SBF2 Reboot boogaloo...wk of April 26



  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Enjoy the Anusara yoga, V. It will help with the ennui. I'm going to a class today too. The tough teacher is doing a class before her teachers in training each weekend she's here, so they can see how the style is taught.

    I am going to Dallas Sunday for one night. We are going to a fancy hotel restaurant for dinner. I was deciding what to bring and decided on the same outfit. But hey, they are nice jeans! Oh, I wore the black gorilla shoes with my outfit, but I'll bring boots to Dallas.

    There are days I cry at commercials - maybe one of those days, MM?

    Today: double yoga and hopefully a bike ride to second yoga. I had 2 people in class yesterday - and two more people ask if any member could attend the class - so I hope to have 4-5 regular students soon. The gym is not big enough for more.

    Double yoga, boogaloo!
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, everyone!:flowerforyou: Sorry not to post all week. I have missed you guys! I did a quick read through to catch up. We did our cruise last weekend. We all had a really good time. The boys had a blast!:drinker: Had a busy week this week, but kept it fairly well balanced. Got work done, but also got my toes done, too.:laugh:

    I went to the doctor yesterday and got my bioidentical hormone pellets inserted in the "fatty part of the hip area". At least he had a good target area! :grumble: :laugh: My blood work showed that my testosterone levels were very low. Testosterone helps with energy, mental clarity, mood, and, um, sex drive:blushing: .So, we'll see how that goes. I will keep you posted.

    Need to get some exercise in. Going bowling tomorrow. Not exactly high impact, but I'm supposed to wait a couple of days for the incision to be able to heal up before I do much in the way of exercise.

    Have a great weekend, ladies!

    Hormone, boogaloo!

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Good to see you again, Bobbie. I need to do my toes - I don't polish, but I need to keep them looking nice for yoga classes.

    Had great yoga classes yesterday - two more today. One hard, one workshop called "Pain Free Joints". I also biked to yoga. We have a chance of rain, so I might skip the bike today - even though May is the commuter challenge. In the commuter challenge you try to bike/bus/walk as much as you can. I'm going to try to do 1 per day - lofty, I know. Today, I will either bike or walk to go vote.

    Commuter challenge, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    Short post today. I'll try to catch up on your posts later.

    I don't know why I am really sore from Shred, but I am! At least I know it's working. Today is some walking and that's all I know for now.
    I have to go get ready. I'll try to check back in later.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Zumba was not as challenging today. Bummer.

    Anyways, on the schedule for today is a few chores, including an hour of study time (I may have to go to the coffee house to do this. The quiet house is more distracting than the noisy outside world. Go figure. My other goal is to make it to the grocery store before it rains. I might not make this goal, as it's pretty heavy outside already.

    Heavy sinuses boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi Bobbie, nice to see you. Hope the hormones balance out and you feel better. I went ahead and painted my toes, too - mostly to cover up the weird looking ones (the ones I injured running are still bumpy and/or damaged-looking). Nothing fancy but at least they're covered.

    Today I'm leaving town - driving down to Southern NY/New Jersey for work. I'll probably be back on Friday. I am hoping to do pushups a few times and maybe swim in the hotel pool, but I don't have high hopes for getting a lot of exercise in (I'll be working 12-hour shifts). So, if I can keep myself from stuffing my face with junk while not paying attention, I'll consider it a victory. I'll try to check in at least once while I'm gone to see what you all are up to. I'm bummed that this trip delays my starting physical therapy - I am really interested to see what they can do to help my ankle and/or strengthen my foot.

    I made "Amish Friendship Bread" yesterday. If you haven't heard of it, it's basically like a chain letter in bread/cake starter form. :wink: Somebody gives you a bag of starter, and you mush it around every day, add some more flour/sugar/milk after a few days, then split it up and give it away to four other people. Oh, and mix the remainder with more stuff and bake it. It's basically cake, and mine turned out really well (I made an oat streusel topping for it) - but it's not exactly health food. I'm bringing a bunch on my trip to give away.

    Have a good week, all. :flowerforyou:

    Road trip, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    Safe travels, CP...they are certainly working you. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise to be forced to rest the ankle? Maybe?

    Today I'm meeting with my trainer for a lesson/session and then I'll walk home if it's not pouring rain. (it may be) I'm hoping that my trainer feels strong enough to box with me. I miss the Y, where there was a heavy bag. All gyms should have a punching bag and a rowing machine. Surprisingly, these are difficult to find.

    In other news, much anxiety about the degree. I'm vacillating between "there is not much left, and this is totally do-able" and "ZOMG! I will never be able to finish all of this, it will take too long, and then I'll get deported." and "what if I finish it and can't get a job." I was wide awake at 2 am going over those options (as well as numerous other permutations). Boo to it. It's paralyzing, and I really need it not to be. I did manage to buy the biggest Spanish/English dictionary I've ever seen to use on my translation exam. Now, I just need to start practicing, or better yet, just take the darn thing. I need to remember my mantra: "one foot, other foot, one foot, other foot" and just keep moving forward.

    What is really scary to me is the amount of anxiety I'd be drowning in if I didn't have working out as a coping skill. I read a study that xanax is the number one prescribed medication in the U.S., so at least everyone's freaking out.:tongue: I think doctors should be able to prescribe a gym membership, and insurance should cover it. But, that's just my "if I ran the world" solution.

    Worried mind boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Oooh, and pay for meditation, yoga, or stress reduction classes.

    Safe travels, CP. Went to a class yesterday on range of motion of joints. Even if you can't start PT, I would do the following for your ankle (do it for both of them so you can see what your normal range of motion is and keep them close to the same): flex and point the foot, ankle circles, and with the foot in neutral position (as if you were standing, but the feet are in front of you) bring the big toe side of the foot back, come back to neutral, then bring the little toe side back.

    The Dallas trip was moved, so I'm biking to yoga this morning. If the weather holds, I'll bike a few errands this afternoon - or walk.

    Warming up this week, boogaloo.
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Good morning, all. Had fun yesterday with friends. Played cards. Went bowling. Grilled out hamburgers. Beautiful day today. Think I'll do one of my pilates videos to get going again.

    Hope everyone has a great day!:flowerforyou:

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hi y'all!
    I hope your weekend has been great!
    I need to get off my butt. I took a nap. I have been so tired today. I don't know why.
    Yesterday we went to the American Airlines museum which was kind of neat, and then we went to the mall and walked a bit. Not enough exercise to make up for the food I ate but it was better than doing nothing. I was going to work out today but sleep won.
    Tomorrow is a busy day. I'm suppose to meet a friend at the park in the morning...I need to call her and see if we're still on. Then the exterminator is coming out as well as the guys that are suppose to unplug the dryer vent. The house needs a cleaning before then and somehow I need to fit in a work out. The weight is coming off so I must keep going. :smile:
    Now for some dinner and DH said something about Rita's ice cream. :tongue: Only one splurge day this week. I need to keep it to today only.
    See you all tomorrow!
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