Weight Lifting for Beginners



  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I heard that ankle and wrist weights are bad for your joints.

    The physical therapist had me buy these and did give me a set of exercises for the legs. But, I don't have a set for the arms.

    Can you post a link that supports your claim? Thanks. :smile:

    I'm sorry. I didn't realize the weights were prescribed to you by a doctor. I'm sure whatever routine he gave you is perfectly safe. Odd that he didn't give you a routine for your arms, perhaps he forgot? I would call him.

    Although, I would love to provide a link to what I read but it was a long time ago (I don't even remember if it was on line or in a magazine) and it was actually referring to those who use wrist/ankle weights while walking, jogging, daily errands and other exercise routines that they are not intended for. Although I totally believe in heavy lifting to get in shape, I would advise you speak with your doctor first. It may not be appropriate for you if you have a medical issue.

    Agreed. It wasn't clear in your original post, but it sounds like you have a medical condition that prevents you from using dumbbells or heavy weights. Talk to your doctor about a routine (and if he doesn't know, ask for a recommendation for a physical therapist who can recommend an exercise routine).