Starting to look too bulky



  • KaraAlste
    KaraAlste Posts: 168 Member
    Hi hun, I am not into the body building, I am only chiming in as maybe a constant to this equation.

    I finally found my TDEE and it's 1700 calories a day. Finding that number helps you figure out so much!


  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Jeez people. Only like one of you understood what I was saying.
    YES. I need to lose the weight, that's what this was about. The best way to lose the weight and keep my muscle definition.

    The photo you are all referring to is over 6 months old.
    Maybe I used the wrong term. I didn't mean bulky like huge muscles bulky, I meant bulky as in too thick, but not fat.

    Same for you as everyone else:

    1) Lift weights.
    2) Eat 1g protein per lb of lbm a day.
    3) Eat a modest calorie deficit, 200-500 calories

    That's it./
  • bubbaduts
    bubbaduts Posts: 196 Member
    This whole thread is why the forums annoy me. People who try to lose weight can be so judgy. I totally understand what you are saying OP. I had gained 19 pounds back from what i had lost but lost 15% body fat (and i did have this checked judgy people) I was also not logging my food at the time but i figured i was eating for what my body needed. I never went up a size all of my clothes fit but i feel more bulky in certain areas as a result from lifting. It happens and i am just hoping that as the weight now drops off (I have lost 7 of the 19 so far watching my calories) the bulky feeling will go away. And btw pay no attention to the people who don't know you and immediately go to preaching and judging without knowing all the facts...
  • mrscapamerica
    This whole thread is why the forums annoy me. People who try to lose weight can be so judgy. I totally understand what you are saying OP. I had gained 19 pounds back from what i had lost but lost 15% body fat (and i did have this checked judgy people) I was also not logging my food at the time but i figured i was eating for what my body needed. I never went up a size all of my clothes fit but i feel more bulky in certain areas as a result from lifting. It happens and i am just hoping that as the weight now drops off (I have lost 7 of the 19 so far watching my calories) the bulky feeling will go away. And btw pay no attention to the people who don't know you and immediately go to preaching and judging without knowing all the facts...

    Thank you! Yes, I don't think I'll be posting a topic again. Just going to stick with the friends on here who actually try to help.
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    This whole thread is why the forums annoy me. People who try to lose weight can be so judgy. I totally understand what you are saying OP. I had gained 19 pounds back from what i had lost but lost 15% body fat (and i did have this checked judgy people) I was also not logging my food at the time but i figured i was eating for what my body needed. I never went up a size all of my clothes fit but i feel more bulky in certain areas as a result from lifting. It happens and i am just hoping that as the weight now drops off (I have lost 7 of the 19 so far watching my calories) the bulky feeling will go away. And btw pay no attention to the people who don't know you and immediately go to preaching and judging without knowing all the facts...

    Thank you! Yes, I don't think I'll be posting a topic again. Just going to stick with the friends on here who actually try to help.

    There was judging... but... there was also great help provided. This was actually one of the more HELPFUL threads with probably the least amount of sarcasm I've seen. *shrug*
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    You gained 10 lbs of muscle in 8 months on a calorie deficit? OP, please correct me if I misunderstood this.

    Yes, I didn't state this very clearly. I eat a deficit NOW, because I am trying to lose this extra weight.

    So what you are saying is that you previously were lifting weights and not paying attention to what you were eating?

    If this is the case, yes it is possible you gained some muscle. Probably not 10lbs (it's very difficult for a woman to gain even a pound a month).

    So yes, the answer to your questions is to lose fat, which is done through a calorie deficit. Lifting weights while trying to lose weight is the best way to maintain muscle and ensure that you lose as much fat as possible (otherwise you'd lose fat AND muscle).

    And yes, it's best to post a picture when you say "I don' like this".
  • dpwifey
    dpwifey Posts: 18
    I'm not into body building. I do step up my cardio when I want to loose some extra lbs. (which I'm doing now) Lifting is not something you HAVE to do. My barre instructor is 45 with 4 kids and she has an AMAZING body and has never "lifted" in her life with the exception of the 3 pound weights we use in class. She is thin looking and maybe not as ripped as someone who lifts weights everyday but in my opinion I prefer that type of body on a woman.
  • dpwifey
    dpwifey Posts: 18
    I've only been on this site for a day but there do seem to be quite a lot of lets call them... "lifting bullies". Just remember... everyone is going to have a different opinion and idea on how to get the best body. And everyone has a different idea on what they think the best body looks like. Just find people that have similar goals to yours. :)
  • mrscapamerica
    Okay, I think this whole thread has just been unclear.
    I'm just going to drop it now. Most comments were helpful in bits and pieces for me, so I appreciate the input, but I know we're not on the same wavelength.

    Also, just wanted to say my estimates could have been way off. Just trying to give the information to the best of my ability. I'll try to be more accurate next time. But I'm new to this. cut me a break.
  • mrscapamerica
    I've only been on this site for a day but there do seem to be quite a lot of lets call them... "lifting bullies". Just remember... everyone is going to have a different opinion and idea on how to get the best body. And everyone has a different idea on what they think the best body looks like. Just find people that have similar goals to yours. :)

    :) thanks
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Actually, this has everything to do with eating, and very little to do with the exercise. You are just mistaking what is happening to your body. Without logging, it's really hard to know how much you are eating. If you are short and around 150 and not doing a TON of exercise, your TDEE may not be too far off from 1700. If you are wrong about how much you eat by even a few hundred calories every day, you could put on weight. Which, you have. Maybe some is muscle, but likely some is fat.

    Log everything, after weighing and measuring. It's the only way to be sure that you are eating at a deficit. Weight loss is calories in < calories out, and it is impossible to know if you are doing this without knowing BOTH sides of the comparison.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    10 pounds of muscle in 8 months? I don't believe that.

    Are you eating at a surplus or a deficit?
  • mrscapamerica
    Oh, and a lot of you are mistaking not logging (on here) with not keeping track. I write down everything I eat and burn a day because I find it's better for me to manually do the math when figuring out my recipes/juices and keeping up with my nutrients.
  • dpwifey
    dpwifey Posts: 18
    I don't log or track at all (AH! the horror!) I make sure to eat a good breakfast, healthy snacks (low cal), lunch, and healthy dinner while taking it easy on the carbs after lunch. I drink TONS of water and drink a green juice for a meal replacement when I'm busy. I also watch my portions. (I serve my dinner on a "salad" plate while the hubs gets the dinner plate) For me it seems to work the best and then you're not obsessing over what you eat everyday. I even "cheat' once or twice a week and eat wood fired pizza, mexican food (with chips) or burgers. And I regularly indulge in a glass of wine or two. People need to really chill out on here! lol. and FYI most people who obsessively track also binge and go back and forth between fat and skinny. Being healthy is a lifestyle, not about tracking and calculating.
  • mrscapamerica
    I don't log or track at all (AH! the horror!) I make sure to eat a good breakfast, healthy snacks (low cal), lunch, and healthy dinner while taking it easy on the carbs after lunch. I drink TONS of water and drink a green juice for a meal replacement when I'm busy. I also watch my portions. (I serve my dinner on a "salad" plate while the hubs gets the dinner plate) For me it seems to work the best and then you're not obsessing over what you eat everyday. I even "cheat' once or twice a week and eat wood fired pizza, mexican food (with chips) or burgers. And I regularly indulge in a glass of wine or two. People need to really chill out on here! lol. and FYI most people who obsessively track also binge and go back and forth between fat and skinny. Being healthy is a lifestyle, not about tracking and calculating.

    Yes! I totally agree with this. I've lost more by just keeping track of nutrients than diligently logging calories.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I've only been on this site for a day but there do seem to be quite a lot of lets call them... "lifting bullies". Just remember... everyone is going to have a different opinion and idea on how to get the best body. And everyone has a different idea on what they think the best body looks like. Just find people that have similar goals to yours. :)

    There;s also a lot of ignoramuses who think picking up weights greater than 3 lbs will make them into bodybuilder types.