a healthier meal substitution, choosing water over sodas or coffee or 5-hour energy.

    When you achieve those small goals, you will feel a sense of empowerment over your life. You already have it in you, but circumstances prevent you from seeing it or feeling it. Once those goals are met, expand them as you see fit. Walk farther, eat healthier. In time your energy level will increase and you won't need the 5-hour energy to keep you going. I also have sleep apnea. I never got a good night's sleep no matter how long I stayed in bed. When I lost a good portion of my weight, that changed.

    You must believe in you. You will take U-turns on this journey, hit a few potholes and possibly simply break down. Don't criticize or beat yourself up over this. It is all part of the journey. Just keep going forward, no matter how small the steps are. You are beautifully and wonderfully made. Know this, believe this and take it one step at a time. I am here if you need to vent or talk.

  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I'm sorry about your mom. I can't even imagine your pain.

    Everyone here has the right idea. Grieving takes time, so let yourself grieve. Everything else will come easier over time. Just pick one little thing you can change now, focus on that for a bit, and then gradually ease into other changes.

    Best of luck to you :flowerforyou:
  • hjpate
    hjpate Posts: 11 Member
    First things first. You are grieving in your own way for your Mom and immersed in the grief of the other family and friends around you. Be kind to yourself and let the grief be. Tell yourself that this IS awful and if you have to, find someone who is personally or professionally able to support you while you grieve. Somehow saying it out loud - it's not fair, it's too soon, she was too young, she won't get to see all those future special occasions and ordinary life changes....all that stuff - gets validated and then you can feel not "closure", but the start of acceptance that this is how it is. Grief is a process and not a destination. There are lots of books, support groups, counselors, etc. available.

    Second - see your doctor (of whatever type you choose) and talk about being so tired, low in mood and maybe even low in vital hormones like thyroid, get serious about dealing with your sleep apnea. Someone who is apneic when awake and upright is at risk for very serious complications. Also check any other issues like blood pressure, blood sugar (i.e. diabetes). You may need meds for a bridge until you can get closer to normal.

    When you have a moment of peace - go with that old stand-by - ONE day at a time. Just ONE. Plan a menu, stick to it, record it and walk one flight of stairs or one block further. Just ONE. If on a given day ONE is too much, do a HALF - it's still more than zero movement towards your goal of health. If you get TWO days in a week, and then THREE, and maybe even TWO days in a row, celebrate that as you weren't able to do that last week. If there are days when even a HALF is too much, be kind to yourself, let the ZERO be and go for ONE the next day.

    The worst ZERO is no food and starving yourself until you shake. The energy drinks are sugar and caffeine. A sudden jolt (yes, I know that is a brand name) to your starving body is a terrible shock and only makes things worse. The 5 hour formula is a slow release version but has no more nutrition in it than the quick blasts. Eat real food. If it's hard to let go of the energy drinks, don't have them anywhere near by. If the only things in the house to eat and drink are good for you, it's hard to avoid the good food. Sounds silly when I write it out but it's still true.

    You are absolutely right - you and your body are out of balance. And right now, so are your emotions. Pretty heavy load and no wonder you feel exhausted. There is no easy way around this, or under it or over it. You have to go through it. I see no point in minimizing your loss or your grief or your exhaustion. They are all real. In a way that's good because that means there are real ways to deal with them and regain your real strength.
  • cookn_mama
    cookn_mama Posts: 228 Member
    I am so sorry for your loss!

    I lost a dear family member in September and then suddenly a second one in October.

    In my opinion you are suffering from depression - understandable - and are still grieving. It has only been a few weeks.

    What i know now that i wish i knew then was to set a time limit for ceasing my workouts and just grieving.

    One week turns into 2, etc. it has been 5 months now and it is harder now to get back on my plan because i took so much time off. I felt guilty worrying about my weight when someone had died. It seemed selfish.

    Now i know that taking care of yourself is NOT selfish - that 's how we will be able to stay healthy for our families.

    Get counseling if possible and try to get something like a walk in daily. Add minutes to the walk.

    Just keep moving as you take all the time you need to heal.

    Totally Agree!!!