Please look at my diary...



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Seriously, quit the fast food.

    Allow me to strongly disagree with this.

    Quitting fast food is not even remotely necessary.


    I still have fast food, occasionally...just not 4-5 times a week like I used to. I eat pizza, ice cream, cookies, Costco muffins...but it's all about moderation and compensating for it with the rest of your diet.

    You might want to take a look at my diary. I've had fast food, ice cream, donuts, or pizza pretty much every single day. On Tuesday I had McDonald's, Subway, and ice cream. Today I've got a donut, pizza, and Taco Bell.
  • Alohathin
    Alohathin Posts: 360 Member
    Seriously, quit the fast food.

    Allow me to strongly disagree with this.

    Quitting fast food is not even remotely necessary.


    I still have fast food, occasionally...just not 4-5 times a week like I used to. I eat pizza, ice cream, cookies, Costco muffins...but it's all about moderation and compensating for it with the rest of your diet.

    You might want to take a look at my diary. I've had fast food, ice cream, donuts, or pizza pretty much every single day. On Tuesday I had McDonald's, Subway, and ice cream. Today I've got a donut, pizza, and Taco Bell.

    I'm all for it, if you can fit it into your daily calorie allowance. For me, I tend to binge if I do it too often. But I have it often enough to keep me satisfied...cause I love me some Wendy's Baconators. ;)

    Plus, I've had high blood pressure issues, so I try to keep the processed foods to a minimum, to keep my salt consumption down.
  • ashleylynn8888
    ashleylynn8888 Posts: 16 Member
    Why is your diary closed now?

    Clearly she wasn't looking for as much truth as she was getting.

    As Jules said in Pulp Fiction, "If my answers frighten you then you should cease to ask scary questions."

    Woah, no need to get nasty here. I would not have opened my diary OR posted the question knowing full well what was in it if I was afraid of hearing the truth. I only closed my diary for a little bit while I figured out how to stop all of the notifications of replies I was getting on my phone.

    I really appreciate all of the helpful and encouraging replies. Thank you.
  • SlimSumday
    SlimSumday Posts: 379 Member
    my eating isn't as great as it used to be when I was losing weight but I have since upped my exercise to compensate. (We eat out a lot, as my hubby is a cop and he only gets 30mins to meet us somewhere for dinner.)

    Knowing the calories you've burned is pretty irrelevant to weight loss when you have no clue how many you're consuming.
    True. And you can't 'exercise away' calories. From what I understand, exercising will just tone, not take away.
  • castro8823
    wow you guys are good, I dont think i lost any weight yet. im on week 4.
  • AJCoombs
    AJCoombs Posts: 16
    I would definitely suggest not eating out every night. I like the idea of meeting your husband with a home cooked meal. Way less calories and better for you. Do you not log your water or do you really not drink any. That could be huge for you. I know it is for me. Also I would watch my sodium levels if I were you. That alone can make you retain a lot of water. There are healthy options though if you do need to eat out. Just plan ahead. :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    1) You need to start logging your weekends. It would be one thing if you were REALLY good Mon-Fri and then didn't worry about your weekends much but, as you know, your eating is less than perfect so right now it's vital that you keep a more consistent record in order to be able to look back at the full history of your intake. You have some over days and under days which probably just about even out but without the weekends in there, you could be going way over on average. Hard to tell without that record there.

    2) I'm a firm believer in eating what you like...but in moderation. Before you go back to McD's or Popeye's or whever else it is that you usually eat (I didn't look at the details too much, just the totals), go to their websites for the nutritional information and pick a few things that still sound good but are lower in calories, fat, etc. Try to stick with leaner grilled meats and instead of fries, have some fruit or a salad.

    I get wanting to go somewhere to meet up with Hubby for meals but how about packing sandwiches instead and just eating in the car or finding a nice picnic spot, especially now that it's spring and getting nice out. The thing with restaurant/fast food is that it super high in sodium even if you pick healthier choices. Water retention alone will make that number on the scale go up. Make sure you're drinking TONS of water.

    It's good that you're still being consistent with exercise but you really can't out exercise a bad diet. I tried this a few years ago...stopped tracking and just "tried" to be good with my eating and kept exercising regularly but about 5 pounds crept on in a few months time and that's when I decided I needed to get serious again (this is when I joined MFP).

    Good luck to you!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    3 days of kickboxing and 3 days of strength training with resistance bands each week for 45mins each.

    unless there is a lot of additional activity in addition to this, then I have to agree that the burns you are logging are not just slightly above accurate but extremely so. many days you log burns of over 1000 calories, and that is just not happening in a 45 minute class.

    It's true that in order to really *kitten* what you are doing right or wrong you must log every single thing every day (ok taking a day off for a birthday, or thanksgiving is no big deal to me). Even weekends, 2 days is 28% of the week.
    Many people will tell you that you can lose weight even if you eat fast food every day, and I think that is true IF you have the room in your caloric budget to do so, which I don't think you do. You will be more satisfied, and even be able to enjoy more food with the same calories if you change that fast food for lean protein, veggies, and some complex carbs.
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    Hey, I know it's going to sound counterproductive or whatever but I've personally noticed that I have lost inches from eating full fat regular food. Like instead of Light N Fit, do a full fat Greek Yogurt. It worked for me, will it work for you? I dunno. Experiment and change it up.

    Can you do some freezer meals or throw stuff in the crockpot? My smart-pot is worth every cent. Eating better/ losing weight for me has been about pre-planning. It totally blows spending 4-5 hours in the kitchen on my day off but it's a commitment. Also I've found since I've quit eating fast food (except for rare occasions) I no longer crave it.

    Also I didn't realize how important protein was for a long time. Make sure you're getting enough.

    Feel free to add me, my diary is open and I log every single day, even when it's awful.

    Good luck to you! :happy:
  • ashleylynn8888
    ashleylynn8888 Posts: 16 Member
    Seriously, quit the fast food.

    Allow me to strongly disagree with this.

    Quitting fast food is not even remotely necessary.


    I still have fast food, occasionally...just not 4-5 times a week like I used to. I eat pizza, ice cream, cookies, Costco muffins...but it's all about moderation and compensating for it with the rest of your diet.

    You might want to take a look at my diary. I've had fast food, ice cream, donuts, or pizza pretty much every single day. On Tuesday I had McDonald's, Subway, and ice cream. Today I've got a donut, pizza, and Taco Bell.

    That was one of my biggest questions. If you have the calories left to use for the day (I still have 1180 for the day, and have eaten a very healthy 600) is fast food so bad? I thought you were supposed to eat back a portion of the exercise calories.

    *Side notes- I have been logging for longer than 3 weeks. As I stated in my OP I just took a break from mid Nov-feb. I also used another application for logging at times before that.
    As part of my Farrell's classes we do not log for one day of the week (Sat. For me). As for Sundays, well that's just laziness because it is also our "rest" day from class.
  • ashleylynn8888
    ashleylynn8888 Posts: 16 Member
    3 days of kickboxing and 3 days of strength training with resistance bands each week for 45mins each.

    unless there is a lot of additional activity in addition to this, then I have to agree that the burns you are logging are not just slightly above accurate but extremely so. many days you log burns of over 1000 calories, and that is just not happening in a 45 minute class.

    The 1000 calorie days are days that I do back-to-back kickboxing classes... so it's really 90+ minutes, not 45.
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    Seriously, quit the fast food.

    Allow me to strongly disagree with this.

    Quitting fast food is not even remotely necessary.


    I still have fast food, occasionally...just not 4-5 times a week like I used to. I eat pizza, ice cream, cookies, Costco muffins...but it's all about moderation and compensating for it with the rest of your diet.

    You might want to take a look at my diary. I've had fast food, ice cream, donuts, or pizza pretty much every single day. On Tuesday I had McDonald's, Subway, and ice cream. Today I've got a donut, pizza, and Taco Bell.

    The irish creme donut sounds yummy! If the profile pic is you, you don't look like you have a major weight problem. FOr someone like me with 70+ pounds to lose, fast food is a problem. It's like crack to me. Best to quit cold turkey!! LOL

    Everyone has to do what is best for them. i was just suggesting that avoiding fast food would be best. PErhaps the suggestion should be to quit it for a month and see if there is a difference on the scale. It's all about choices! I am better off not going to McyD's than trying to go and order a salad. Quarter Pounder always comes out of my mouth despite my best intentions!! LOL
  • TAsunder
    TAsunder Posts: 423 Member
    One, I think you're vastly overestimating your calorie burns. You're probably not burning 750 calories an hour doing kickboxing or 600 an hour circuit training.

    Those numbers don't seem too far off to me. About 10 calories per minute for intense exercise seems normal to me.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    3 days of kickboxing and 3 days of strength training with resistance bands each week for 45mins each.

    unless there is a lot of additional activity in addition to this, then I have to agree that the burns you are logging are not just slightly above accurate but extremely so. many days you log burns of over 1000 calories, and that is just not happening in a 45 minute class.

    The 1000 calorie days are days that I do back-to-back kickboxing classes... so it's really 90+ minutes, not 45.

    Yes, but I think you're overestimating by 30+%. You need to be honest about your burns. And you can easily blow your entire weeks deficit on the weekends. You need to log or you are just wasting your time.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Seriously, quit the fast food.

    Allow me to strongly disagree with this.

    Quitting fast food is not even remotely necessary.


    I still have fast food, occasionally...just not 4-5 times a week like I used to. I eat pizza, ice cream, cookies, Costco muffins...but it's all about moderation and compensating for it with the rest of your diet.

    You might want to take a look at my diary. I've had fast food, ice cream, donuts, or pizza pretty much every single day. On Tuesday I had McDonald's, Subway, and ice cream. Today I've got a donut, pizza, and Taco Bell.

    The irish creme donut sounds yummy! If the profile pic is you, you don't look like you have a major weight problem. FOr someone like me with 70+ pounds to lose, fast food is a problem. It's like crack to me. Best to quit cold turkey!! LOL

    Everyone has to do what is best for them. i was just suggesting that avoiding fast food would be best. PErhaps the suggestion should be to quit it for a month and see if there is a difference on the scale. It's all about choices! I am better off not going to McyD's than trying to go and order a salad. Quarter Pounder always comes out of my mouth despite my best intentions!! LOL

    I used to be 210 lbs. I'm now 157.
  • ashleylynn8888
    ashleylynn8888 Posts: 16 Member
    3 days of kickboxing and 3 days of strength training with resistance bands each week for 45mins each.

    unless there is a lot of additional activity in addition to this, then I have to agree that the burns you are logging are not just slightly above accurate but extremely so. many days you log burns of over 1000 calories, and that is just not happening in a 45 minute class.

    Yes, but I think you're overestimating by 30+%. You need to be honest about your burns. And you can easily blow your entire deficit on the weekends. You need to log or you are just wasting your time.
    The 1000 calorie days are days that I do back-to-back kickboxing classes... so it's really 90+ minutes, not 45.

    Are heart rate monitors really off by 30+%? Is there a better way to measure my actual calorie expenditure?
  • overhaul12
    You said you had a polar tech HRM, correct? So I'm going to go ahead and assumed that your calorie burns are fairly accurate. I have taken kickboxing classes and have torched 600-650kcal in an hour so 1000 for 90+ minutes seems high, but not unreasonable. As far as your diary goes, I agree with most of the comments above. Definitely start logging on Sundays, even if you just write down what you eat and enter it the next day, at least you're accountable for it ( I know you said you don't log on Saturdays, nbd there). As for the fast food, I get that you eat healthy and have a lot of calories left over, but try to limit fast food during the week. Yeah, if you have calories available it's tempting, but it's also the TYPE of calories that have to do with weight loss. Try increasing your fiber intake to help you feel fuller and maybe one day a week try to go low sugar/low fat. I know for me personally, I try to do mini challenges throughout the week to keep myself motivated. The most important thing is just that you keep going with it :) GL to you!!
  • lisabundy5
    I went back to the beginning of March. -- What are you consuming on the weekends???? If you are adding alcohol to your 'normal' diet than you aren't doing anything for yourself. - Looking at your M-F, I would guess a combo of everything. It appears you eat out once a day which can be done healthy but not on your diary. Also, most every entry you are way over on sodium. Sodium makes you retain water besides other bad things.... When you are exercising it burns carbs first, then fats. Yes, you can have carbs but make them good.

    Just gotta change a few things. And of course, WATER!!!! Most alcohols are filled with tons of cals. Good Luck.
  • overhaul12
    I don't think HRM are off by 30+ percent. In fact, some of them have been testing to be +/- 5%. I have the polartech as well and have never had problems with it!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    3 days of kickboxing and 3 days of strength training with resistance bands each week for 45mins each.

    unless there is a lot of additional activity in addition to this, then I have to agree that the burns you are logging are not just slightly above accurate but extremely so. many days you log burns of over 1000 calories, and that is just not happening in a 45 minute class.

    Yes, but I think you're overestimating by 30+%. You need to be honest about your burns. And you can easily blow your entire deficit on the weekends. You need to log or you are just wasting your time.
    The 1000 calorie days are days that I do back-to-back kickboxing classes... so it's really 90+ minutes, not 45.

    Are heart rate monitors really off by 30+%? Is there a better way to measure my actual calorie expenditure?

    Yes. They really are. The more untrained you are the worse they are. I see people posting ridiculous burns as measured by their HRMs all the time.