Have you lost your big belly? What did you do?



  • jackie2866
    jackie2866 Posts: 62 Member
    Abdominal fat is all about diet and cardio. Eating clean is important. Jeanette Jenkins has an awesome workout called "Blast the Belly Fat." It really does just that. It is a calorie blasting cardio workout that strengthens and slims your mid section rapidly. No you cant spot reduce fat, however doing waist slimming moves at a high intensity cardio pace will blast the belly fat and strengthen the mid section, giving you amazing abs.

    Ummm you can't spot reduce fat, but high intensity cardio pace will blast the belly fat? but you just said that you can't spot reduce fat but cardio will blast belly fat..malfunction...malfunction..head explodes...BOOM!

    what happens when the high intensity cardio blasts away back fat and not ab fat???

    Why are you so argumentative?
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Hip hop abs with Shaun T, it is fun and a good workout,
    Really targets the abs:smile:

    You can't "target" (spot reduce) fat loss in an area.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Abdominal fat is all about diet and cardio. Eating clean is important. Jeanette Jenkins has an awesome workout called "Blast the Belly Fat." It really does just that. It is a calorie blasting cardio workout that strengthens and slims your mid section rapidly. No you cant spot reduce fat, however doing waist slimming moves at a high intensity cardio pace will blast the belly fat and strengthen the mid section, giving you amazing abs.


    I agree with diet though.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    Losing belly fat is all about lowering your body fat percentage. As long as you eat at a caloric deficit and exercise, you will eventually get there. There is no shortcut food or exercise to get six pack abs.

    Low carb diet helps because it makes it less likely for your body to have excess carbohydrates, which it will turn into fat. Protein can't be easily converted and stored by your body, so it's a preferred food source for people looking to lose fat. However, if you have endurance-related (cardio) goals doing a low-carb diet will interfere with your performance, you will hit a wall when your glycogen stores are depleted faster due to low intake of carbs.