I'm already at my limit for sugar?

So, for breakfast this morning, I had a pouch of brown sugar/maple oatmeal, a banana, and skim milk.. and that was 34g of sugar! MFP says I only have 1g left for the whole day (35g total).. Ugh. What am I supposed to do?


  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    Ignore the sugar recommendation. Depending on your calorie goal, you can go over by eating two pieces of fruit.

    Personally I wouldn't eat those instant oatmeal packets because I don't find them filling and can eat tastier things for the calories, but if you like it and it fits in your daily diet, I wouldn't worry.
  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    Ignore the sugar recommendation. Depending on your calorie goal, you can go over by eating two pieces of fruit.

    Personally I wouldn't eat those instant oatmeal packets because I don't find them filling and can eat tastier things for the calories, but if you like it and it fits in your daily diet, I wouldn't worry.

    I love this oatmeal, plus its a really easy thing to make. But I've been thinking about getting plain oats and adding things to make it sweet on my own. Would that be better?

    So, as long as most of my sugar is coming from healthy sources, (like fruit, not candy), I'm okay if I go over? Because I eat fruit all the time, but I never realized how much I was going over in sugar. I've been eating like double the amount some days ._.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Skip the packaged oatmeal and instead make your own from raw oats. I add blueberries and cinammon and it's delicious (no milk, no sugar).

    Most packaged/prepared foods contain a lot of refined sugar. Don't worry about sugar from whole foods like fruit, vegetables, milk, etc. Limit the refined (added) sugars.
  • mswanson180
    I am not an expert but do some research on sugar in general, even the natural kind in fruit. Sugar, amoung other things causes inflamation in your body. Processed food, especially low fat or non fat versions have a ton of suger to replace the fat. When possible eat whole or unprocessed food. I make steele cut oats at the begining of the week and portion them out for breakfast, I sweeten it with stevia and add a little milk before you warm it up - it is really good and really stays with you! (I am horrible speller so my apologies!!)
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Skip the packaged oatmeal and instead make your own from raw oats. I add blueberries and cinammon and it's delicious (no milk, no sugar).

    Most packaged/prepared foods contain a lot of refined sugar. Don't worry about sugar from whole foods like fruit, vegetables, milk, etc. Limit the refined (added) sugars.

  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    Skip the packaged oatmeal and instead make your own from raw oats. I add blueberries and cinammon and it's delicious (no milk, no sugar).

    Most packaged/prepared foods contain a lot of refined sugar. Don't worry about sugar from whole foods like fruit, vegetables, milk, etc. Limit the refined (added) sugars.

    Do you make yours with water then? I figured the prepackaged oatmeal probably wasn't the best for me, but it was at the store.

    Ugh, I couldn't even finish my oatmeal. Too full.
  • sammielealea
    sammielealea Posts: 245 Member
    Skip the packaged oatmeal and instead make your own from raw oats. I add blueberries and cinammon and it's delicious (no milk, no sugar).

    Most packaged/prepared foods contain a lot of refined sugar. Don't worry about sugar from whole foods like fruit, vegetables, milk, etc. Limit the refined (added) sugars.

    Do you make yours with water then? I figured the prepackaged oatmeal probably wasn't the best for me, but it was at the store.

    Ugh, I couldn't even finish my oatmeal. Too full.

    Google overnight oats . . . super easy, you can make all kinds of flavors, and I love them!!

    ETA: I agree with other posters, unless you have a health condition that requires you to track your sugar, I don't worry about sugars unless they are refined.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Skip the packaged oatmeal and instead make your own from raw oats. I add blueberries and cinammon and it's delicious (no milk, no sugar).

    Most packaged/prepared foods contain a lot of refined sugar. Don't worry about sugar from whole foods like fruit, vegetables, milk, etc. Limit the refined (added) sugars.

    Do you make yours with water then? I figured the prepackaged oatmeal probably wasn't the best for me, but it was at the store.

    Ugh, I couldn't even finish my oatmeal. Too full.
    Yes. Boil 1 cup water, add 1/2 cup of raw thick oats and boil gently for 4-5 minutes. Add fruit and cinammon during last 30 seconds, stir. Try to buy the rolled thick oats in the bulk section of the grocery store, much better consistency than the "quick" oats that take only 1 minute to cook.
  • bryionak
    bryionak Posts: 110 Member
    I am only on my third week, but am doing good staying under my calories but going over on my sugar and sodium every day it seems. I know I will need to make more changes, but taking baby steps for now. Exercising every day and staying under my calories is enough to take on. I will continue to remove the processed foods and more veggies for fruits as time goes on.
  • CEHayes73
    CEHayes73 Posts: 221 Member
    You can get 'instant' type oatmeal with nothing added, if you don't want to have to make it from scratch, but it doesn't take long to do plain oats in the microwave. I add a teaspoon of brown sugar to mine, because that amount (5g.) won't matter too much, and I really enjoy it with it. I figure when I add the sugar myself at least I know exactly how much I'm getting.
    That being said, even on days when I don't have any added sugar, I usually go over, or almost over from breakfast just from the fruit and milk I put on my cereal. I eat shredded wheat, so there is no sugar added to that. I'm type 2 diabetic, and have checked in on that with my dietician, and she doesn't think its a problem.
  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    Skip the packaged oatmeal and instead make your own from raw oats. I add blueberries and cinammon and it's delicious (no milk, no sugar).

    Most packaged/prepared foods contain a lot of refined sugar. Don't worry about sugar from whole foods like fruit, vegetables, milk, etc. Limit the refined (added) sugars.

    Do you make yours with water then? I figured the prepackaged oatmeal probably wasn't the best for me, but it was at the store.

    Ugh, I couldn't even finish my oatmeal. Too full.
    Yes. Boil 1 cup water, add 1/2 cup of raw thick oats and boil gently for 4-5 minutes. Add fruit and cinammon during last 30 seconds, stir. Try to buy the rolled thick oats in the bulk section of the grocery store, much better consistency than the "quick" oats that take only 1 minute to cook.

    Okay! I'll look for some when I go grocery shopping this weekend. It sounds pretty easy :)
  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    Skip the packaged oatmeal and instead make your own from raw oats. I add blueberries and cinammon and it's delicious (no milk, no sugar).

    Most packaged/prepared foods contain a lot of refined sugar. Don't worry about sugar from whole foods like fruit, vegetables, milk, etc. Limit the refined (added) sugars.

    Do you make yours with water then? I figured the prepackaged oatmeal probably wasn't the best for me, but it was at the store.

    Ugh, I couldn't even finish my oatmeal. Too full.

    Google overnight oats . . . super easy, you can make all kinds of flavors, and I love them!!

    ETA: I agree with other posters, unless you have a health condition that requires you to track your sugar, I don't worry about sugars unless they are refined.

    I've seen a bunch of pictures of those, but I never actually looked up what they were or anything. I'll make sure to do that :)
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    I also agree with making your own oats in the morning. I used to eat packaged oatmeal every day and didn't realize how much sugar I was consuming. Making your own oats in the microwave takes literally 1 minute more than packaged oats. Then I just add a TBSP of peanut butter and cinnamon or low sugar jam and have it with almond milk. YUM.

    Edit- I cook my oats in the microwave on high for 2.5 minutes then just stir in whatever I want afterward (or before, If I want the blueberries to melt and explode... which I usually do). I found I didn't want a ton of dishes to wash each day so instead of boiling the water first and then adding oats, I just microwave the two together in the morning. Easy peasy!
  • mike_ny
    mike_ny Posts: 351 Member
    My sugar consumption went up quite a bit when I started eating better because I started eating at least a couple pieces of fresh fruit every day. As in "every calorie isn't the same" neither is every sugar. Refined sugar is what we want to avoid. Sugar in fresh fruit along with fiber, antioxidants, and other great nutrients is not exactly equal. The calories still count, so don't overdo it, but if it's fresh fruit that accounts for most of your sugar, don't freak out.

    Brown sugar is just refined sugar with some molasses, so look at it as being the same as white sugar. You might find using real maple syrup as a substitute allows you to use less and get about the same sweetness if you crave sweets. Another trick is to wean your self down by using less sugar over time and getting used to that. Those prepared packets are full of added sugars an other things already and I don't find them to taste very natural. Quick oats really don't take that much longer to make and do cost a lot less per serving.
  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    I am only on my third week, but am doing good staying under my calories but going over on my sugar and sodium every day it seems. I know I will need to make more changes, but taking baby steps for now. Exercising every day and staying under my calories is enough to take on. I will continue to remove the processed foods and more veggies for fruits as time goes on.

    I know, right! I went over my sodium so badly this week :/ I never realized how much sodium was in a Chipotle salad. Definitely won't be eating there very often :(
  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    I also agree with making your own oats in the morning. I used to eat packaged oatmeal every day and didn't realize how much sugar I was consuming. Making your own oats in the microwave takes literally 1 minute more than packaged oats. Then I just add a TBSP of peanut butter and cinnamon or low sugar jam and have it with almond milk. YUM.

    That sounds amazing. Except with almond butter ;) I can't stand peanuts/peanut butter.
  • LyndaTay
    LyndaTay Posts: 48 Member
    I always go over my sugars and I almost double my proteins, no matter what I try. =( My coffee and protein shake put me over usually first thing in the morning.
  • Lilyyy7
    Lilyyy7 Posts: 41
    I do the same thing sometimes. I'm like, where the heck did all this sugar come from? I think you're fine as long as it's from fruits like you said. I used to eat oatmeal for breakfast, but you are better off doing something different. I don't think it's the best breakfast, and not filling at all! Lol. I purchased egg whites in a carton, and chopped up some bell peppers to keep in the fridge so i can throw together an omeletter really quickly in the morning. Try yogurt, I am not sure how much sugar it has, but it had protein. Which is always good. :)
  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    My sugar consumption went up quite a bit when I started eating better because I started eating at least a couple pieces of fresh fruit every day. As in "every calorie isn't the same" neither is every sugar. Refined sugar is what we want to avoid. Sugar in fresh fruit along with fiber, antioxidants, and other great nutrients is not exactly equal. The calories still count, so don't overdo it, but if it's fresh fruit that accounts for most of your sugar, do freak out.

    Brown sugar is just refined sugar with some molasses, so look at it as being the same as white sugar. You might find using real maple syrup as a substitute allows you to use less and get about the same sweetness if you crave sweets. Another trick is to wean your self down by using less sugar over time and getting used to that. Those prepared packets are full of added sugars an other things already and I don't find them to taste very natural. Quick oats really don't take that much longer to make and do cost a lot less per serving.

    Ooh, anything cost-effective is definitely a yes in my book. I'll have to look at the store and see what kind of natural sweeteners they have. I shop primarily at Trader Joe's, if you have any ideas. I know they have Stevia there, but last time I checked it was expensive ._.

    By the way, does anyone know where I can get some almond butter made with JUST almonds? So far, the closest I've found was Trader Joe's made with just almonds and sea salt. Ralph's didn't have any, Fresh&Easy didn't have any.
  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    I do the same thing sometimes. I'm like, where the heck did all this sugar come from? I think you're fine as long as it's from fruits like you said. I used to eat oatmeal for breakfast, but you are better off doing something different. I don't think it's the best breakfast, and not filling at all! Lol. I purchased egg whites in a carton, and chopped up some bell peppers to keep in the fridge so i can throw together an omeletter really quickly in the morning. Try yogurt, I am not sure how much sugar it has, but it had protein. Which is always good. :)

    Unfortunately, I pretty much hate yoghurt. It leaves a chalky feel in my mouth, and I just can't get over it. I've tried a bunch of different yoghurts but they all leave me wanting to brush my teeth immediately.

    Sometimes, I'll have some avocado toast with an egg, and that's pretty filling. All the avocados were green at the store last night though :'(