Health eating when i dont like Veg!



  • eylia
    eylia Posts: 200 Member
    I don't think anybody is actually born liking veggies! Your parents were supposed to teach you to be able to tolerate them and I guess they failed. Now stop being such a little wuss, suck it up, and eat them.

    After eating them for awhile, you'll eventually start being able to tolerate them, and then after that you'll start realizing they aren't that bad, and eventually they'll start tasting pretty good. No, veggies will never taste as good as ice-cream, potatoe chips, french fries, pizza, etc.

    I don't agree with that at all, other than it is often down to a parent's manner with food that influences the child. I was raised in a way that meant I didn't think of vegetables as anything other than food; good food, I didn't know I could not like something just because of what it was. I eat everything, I don't like bananas and I can't manage to like eggs much; that's it. I didn't know what fast food food was until I hit school years, and my opinion on veg hasn't changed because I now know what junk tastes like. It's just what people are used to, and what their taste has adapted too. (That I agree with.)

    To say you don't like vegetables is such a generalisation. Not liking leafy things is fine, but there is a huge variety of non leafy too. Try and get imaginative with things, don't just eat them plain, try cooking things different ways and see if you like them-baked tastes different to boiled. Herbs and spices can make a world of difference. Sauces; most veg can be masked by a sauce, or stew-incorperate some into a slow cooked meal with your meat cubed up with it, it'll all take on the flavour of the mix and lose it's texture too. Vitamins and minerals are important, a pill won't cover what a balanced diet can. Try and make it work. There must be some way you don't mind at least a FEW different vegetables.
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    I hate vegetables except cucumbers. What I have done is bought frozen vegetables and put them
    in a smoothie in the morning.. I add peppers, Spinach and green beans to a whole bunch of frozen fruit
    blend with v8 fusion.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    In my whole time of losing weight/maintaining, I can't ever remember eating veggies... and I'm being serious.

    The only ones I really like are potatoes, corn, carrots, lettuce and onions, and those I only eat every few weeks or so.

    So no, you don't have to eat veggies to be healthy.. there are other ways to get nutrients/vitamins, that don't involve veggies.

    please explain how that is.

    where do you get vitamin K from?
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    It doesn't matter what you 'like', it matters what you 'do'.

    With a near infinate number of veggie available to you, there should be a few that you can live with.

    Don't eat them solo. Add a little balsmic, add a little paprika, etc..

    I also add veggies to everything... spinach on sandwiches, in my omlettes, avocados on everything, etc...

    As they say, "When your DESIRE becomes greater than the OBSTACLES, then, and only then, does change occur."

    Good luck!
  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    So no, you don't have to eat veggies to be healthy.. there are other ways to get nutrients/vitamins, that don't involve veggies.

    Sorry but I just don't agree with this statement.

    You cannot rely on multivitamin supplements in place of REAL food. It is not the same, that are not absorbed nearly as easily and efficiently as REAL food. I would love to know what real food you get all your vitamins from if you don't eat any vegetables.

    I honestly do not believe you can be healthy without adequate vegetables and I think most nutritionists that know what they are talking about will agree.
  • Robin2932
    Wow, i'm seeing alot of "suck it up" "deal with it" "your parents failed" really? That's so encouraging, lol. I don't like 99% of vegetables either, I can eat broccoli, green beans, brussel sprouts, and MAYBE green peas IF I have to. But I lost 60 lbs between January and May of last year, not because I incorporated veggies in my diet but because i literally worked my butt off in the gym. I do agree you need some nutrients from veggies but come on. Calling her mental? I hate salads, ALL salads, and you know why, lettuce makes me gag, Yeah I can force myself to eat them but why? I don't have to eat veggies and salads every day to lose weight and neither does she. Give her suggestions, don't criticize.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    In my whole time of losing weight/maintaining, I can't ever remember eating veggies... and I'm being serious.

    The only ones I really like are potatoes, corn, carrots, lettuce and onions, and those I only eat every few weeks or so.

    So no, you don't have to eat veggies to be healthy.. there are other ways to get nutrients/vitamins, that don't involve veggies.

    please explain how that is.

    where do you get vitamin K from?

    Multi Vitamins, fruit... I ate a lot of fruit while losing and even maintaining, I tend to eat a ton.

    I may have exaggerated with the every few weeks or so, it's more like once a week.. but still, it's not everyday like some people.

    And as far as I can tell, I'm totally healthy... so until that changes, I don't see a need to change what I'm doing.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    In my whole time of losing weight/maintaining, I can't ever remember eating veggies... and I'm being serious.

    The only ones I really like are potatoes, corn, carrots, lettuce and onions, and those I only eat every few weeks or so.

    So no, you don't have to eat veggies to be healthy.. there are other ways to get nutrients/vitamins, that don't involve veggies.

    please explain how that is.

    where do you get vitamin K from?

    Multi Vitamins, fruit... I ate a lot of fruit while losing and even maintaining, I tend to eat a ton.

    I may have exaggerated with the every few weeks or so, it's more like once a week.. but still, it's not everyday like some people.

    And as far as I can tell, I'm totally healthy... so until that changes, I don't see a need to change what I'm doing.

    and how can you "tell"?

    also, scroll down to where it says "Food Sources" and list for me the fruits you see there.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    It's actually a defense mechanism for toddlers to hate vegetables; in "the olden days," if food was scarce and children were willing to live on grass clippings and twigs, that would be what they got. Being picky about veggies as a newly-weaned tiny child means you scream until you get something with protein or at least lots of carb calories.

    But we're not toddlers forever. And willingness to eat something comes primarily down to exposure and practice. I love Jeffrey Steingarten's take on how he overcame his food aversions when they made him a food critic at Vogue Magazine in the 80s. He made a list of the foods he hated most and swore that for six months, every day he'd eat at least one of them. He wound up loving some of them and tolerating most of the rest:
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    try chewing on some shoe polish and and an old oil soaked garage rag.

    After that, veggies will taste great.

  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    force yourself to eat them. i started adding small amounts of foods i "didn't like" to my salads and sandwiches, and eventually you will come to like them or that the very least tolerate them. i used to never touch peppers at all but i started putting just a little bit of red and green on my salads and sandwiches, and now i put quite a few on my salads and eat them with hummus as well. just eat it.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I don't know how it happened but I LOVE veggies. I can't really think of one I don't like. Just try a variety and see what you like.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Wow, i'm seeing alot of "suck it up" "deal with it" "your parents failed" really? That's so encouraging, lol. I don't like 99% of vegetables either, I can eat broccoli, green beans, brussel sprouts, and MAYBE green peas IF I have to. But I lost 60 lbs between January and May of last year, not because I incorporated veggies in my diet but because i literally worked my butt off in the gym. I do agree you need some nutrients from veggies but come on. Calling her mental? I hate salads, ALL salads, and you know why, lettuce makes me gag, Yeah I can force myself to eat them but why? I don't have to eat veggies and salads every day to lose weight and neither does she. Give her suggestions, don't criticize.

    Veggies aren't about weight loss. Not everything is about weight loss. You just simply CAN NOT get proper nutrition unless vegetables are part of your diet. Why sugar coat it? It's the truth. The majority of our vitamins and minerals come from vegetable sources.
  • Rottnme
    Rottnme Posts: 167 Member
    Am I the only one that read that title wrong and had to come back to it? ...must ...slower ...sometimes.
  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    In my whole time of losing weight/maintaining, I can't ever remember eating veggies... and I'm being serious.

    The only ones I really like are potatoes, corn, carrots, lettuce and onions, and those I only eat every few weeks or so.

    So no, you don't have to eat veggies to be healthy.. there are other ways to get nutrients/vitamins, that don't involve veggies.

    please explain how that is.

    where do you get vitamin K from?

    Multi Vitamins, fruit... I ate a lot of fruit while losing and even maintaining, I tend to eat a ton.

    I may have exaggerated with the every few weeks or so, it's more like once a week.. but still, it's not everyday like some people.

    And as far as I can tell, I'm totally healthy... so until that changes, I don't see a need to change what I'm doing.

    and how can you "tell"?

    also, scroll down to where it says "Food Sources" and list for me the fruits you see there.

    Interesting. It's great when someone who clearly knows nutrition comes along and totally blows someones understanding of nutrition out of the water.

    I've said it once and i'll say it again. You CANNOT be healthy without vegetables.
  • Amy11108
    Amy11108 Posts: 74
    I hated veggies too to the point where I would gag eating celery and need to plug my nose and same with baby carrots, green peppers, etc. I kept eating them... it got better! I trained myself to accept them wether it was physical or psychological doesn't matter. Now I eat them. Try in small amounts and stay consistent. I don't love them, but they are enjoyable.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Am I the only one that read that title wrong and had to come back to it? ...must ...slower ...sometimes.

  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    In my whole time of losing weight/maintaining, I can't ever remember eating veggies... and I'm being serious.

    The only ones I really like are potatoes, corn, carrots, lettuce and onions, and those I only eat every few weeks or so.

    So no, you don't have to eat veggies to be healthy.. there are other ways to get nutrients/vitamins, that don't involve veggies.

    please explain how that is.

    where do you get vitamin K from?

    Multi Vitamins, fruit... I ate a lot of fruit while losing and even maintaining, I tend to eat a ton.

    I may have exaggerated with the every few weeks or so, it's more like once a week.. but still, it's not everyday like some people.

    And as far as I can tell, I'm totally healthy... so until that changes, I don't see a need to change what I'm doing.

    and how can you "tell"?

    also, scroll down to where it says "Food Sources" and list for me the fruits you see there.

    OoO Wikipedia... Aren't you scientific?

    Try this site.

    And there are more if you google "fruits that contain vitamin k"
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    In my whole time of losing weight/maintaining, I can't ever remember eating veggies... and I'm being serious.

    The only ones I really like are potatoes, corn, carrots, lettuce and onions, and those I only eat every few weeks or so.

    So no, you don't have to eat veggies to be healthy.. there are other ways to get nutrients/vitamins, that don't involve veggies.

    please explain how that is.

    where do you get vitamin K from?

    Multi Vitamins, fruit... I ate a lot of fruit while losing and even maintaining, I tend to eat a ton.

    I may have exaggerated with the every few weeks or so, it's more like once a week.. but still, it's not everyday like some people.

    And as far as I can tell, I'm totally healthy... so until that changes, I don't see a need to change what I'm doing.

    and how can you "tell"?

    also, scroll down to where it says "Food Sources" and list for me the fruits you see there.

    Interesting. It's great when someone who clearly knows nutrition comes along and totally blows someones understanding of nutrition out of the water.

    I've said it once and i'll say it again. You CANNOT be healthy without vegetables.

    He's an actor and a beach body coach, who's source is wikipedia.. which everyone who has ever done real research, knows is not reliable.

    Clearly he knows a ton about nutrition sweetie and should be trusted.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Wow, i'm seeing alot of "suck it up" "deal with it" "your parents failed" really? That's so encouraging, lol. I don't like 99% of vegetables either, I can eat broccoli, green beans, brussel sprouts, and MAYBE green peas IF I have to. But I lost 60 lbs between January and May of last year, not because I incorporated veggies in my diet but because i literally worked my butt off in the gym. I do agree you need some nutrients from veggies but come on. Calling her mental? I hate salads, ALL salads, and you know why, lettuce makes me gag, Yeah I can force myself to eat them but why? I don't have to eat veggies and salads every day to lose weight and neither does she. Give her suggestions, don't criticize.

    Veggies aren't about weight loss. Not everything is about weight loss. You just simply CAN NOT get proper nutrition unless vegetables are part of your diet. Why sugar coat it? It's the truth. The majority of our vitamins and minerals come from vegetable sources.
