6 week Challenge



  • joneswife09
    joneswife09 Posts: 208 Member
    For weigh-ins today please just add to the list. Would everyone like to see where you rank or just see the weight loss?
    Woohoo! Yes! I'm so glad to weigh-in today!
    caymarks S.W._________176 Week#1_____________173.4 G.W. ______________164
    stephlewis S.W.________208 Week#1_____________ 206.2 G.W. ______________ 196
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    For weigh-ins today please just add to the list. Would everyone like to see where you rank or just see the weight loss?
    Woohoo! Yes! I'm so glad to weigh-in today!
    caymarks S.W._________176 Week#1_____________173.4 G.W. ______________164
    stephlewis S.W.________208 Week#1_____________ 206.2 G.W. ______________ 196
    kdsmith S.W.________163 Week#1_____________159.0 G.W.______________151

    Great work caymarks and stephlewis!!!
    I am not so sure that I will have as big of a weight loss this next week as I was eating huge amounts before starting the six week challenge but I am hoping for 2 pounds, I have already been to the gym today! Off to change my ticker now!
  • joneswife09
    joneswife09 Posts: 208 Member
    Great Job Girls! It's really looking good so far. Keep up the good work.
    kdsmith - way to start out with a workout! You can hit the 2 lbs just keep working hard.
  • ChavezCurse
    ChavezCurse Posts: 29
    caymarks S.W._________176 Week#1_____________173.4 G.W. ______________164
    stephlewis S.W.________208 Week#1_____________ 206.2 G.W. ______________ 196
    kdsmith S.W.________163 Week#1_____________159.0 G.W.______________151
    Marisol S.W.________275 Week#1_____________269.8 G.W.______________263
  • joneswife09
    joneswife09 Posts: 208 Member
    Very Nice Job Marisol!!! Way to go on the 5lb loss!
  • MyKidzMom
    MyKidzMom Posts: 97
    caymarks S.W._________176 Week#1_____________173.4 G.W. ______________164
    stephlewis S.W.________208 Week#1_____________ 206.2 G.W. ______________ 196
    kdsmith S.W.________163 Week#1_____________159.0 G.W.______________151
    Marisol S.W.________275 Week#1_____________269.8 G.W.______________263
    MyKidzMom SW___________214.5 WEEK#1___________212.2 GW___________202

  • stephlewis
    stephlewis Posts: 59
    WOW! Everyone is doing great! WOOT WOOT we all rock!!!

    How did you find your first week to be? Are you happy with the results? What do you have 'planned' for this next week?
  • kkeegan11
    kkeegan11 Posts: 29 Member
    aymarks S.W._________176 Week#1_____________173.4 G.W. ______________164
    stephlewis S.W.________208 Week#1_____________ 206.2 G.W. ______________ 196
    kdsmith S.W.________163 Week#1_____________159.0 G.W.______________151
    Marisol S.W.________275 Week#1_____________269.8 G.W.______________263
    MyKidzMom SW___________214.5 WEEK#1___________212.2 GW___________202
    kkeegan11 SW 218 ___________Week #1________215____ GW_____________206

    Down 3 pounds! i think it was all of the extra workouts :) I stuck with most of my goals and am ready for week 2!
  • sunita75
    sunita75 Posts: 10
    aymarks S.W._________176 Week#1_____________173.4 G.W. ______________164
    stephlewis S.W.________208 Week#1_____________ 206.2 G.W. ______________ 196
    kdsmith S.W.________163 Week#1_____________159.0 G.W.______________151
    Marisol S.W.________275 Week#1_____________269.8 G.W.______________263
    MyKidzMom SW___________214.5 WEEK#1___________212.2 GW___________202
    kkeegan11 SW 218 ___________Week #1________215____ GW_____________206
    sunita75 SW 148.5__________Week #1________147_____GW_____________130

    Only down 1.5lbs, not too bad considering limited exercise this week, aside from walking the buggy,

    Everyone's doing really well. Has anyone got any tips on how to increase weight loss in week 2. ?,
  • joneswife09
    joneswife09 Posts: 208 Member
    Okay Ladies! Let's set some new goals for the week! Look for ways to do something a little extra during the day to help boost weight loss. Throughout the week try to share one or two of those "little extras" with the group.
  • ChavezCurse
    ChavezCurse Posts: 29
    Thanks! Goals for this week are to work out at the gym in the mornings before work. Just like I get up and go to work regardless of how the weather is or how sleepy I am, I don't hit snooze and decide to skip it. I will try to remember this when my alarm goes off at 5 am and it's time to head to the gym. I want to make this a part of my daily routine.

    Another goal: Continue to walk to grocery store (1mi each way) after work for fresh groceries at least 2-4x week. I only did this twice last week.
  • stephlewis
    stephlewis Posts: 59
    This week I want to use my DDR, I've had it & used it, had fun & got a good workout. But it's been sitting in the box for months now, time to break it out again! I also want to go to the gym at least 3 times this week.
  • kkeegan11
    kkeegan11 Posts: 29 Member
    This week I want to actually force myself to get up and go to the gym to workout before class 3 times instead of just saying I will. I also want to challenge myself to drink 6 glasses of water a day (on days that I don't workout too). Maybe by next week, I can drink 8 glasses/day without feeling like I am floating away....
  • joneswife09
    joneswife09 Posts: 208 Member
    Great Goals Ladies!! My goal is to work out 10 more minutes each day. I know it's not much, but I couldn't use the extra calories. I'm looking forward to seeing all of our weight loss numbers next week! Keep it up!
  • stephlewis
    stephlewis Posts: 59
    hey Cay every little bit helps =)
  • AMBERE26
    AMBERE26 Posts: 18 Member
    sorry i have been busy
  • stephlewis
    stephlewis Posts: 59
    So far this week has gone by fast & not at all how I planned. I haven't done my DDR, haven't been to the gym. I'm still sick which is really frusturating, I'm never sick for this long.

    Today however I did 100 Jumping jacks & 100 squats all together =) I think I'll break out my DDR tonight, hubby likes to do it with me or at least try, we laugh at our own clumsiness.

    This week I don't expect to have lost anything. I'm hoping to still remain at 206, and not have gained!

    How is everyone else's week going so far?
  • joneswife09
    joneswife09 Posts: 208 Member
    I'm still seeing the weight loss this week! I'm loving it. I am a little worried that I'm going to hit a plateau and freak out! I guess I'll deal with that when the time comes. I'm so into all of this. It's great motivation. One thing I have noticed is that my focus has really been on losing weight and getting healthy...While I am really happy about this I have to step back and make sure that I'm living my life. I can't just have my complete focus on my next weigh in, or my next workout, or my next healthy meal. I have to live my life too. Just a reminder to anyone else that gets super serious about this weight loss!

    Hope you are all having a great week so far. Keep up the great work. If you have been struggling this week -- start over and keep going! WE Can DO This!
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    Sorry I wasn't around all week, struggling with my family taking turns being sick...my turn was on Saturday! Anyways, I lost some weight! 156.1 this morning.

    SW_____163 CW__________156.1 GW___________151

    I hope everyone is doing well, I'll catch up later!
  • joneswife09
    joneswife09 Posts: 208 Member
    kdsmith SW_____163 CW__________156.1 GW___________151
    caymarks SW_____173.4 CW__________173 GW __________164