Weighing In



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Because of water retention I don't think there is any good reason to weigh in everyday e.g. after a big night out drinking see how the scales are 2lbs lighter than normal but you feel like ****? The weight will be back once you have rehydrated.

    Once a week for me and I use my accumeasure calipers at the same time. Take measurements every 4 weeks.
  • deckerp
    deckerp Posts: 4,365 Member
    Once a week for now... I'm susceptible to that "freak out if I haven't lost weight in 24 hours" thing. Once I hit my goal I'm planning to weigh-in daily so I can keep track of how the "maintainance" is going.
    Depending on how you will react to daily weigh ins, you should think about doing it daily while in "loss" mode. Even while losing weight the scale does funny things. People tell you about it but it's different when it's you looking at your own scales. So you might want to see what the daily weight is for a week or two just so you aren't shocked when you go into "maintenance" mode and check daily. You might freak. :noway:
  • KalB
    KalB Posts: 42
    Im with most of the people here with once a week sometimes 2 weeks. Everyday can get get you down and make you feel like you are making no headway, and you are more likey to just give up. Or at least that is me.
  • FuerImmerStark
    I usually weigh in everyday in the morning.