im a mess and im scared



  • jenny3073
    jenny3073 Posts: 117 Member
    Ok, I have been in your position so many times! I would have this deadline for an event and I would think about how much weight I could lose before my deadline, and it NEVER worked! The reason -- I was going to try and lose weight for other people. If you are not truly in the right state of mind to do this, it won't happen. You need to forget about the deadline, and absolutely do not try any drastic weight loss tactics, because in the end you will GAIN more weight.

    My advice: Focus on yourself not the calendar. Take one day at a time and understand that you will have setbacks along the way. Also understand that living healthy and getting exercise will do wonders for your state of mind. As difficult as it is, try not to think about what family and friends say and think. You are the one that lives with you all of the time and ultimately you determine your happiness not them. Don't give up that power!
