Will I ever be able to run 5k?!?

I am pretty heavy compared to the typical runner at 218lbs but nevertheless, I've started a C25K program and I'm going to work through the weeks at my own pace. I usually run (I use that term very loosely) every other day and am repeating week 1... yup... week ONE lol My interior dialogue goes something like this: Just make it to that poll, hold your boobs down, did that ***** say walk yet?! It's pretty demoralizing sometimes LOL

My shins often hurt and I'm not the most graceful thing you've ever seen but I AM determined, so I have that going for me. I guess I just want to hear from other folks who were over 200# and have had success. Would it be reasonable to register for a race mid July? I'm pretty nervous as that doesn't seem like a lot of time, but I would like to have a goal!


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
  • kahyee
    kahyee Posts: 63
    Yes you absolutely will. I never thought I could run a marathon. But i did last saturday. Remember your body will always do what your mind tells it to. You just have to be aware of what your mind is saying.
  • lisabundy5
    Just gotta do it! It doesn't matter if you finish last, it's the fact that you started and tried! =) And it WILL get better with time.

    If you don't try, how do you know? =) GOOD LUCK to you in July!!! And remember, you have roughly 12+ weeks between now and then to prepare that much more!!!
  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    You will but it takes time. I was the same as you, I made it to level 3 a few times and couldn't get any further. I ran for 12 minutes straight this week but it's taken a while to get there. Keep going!
  • ladybird1771
    ladybird1771 Posts: 99 Member
    You can do it! I didn't think I'd be able to but yesterday I did it! And you can too! :)
  • CasiiD
    CasiiD Posts: 22 Member
    You totally have this! I started at about the same place. Make sure you have good shoes. If you haven't already, go to a local running store where they can observe your gait, check your feet and get you well fitted. There are no judgements there, so don't worry.

    I also use the Jeff Galloway method with run/walk intervals. Believe it or not, I get better times this way than only running!

    Good luck with your training. :-)
  • amann_84
    amann_84 Posts: 33 Member
    You can do it! I was once weighed almost 300 pounds when I began training for my first 5k and by the end of that year not only did I run a 5k I also completed my first half marathon.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I started C25K on 03/12/13 and I'm repeating Week 1. I also weigh 218 (actually 217.4 this morning). We can do this together.
  • pianolover2012
    pianolover2012 Posts: 168 Member
    About 10 years ago I completed several 5Ks. I trained for 4 months (during which I weighed around 215). I hated the experience because I trained with two other ladies who ran faster than me. I was almost the last person to complete the races everytime I ended up losing about 50 pounds in the process,though. .I recently began running again and am finding that I enjoy running by myself now.

    My thoughts are this:
    1) if you are MOVING- you are WINNING!
    2) no one can make a judgment about how fast/slow you are running if they are not willing to run themselves.
    3) the feeling of accomplishment is beyond words!
    4) you do not have to be a world-class runner to be considered a "runner".

    Keep it up! Goals will never be achieved if you do not strive for the goal! Good luck! Go for it!!
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    Yes, absolutely.

    I started heavier that you, and can now run 5K + (doing Half marathon in 4 weeks, longest run yet 9 miles). Take it at your own pace, and don't worry if you need to repeat a week, more than once if you like. Make sure you take your rest days as well, even if you think you don't need them. And a goal is a great thing to aim for, July seems perfectly sensible.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    I am 227 and I started couch to 5k. You should make sure you're wearing proper running shoes and have proper running form. Yes sign up for the 5k! Some 5k are beginner friendly and you can walk/run/jog as long as your slowest is a 15 min mile.
  • lem_orc29
    lem_orc29 Posts: 179 Member
    You absolutely can do it. I started C25k in December at 235 lbs. Last weekend, I ran my first 5k in 36:56 at 217. You will get there. It is hard, but it is worth it! Keep pushing through. You'll be amazed at what your body can do if you force it. :)
  • heckenhocker
    heckenhocker Posts: 28 Member
    At my running club, we have a starter group. That conversation "HOW much further, can't I walk yet" happens with nearly all newbies. Skinny ones as well as rounder ones.

    I remember my first "run". Slowly up the road....oh no, there are some workmen....can't stop there....darn. Have to keep going till round the corner. Die quietly while pretending to stretch....jog even slower back :-)

    Hang in there, repeat week 1 as many times as you need. But if you stick at it, July is fine for a race entry.
  • SarahRruns
    SarahRruns Posts: 15 Member
    ABSOLUTELY!!! If you need a very inspiring and motivating book, get "Running made easy" by Susie Whalley and Lisa Jackson.
    It tells you everything you need to know about running, as well as some success stories of some people (like one woman who started training at 300 pounds)

    But yes, you'll do it! Always believe in yourself and be very positive! Telling yourself that you can do it is worth half the training :)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Yes. Register for the race. Continue your running program and run your race. Doesn't even matter if you have to walk for portions of it, you'll love the feeling of accomplishment. Sign up today
  • grapefruitannie
    grapefruitannie Posts: 122 Member
    I've just started too (like today first day lol), and i am over 200lbs so feel free to add me i you want support along the way.
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    I started it a year ago at about 285 lbs or so. I only did it as much as my knees tolerated, but even doing it just once every week or two, my knees and my stamina got better and I progressed to weeks two and three. Some days I'd do two programs back to back if I was going for a long time. I think if you stick with it consistently, you'll be able to do the run by July definitely.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member

    Last summer I did 2 triathlons, a 10k, and a handful of 5ks at 330-340lbs. Just keep working..
  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    You can do it! BUT if your shins are hurting, go and get properly fitted for running shoes before you end up damaging yourself.
  • houlee
    houlee Posts: 60
    All the replies on here are really inspiring! Thank you for asking this question. I'm at 210 lbs, and I had issues with the C25K waaay back when I was 150 lbs. I repeated each week 2-3 times, but never finished it. Now I'm motivated to (1) get a better bra to strap my girls down and (2) start this again. And I say go ahead and register for the race. It will be an extra thing to keep you motivated and committed to the program, and you can always walk for portions of the 5K.