How much WATER do you drink?



  • HealthyinAZ
    HealthyinAZ Posts: 408 Member
    I drink at the minimum of 12 glasses a day but frequently I even push to 16 and 17 glasses of water a day.
  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    I drink about two liters of water a day. I also work in a indoor pool where the temperature is 86 degrees and 57% humidity. And the pool is 91 degrees and I am in it for between 3 to 6 hours at a time. I am in this room 5 days a week. Although i get made fun of for having a baby bladder, I would rather drink all that water than feel sick all the time.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I count my tea as water since I don't add anything besides the tea bag/ball, on top of that I drink maybe 4 cups.
  • TimFranklin423
    TimFranklin423 Posts: 26 Member
    I have a 2.5 gallon(9.46 L) Deer Park water jug with the little sprout on it sitting on the edge of my office desk. I marked it with a sharpie and broke it into 9 equal sections, because I work 9 Hours per day. I just use it to fill up my water bottle through the day and make sure that bad boy is knocked out at the end of the day.

    Somedays when I'm sick of the bland water taste, i'll go to the gas station and buy a Grape Flavored Mio water enhancer thing...the one with Electrolytes, i think? and just squeeze the whole thing in there. I try not to do this too much, because I'm not exactly convinced that something sweet with 0 calories, is good for me. But it does help keep my sweet tooth under control and stops me from hitting the vending machine on the way back from the bathroom.
  • JennNH12
    JennNH12 Posts: 56
    I drink +/-100oz a day. I was just getting about 50-60 a day for a long time. But drinking as much as 100oz a day has helped me recover better from a good cardio work out, I sleep better and have less cravings all day long. So, it works for me :) I try to aim for 100+ and have gotten the timing down as well...because, yes, I am always sprinting for the ladies room. LOL
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    i have a 24oz water bottle at my desk and i fill it 3x/day.

    ^ this
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    I only drink when I'm thirsty. I don't hold much by the "You must drink XYX amounts of water per day" thing. I've drank keeping to the rule, I've drank without it, I've never known a difference other than the amount of trips to the toilet...
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Don't know, don't count
  • mcsweetly
    mcsweetly Posts: 133 Member
    I do my best to get 8 glasses a day and honestly I fill a jug with crushed ice and water sometimes I add some Mio for a splash of flavor and just work on it all day. I drink to big jugs (32oz) each, so when the first is done I just refill it and start again! I don't beat myself up if I don't drink it all and just begin again the next day!

    The green tea may be what is making you go to the bathroom so much. Tea does that to a lot of people because it has a diuretic in it.

    Good Luck!
  • jmyotter
    jmyotter Posts: 39 Member
    It depends on my activity level... My normal amount is 80 oz plus.... If I'm doing an activity that I know I'm going to sweat out a lot (such as biking or running) I weigh myself before and after....Then I drink the amount of water in weight I've lost (a method my Triathlete uncle taught me) whatever I drink while biking (which is as much as 80 oz itself. So on a sweaty day, I might drink easily over a gallon of water (160oz).

    When I first started doing this I did feel like I was going to the bathroom every couple minutes, but once your body is used to the amount of water it should have, you taper off. In fact, when I was drinking lots of coffee and pop, I felt I went to the bathroom more.
  • AbbieBell10
    I drink between 2 and 2.5 litres a day, as recommended :)

    Can anyone help on my post also please? Im fairly new to this and desperately need some help!

  • Besa27
    Besa27 Posts: 37 Member
    I drink 30 cups of water a day. I've started to drink water with lemon. I'm in the bathroom every half an hour.
  • tgdillon
    tgdillon Posts: 35
    I follow the "divide your weight by 2, and that's how many fl oz of water you should drink a day" thing!
    so I TRY to drink 83floz a day. it is HARD. I know this sounds strange, but I find cold water to be nauseating. I can only drink it at room temperature! but when it comes to milk or juice or any other drink, I prefer it to be ice cold. how about them apples? ha!

    oh, and when I first started drinking the proper amount of water a day, I was peeing every 5 minutes! it does subside though :)

    I am so with you on the cold water thing. I get my water and then let it sit so I can have it room temperature. I try to hit at least 8 glasses a day and I do go to the bathroom alot but I just think of it as a positive; more exercise:laugh:
  • thefitfriend
    thefitfriend Posts: 65 Member
    3-4 litres
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,637 Member
    About 10 a day. I just got a 32 oz water bottle so thats an easy 4.
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    I can't drink as much in winter, prefer to drink tea to keep warm lol. So winter 4-6 glasses, summer 6-10 glasses.

    I find it weird when I see people drinking 15+ glasses, why would you need so much. Too much of anything can end up being bad for you.

    work out a lot = sweat a lot = drink a lot to prevent dehydration.

    suffered from chronic dehydration while playing sports when I was younger. too many times being rushed to the hospital let me know that I need more water/more hydration than what the "average" is
  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member
    Pretty much always 10-14 and that's just water.

    I always have at least 8oz of coffee, maybe milk, etc.

    Once you "work your way up" or "get use to it"'re not in the bathroom all the time!!
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    Except for a 12 oz glass of milk with dinner and 2 cups of coffee per day , I drink only water. Usually between 15-21 cups a day. I've done this for about 27 years and don't spend all day in the bathroom. I find that if I keep the amount of water I drink at a constant level I feel better than if I miss a couple of cups.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I tend to drink between 6 and 15 cups depending on how much of what else I've drunk during the day, and this is not me forcing myself to drink water, I just carry a refillable bottle with me everywhere I go and drink as I need.

    I expect my number to go up as we head into summer.

    Do I spend a lot of time going to the bathroom? Yeah, probably. Does it matter to me that I do? Not at all.

    Something to consider when you're thinking about the water in take of other people is what they do all day, what they weigh and what climate they live in. All these factors will affect how much a person will/should drink.
  • noelie365
    noelie365 Posts: 13
    I used to drink 64-96 oz per day (8-12 8oz glasses). After talking to my doctor, I've started drinking no more than 64oz each day, although usually less. When you eat a mostly fiber vegan diet, too much water can cause problems too...