Early Risers? ROLL CALL!!



  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    Love it! Good to see the worm catchers! (is that REALLY motivating?)

    I get up at 5:30 everyday except Sunday when I get up at 6:30 to walk my dog.

    Monday: Chest/Back
    Tuesday: Legs
    Wednesday: HIIT cardio
    Thursday: Shoulders and arms
    Friday: Pretend I am a boxer - 1 hour on the heavy bag/speed bag/jump rope
    Saturday: Rotate through Yoga/Plyo/Core (P90X videos) with Ab Ripper for fun!

  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    I get up anywhere between 4 and 430. If its during the week, I have my coffee, poop, then head to the gym.

    If its the weekend, I still get up that early. I will watch the news, mess around on the laptop, coffee, poop, then gym.
  • Mtfd02
    Mtfd02 Posts: 239 Member
    I'm up at 530am and playing hockey at 6am! other days I'm up at 6am doing some form of pt for the first workout and second workout starts at 1130 with Insanity!
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    If this had been a few weeks ago, I was getting up at 3:30am every Mon, Wed and Thurs. Why? Raiding in WoW....<.< (My server is an aussie server mainly, but I live in the US lol)

    But now, usually 7am and that is because my son wakes up around that time. Rarely will he sleep past 7:30am.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    I did today, It was an accident.
  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    6am here. Shower, make breakfast smoothie and lunch, drop son off at daycare and go to work.

    No exercising in the morning for me. I'm not a morning person so I would most likely fall and hurt myself or something...
  • n_rockey
    n_rockey Posts: 52 Member
    I get up at 4am. Ideally I have breakfast & lunch packed and my clothes laid out for work the night before, but if not I have to do all that and get ready. I grab a quick snack (usually almonds or a cheese stick), and I'm in the car headed to work between 4:30-5. At work we have a track, so I walk from whatever time I get there until 6:30, at which time I head back to my desk stopping to warm up breakfast on the way so that I can eat while I check my emails.

    I don't drink coffee or tea, so usually there is no caffiene to fuel me, but once and a whie I break down and go buy myself a caffinated diet soda if I'm really sleepy. I also try to walk on my breaks and at lunch if I'm not too busy at work, and then workout again (something higher in intensity) when I get home. Of course getting up that early if I'm not in bed by 10 at the latest I pretty much turn into a pumpkin.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Up at 5:30 five days a week. Two of them I get the dogs out, feed them and then head to the gym. Come home, shower, make my husband's and my breakfasts and then I have to be at work by 8.. The other three I get the dogs out and feed them, check the news, fix our breakfast and have to be at work by 7:15. Those days I work out after work.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Up at 4:30 and at the gym by 5. Coffee comes afterwards and I very much look forward to it. :smile:
  • slim_photographer
    slim_photographer Posts: 310 Member
    I set my phone with alarms for 4:25, 4:30, 4:35, 4:40 and 4:45 yep it's that hard for me to get up in the morning. I do actually get up by the the second alarm at 4:30.
    The greatest motivation to get up is to beat traffic and start work early. This really sets me up for a good routine all day long, for eating well and exercising. If I get up later in the day, I am no longer in control of my schedule.
    If I'm at work by 6 then use my 'lunch' time, 30 mins at 7am for a quick workout when there's no one in the office yet and then many days try to hit the gym at 3pm on my way home. And then I'm home by 4 or 5 pm.
    I can never do that much when I come to work by 9.
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    Alarms at 5am and 5.30am, at the gym by 6am, workout till 7.30am, go home to have breakfast/shower/get ready, out the door by 8.15am, at work at 8.30am.
  • alexp44
    alexp44 Posts: 28 Member
    On the days I work...
    set 1st alarm for 2.45. Turn off and roll over
    set 2nd alarm for 2.50. Turn it off and debate getting up (if it's snowed I drag myself out of bed at this point)
    set 3rd alarm for 2.55. Actually get up, stumble downstairs to put kettle on, come upstairs go to loo then back down to make my tea then back up to get changed for work then back down to have tea and my porridge/cereal
    3.35 leave for work
    4am start work and walk around for 8 hours stopping for breakfast at 9am for 30 mins
    2.30pm crawl to bed for a few hours
    6pm get up and have a social life/exercise
    11pm wander to bed again

    The joys of working stupid hours. Tomorrow I start at 3am so move it all forward an hour. On my days off I have a normal life with no early mornings for me. I'm the least morning person ever.
  • TheSwoleMinister_deleted
    NICE! Love all the die-hards who hoof it EARLY!! My BIG QUESTION to many of you is this:

    How the heck can you work out after only being awake for 30 minutes?????? :noway: :noway: I need at least 90 minutes (and something in my belly) before I feel I can have an effective workout session. HOW DO YOU GUYS DO IT!?!?!?
  • daveymac1
    daveymac1 Posts: 784 Member
    I LOVE mornings with Nicole!!!

    Thanks love!
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I LOVE mornings with Nicole!!!

    Thanks love!
    You are very welcome Davey!!
  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member
    NICE! Love all the die-hards who hoof it EARLY!! My BIG QUESTION to many of you is this:

    How the heck can you work out after only being awake for 30 minutes?????? :noway: :noway: I need at least 90 minutes (and something in my belly) before I feel I can have an effective workout session. HOW DO YOU GUYS DO IT!?!?!?

    Got used to doing it long ago when I would weight lift with my dad. Same for running. Running was always easier for me within 30 minutes of waking up, before the mind could ask... WHAT THE F ARE YOU DOING.....

    Loud music, some gum to stimulate the mind and get rid of morning breath.... then quick warm up on a machine at the gym, then heavy weights.
  • rubytOU
    rubytOU Posts: 154 Member
    up at 345 on training days... wash my face, brush my teeth, throw on my clothes, down a protein shake and walk out the door to drive to the gym.
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    NICE! Love all the die-hards who hoof it EARLY!! My BIG QUESTION to many of you is this:

    How the heck can you work out after only being awake for 30 minutes?????? :noway: :noway: I need at least 90 minutes (and something in my belly) before I feel I can have an effective workout session. HOW DO YOU GUYS DO IT!?!?!?

    My job has really random hours, and I can be at work at 4pm and get told I have a business meeting at 6pm that I have to attend. This happens on a very regular basis. So if I don't get to the gym in the morning before work, there's a really big chance I won't have time to get there after work because my schedule can change so quickly.
  • DjDiggity
    DjDiggity Posts: 20
    4:30 on training days 5:30 on rest days. Workout first! Coffee on the way out the door!
  • MelyndaWaldner
    MelyndaWaldner Posts: 442 Member
    NICE! Love all the die-hards who hoof it EARLY!! My BIG QUESTION to many of you is this:

    How the heck can you work out after only being awake for 30 minutes?????? :noway: :noway: I need at least 90 minutes (and something in my belly) before I feel I can have an effective workout session. HOW DO YOU GUYS DO IT!?!?!?

    I dont usually eat until probably 8 a.m. I prefer to workout on an empty stomach and drink lots of water.. and then I go back to the gym at 11:30 am for round two.. ding ding ding