Story behind your username



  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    At my church they call me Brother Bill because of all the things I organize and do. The 913 is my area code.
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    When I created my first online account back in the late 90s, I had to come up with a name. I looked down to see my golden retriever, Dave, laying at my feet. I've always called dogs "woofers" and golden retrievers were "golden woofers," so when I saw him, I said, "How's my golden woof?" Then I thought to myself, "Goldenwoof. Hmmmm... It's really stupid, but it's all I got."

    I've been Goldenwoof everywhere online ever since.
  • chicco57
    chicco57 Posts: 298
    It was a nickname i used given to me by an ex and I used it whilst playing an online combat flight sim game! :laugh:
  • sofulnaturalee
    sofulnaturalee Posts: 391 Member
    I combined how I feel about my religion with how I want to feel thru my weight loss journey.
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    My nickname and my failure to watch my bad carb intake
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Ouch! I'm going to date myself. My first serious boyfriend had a CB radio and Quicksilver was my "handle." Changed the spelling on some other site, because someone else had the normal spelling. 296 is my badge number at work.
  • Reesecup312
    Reesecup312 Posts: 277 Member
    My first name is Teresa....33 years ago when I started dating my husband, his pet name for me was Reese...he called me his peanut butter cup. The 312 is my BD!!
  • doctorwhome
    I am a Whovian...person who is strangely obsessed with Doctor Who.
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    My nickname as a child was "Bink" because I was addicted to my pacifier (binky). Some family members still call me "Bink". When I had a baby, I started using "bink_n_baby" as my username on various forums (as in "bink and baby"). I took out the underscores, and now it's just stuck with me. I suppose it ought to be "binknbabies" since I have more than one now, but... oh well.
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    Short for Almost Heaven - coz I grew up there (Almost Heaven, West Virginia)
    It's been my online nickname for 25 or so years!
  • HardRockCamaro
    I got the name from the title of a magazine article about tuning the engine of the IROC Camaro (my dream car) back when it was new in the 80s and fuel injection was a mystery. Years later I finally got one over here in the UK and combined with the fact I like rock music it worked and was pretty much guaranteed to be unique...
  • Mrs_Wellington
    A character in the film Under The Cherry Moon.
  • ScottishMrs
    ScottishMrs Posts: 254 Member
    It's from when I was planning my Scottish themed wedding. It used to be ScottishMiss and now that I'm married it's ScottishMrs.
  • NakedLunchTime
    Naked Lunch is the name of a favorite eyeshadow of mine lol.

    I've used NAKED eye palletes but I've never heard of them doing a "lunch" colours range...!?

    No no lol..It is an eyeshadow by MAC and it is the name of the color.
  • NakedLunchTime
    Naked Lunch is the name of a favorite eyeshadow of mine lol.

    Shut up!:laugh:
    Who makes it?

    It is an eyeshadow by MAC!!
  • Cyclink
    Cyclink Posts: 517 Member
    Cycling - my big activity
    Ink - I have tons of tattoos
    Cycling + Ink = Cyclink.
  • BeautifullyHuman123
    BeautifullyHuman123 Posts: 37 Member
    Few years ago started the daunting progress of seeking my doctorate degree in communication at a R1 southern institution...ultimately I would like my Ph.D. in Martial Communication...aspire to counsel couples and mend marriage (well, for those actually wanting to try to stay married hehe). So far I'm half-way into the program and kinda-sorta want to take a different turn, maybe a degree in Family and Marriage Therapy Counseling. sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we'll see :sad: LOL!
  • TheViperMan
    TheViperMan Posts: 235 Member
    I uh, I really don't think I need to explain mine at all...

    Yes - it's mine. :)
  • simonhalee
    My favorite musical group is Simon and Garfunkel. After trying numerous combinations of the two names when I was in college, I went to a record, found the names of the producers of the album, and put them together. Paul SIMON and Ray HALEE. I like having a some what anonymous user name.
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    Mine is what my Grandfather used to call me!