Please look at my diary...



  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I found that the harder I exercised, the more I needed to eat. So I lost bodyfat, but not weight during a period where I was really putting in the hours for weight training, etc. Also, your body composition may be changing (are your clothes looser than before?).
  • fausto412
    fausto412 Posts: 100 Member
    Seriously, quit the fast food.

    Allow me to strongly disagree with this.

    Quitting fast food is not even remotely necessary.

    I agree, I still eat fast food but i found safe things to eat. I don't get the super duper size big mac meal with soda and fries...i just get the big mack by itself and drink some water for 550 calories or I just get 3 3 crunchy tacos fresco style for 420 calories. Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

    My tips for the OP is get a food scale, you can find a decent one at Target or Walmart. You need to be certain you are eating the correct portions. Log everyday, everything. Eat fruits in between breakfast, lunch and dinner. Try to think ahead for your next meal. Do some sort of physical activity everyday. I walk a couple of hours on weekends. Drink Lots of water. I drink 2 cups minimum before I even leave the house. easily 10+ cups every single day. I lost 40 lbs in 75 days and have lost 42.7 at 78 days, no signs of slowing down so i'm not going to change what's been working which is what I advice you to do.
  • s_wilson84
    s_wilson84 Posts: 74 Member
    I am hoping someone can give me some advice as to why I'm not seeing any weight loss.
    From June to November 2012 I lost a total of 50lbs. I began attending Farrell's Extreme Bodyshaping in Sept. 2012 and have worked out 5-6 days/week since then.

    Congrats on FXB. What do you think of the program? I instruct at one in Denver, Colorado.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    One, I think you're vastly overestimating your calorie burns. You're probably not burning 750 calories an hour doing kickboxing or 600 an hour circuit training.

    Those numbers don't seem too far off to me. About 10 calories per minute for intense exercise seems normal to me.

    If you are truly going balls to the wall steady state cardio the entire time, sure. I strongly suspect this not to be the case. I say this as someone who used to teach kickboxing (the real stuff, none of this aerobic kickboxing malarky).

    OP has been given some good advice here. It's now up to them if they take it. The way I look at it, there is something not right here, or she'd be meeting her goals. It's kind of pointless asking why something isn't working, then arguing against the suggestions. I do pretty much everything that's been suggested in this thread, and I've been consistently losing for 6 months. So given the choice between the OP's method, and the methods described by other posters, I know what I choose.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I remember one guy recently. His HRM told him he burned like 1200 calories walking 3 miles. There's just no way. HRMs can't account for VO2 max or a dozen other modifiers. They're just not very good at estimating calories.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    As part of my Farrell's classes we do not log for one day of the week (Sat. For me). As for Sundays, well that's just laziness because it is also our "rest" day from class.

    what is the reason this class suggests you do not log your food that day? and... how is a "rest" day from class a reason not to log your intake? for people who are finding a lot of success, taking a day off from logging can be a nice reprieve from the responsibility but, if you aren't tracking your food, at all, for 2 days, you can easily be over-eating well and beyond the calories you burned. I do understand your frustration, but if you aren't losing, then what you are doing isn't working and you need to do something else. And you can't figure out what to change if you don't have an accurate record of what you have been doing.
  • ashleylynn8888
    ashleylynn8888 Posts: 16 Member
    I am hoping someone can give me some advice as to why I'm not seeing any weight loss.
    From June to November 2012 I lost a total of 50lbs. I began attending Farrell's Extreme Bodyshaping in Sept. 2012 and have worked out 5-6 days/week since then.

    Congrats on FXB. What do you think of the program? I instruct at one in Denver, Colorado.

    I absolutely love it... even at 4:20am! Being in central Iowa we get the pleasure of working out with Lance on occasion. ;)
  • s_wilson84
    s_wilson84 Posts: 74 Member
    I am hoping someone can give me some advice as to why I'm not seeing any weight loss.
    From June to November 2012 I lost a total of 50lbs. I began attending Farrell's Extreme Bodyshaping in Sept. 2012 and have worked out 5-6 days/week since then.

    Congrats on FXB. What do you think of the program? I instruct at one in Denver, Colorado.

    I absolutely love it... even at 4:20am! Being in central Iowa we get the pleasure of working out with Lance on occasion. ;)

    Lance comes and visits us here in Denver on occasion. I have done a couple of his KB days and one RT day. Give him a shout out from Denver Colorado next time you see him.
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    I agree with most on here.. maybe you are not consuming to little.. Also, I had a peek at your diary and your sodium intake is a little high for me anyway. Maybe you are retaining a little fluid. Also, you may want to think about all of the fast food. I know we all fall into this pit, because it is easy. But maybe treat yourself to once a week or twice a month! These are all just my suggestions, at least try until you can figure out where you are falling short. I hope it all works out for you!
  • ashleylynn8888
    ashleylynn8888 Posts: 16 Member
    As part of my Farrell's classes we do not log for one day of the week (Sat. For me). As for Sundays, well that's just laziness because it is also our "rest" day from class.

    what is the reason this class suggests you do not log your food that day? and... how is a "rest" day from class a reason not to log your intake?

    They call it your "free day" Like I said, the reason for not logging on Sundays- Laziness. As I have since learned in this thread, I need to start logging on the weekends to see a change, and I will absolutely be working on that.
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    One, I think you're vastly overestimating your calorie burns. You're probably not burning 750 calories an hour doing kickboxing or 600 an hour circuit training.

    Those numbers don't seem too far off to me. About 10 calories per minute for intense exercise seems normal to me.

    This! I'm in no way toned - I'm still out of shape so I know my burns or bigger - but I easily average about 10 calories per minute through my HRM. I can easily work out for a hour and have a 1000 calorie burn if I work hard. I work out for 30 minutes and can get anywhere between 320 and mid 400s.
  • scress0514
    scress0514 Posts: 51 Member
    too much salt, no water logged
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    Also - I log on cheat days. I know it's nice to have that day where you don't worry about it but I've just gotten to the point where if I'm going to eat it then I have to see it! Sometimes it guilts me out of binging or just eating something that I shouldn't. As in a large this when really, I would be ok with a small this. Good luck though ^_^ We're all different and have to find what works for us. But you wont be able to do that with out accountability
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Ok - I could still see your diary and I've skimmed some of the replies. First, use your heart monitor or get a different system to see your actually calorie burn. I have a BodyMedia Link Armband. I do about an hour of karate twice a week. This site would say that my burn is about 800 calories for that time period. It's not - it's about 250 to 350 for each of those hours. Thank goodness for my armband data as I really truly know what my calorie burn is all day long.

    Second - cut your carbs by 100, up your fat by about 10 or so and up your protein by about the same amount. Ditch the fast food due to the sodium count and poor nutrition values. Meet the hubby for picnic dinners that you pack at least 3x per week. Log all the time and be brutally honest with your diary. Get rid of the processed foods - I know - very hard to do. Doing that now and its a big lifestyle for our whole family but we are all losing weight by not eating boxed, pre-packaged foods. Its a bit more work but its not much more than the time I was spending on dinner previously. And I work full time.

    Good Luck!
  • s_wilson84
    s_wilson84 Posts: 74 Member
    As part of my Farrell's classes we do not log for one day of the week (Sat. For me). As for Sundays, well that's just laziness because it is also our "rest" day from class.

    what is the reason this class suggests you do not log your food that day? and... how is a "rest" day from class a reason not to log your intake? for people who are finding a lot of success, taking a day off from logging can be a nice reprieve from the responsibility but, if you aren't tracking your food, at all, for 2 days, you can easily be over-eating well and beyond the calories you burned. I do understand your frustration, but if you aren't losing, then what you are doing isn't working and you need to do something else. And you can't figure out what to change if you don't have an accurate record of what you have been doing.

    If you really want the program to work for you then you MUST concentrate on nutrition. Limit your free days to a single free meal. Sunday's are a rest day but that doesn't mean rest on the couch and eat doritos all day. Sunday is actually the most important day because you're not working out. Feed your muscles good clean fuel so that they can rebuild and drink lots of water. You wouldn't put diesel in a jet engine and expect it to perform the same way as when it has jet fuel. Treat your body the same way. FXB isn't a 10 and done type of program. It is a way or life and a way of learning to properly feed your body. You can provide your body with tons of calories yet fail to feed it the proper nutrients. Concentrate on the nutrients and the calories will fall into place. YOU CANNOT OUT EXERCISE A BAD DIET.
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    Eat 'real food'. If it's something your great grandparents didn't have regular access to it when they were young, don't eat it.
    Put good things in your body, so it can do good things for you. and it can function at it's highest level.

    Monitor your sodium. Your intake is off the chart. imho, myfitness pal's 2,500 recommendation is too high as it is, so when you go over the 2,500 it's not good for you. Water retention, high blood pressure, your body won't function well.

    Start tracking your fiber intake, girl !! Fiber helps push things along in your digestive track. and cholestrol bonds to the fiber, and is flushed out of your body.
    Also, fiber is Especially good to consume along side with processed carbs. good for your blood sugar levels, which does affect your calorie burning capabilities.

    If your body is getting NUTRITIONAL food/fuel, in correct quantites, and you're staying active (good for heart/digestion/blood pressure/etc, your weight will swing towards the standard of health. And you will feel better physically and mentally.
  • amynicole0410
    The fast food thing.. sure, you can lose weight watching calories in foods alone - as in, without eating like a rabbit - but odds are you'll lose it faster by getting your nutrients from more natural sources. If nothing else, you won't be full of salt, grease and chemicals all the time. I'm more energetic and I FEEL better when I'm not eating junk foods. I think, if nothing else, it's just a healthier mindset when you treat fast foods and dessert foods as occasional indulgences. It looked like (from the few pages I scrolled through) you're eating them fairly often.

    Good to know on the heart rate monitors! I've been passively looking into them lately.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member

    Hey Jonnythan! I think you need to bust out your favorite before and after picture.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Not all foods are created equal.

    Quality fats with less sugars in your diet will probably help.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    Hey Jonnythan! I think you need to bust out your favorite before and after picture.

    Which? The one I got two warnings for? :laugh:

    Here's a more G-rated verison of it:


    This is what happens to your body when you eat tons of Taco Bell, pizza, McDonald's, etc...... if you lift and control your calorie and protein intake every day. And don't wildly overestimate your calorie burns.