What would you want done?

carryingon Posts: 609 Member
If you went to pick up your three year old at daycare and

1.the teacher stopped him from running to you to give you a hug saying they needed to "talk" about why he was in timeout (for putting his feet on the table)
2.Stood over him (not on his level)
3.Raised her voice and used an angry tone in front of everyone
4.shook and pointed her finger at him
5.Repeatedly told him to wipe the look of his face when he looked sad and scared
6.and later that night he told you that a teacher pinched his face when it was snack time (he didn't like the snack)
7.the next day you took him in and asked him to point out the teacher who hurt him (in front of other staff, the assistant director, and a family member for a witness) and he pointed at the same teacher and said that's the teacher who hurt me.

a. Teacher suspended
b. Teacher Fired
c. Teacher left in room with other children
d. Teacher reported to authorities

If it's in a Catholic institution would it change your answer on how you wanted it or expected it to be handled?

Accepting all feedback:flowerforyou:


  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    for me it would not have got that far, teacher would be knocked out first time I seen her doing themabove mentioned things to him/her. Don't mess with a mama bear's cubs, just don't

    ok I probobly would have yelled and shook my finger back adn then when she says sometihng about it beng innopropriate or sometihng i would have siad, oh, i was just wondering why it was ok to do to my 3 yr old!
  • jbutterflye
    jbutterflye Posts: 1,914 Member
    b) I would fire that teacher. People like that don't belong in professions working with children or vulnerable people of any sort. That's abusive on several levels.
  • chrisjathompson
    chrisjathompson Posts: 227 Member
    First you dial the police, then the media
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    My child (I have a 3 year old in pre-school too) would be out of that school and it would get reported to the proper authorities. I would make sure I told the director and see what they say, but no matter what, I would report them. I would hope they'd get fired, but I would make sure there was a formal record of it.

    ETA if I was the director, they are so fired and so reported.
  • VeeBethTris
    VeeBethTris Posts: 301 Member
    Catholic institution is irrelevant *I am a Catholic and went to Catholic school*

    B)She should be fired.
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    ot tryign to be rude/judgemental toward your religion but being in a Chatholic environment while it may seem should be all peaches and all really isn't most of the time, I would kinda assume they were acting like that toward my kid

    Trust me I was private schooled by religous schools and my parents never believed me until they heard them do it!

    I applaude you listenng to your kid and stepping up to poiint the teacher out, I hate when people say that the kid could make it up because they are young, what is they aren't and in your case you seen it already!
  • bartman52
    bartman52 Posts: 7 Member
    D...And also set up an appointment with the Principal and Pastor. Also talk to other parents. Probably not an isolated incident.
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    First you dial the police, then the media

    yep, i am that type of mom too. Call the media and thigns wil flip around real quick!
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    I would probably react how Goldie Hawn did in the movie Overboard when the teacher accused the kids of lying about having poison ivy.
  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member
    He is so docile that when his 18 month old brother beats him up he just cries for help and won't fight back!

    After the first part I said "Some people shouldn't be working in daycare" and then she left the room.
    The next morning when I brought him in and he identified her I told the assistant director that I didn't want him in the same room and I wanted a resolution. They left her in the room but moved my child to the next level up. I told them I was reporting her. I went out to my car and called cps then proceeded to the parish office to speak to the pastor. He assured me something would be done. Police came to look at my son, but no mark=no crime. At the end of the day the teacher was still with children. My friend who has her son in saw the teacher alone in the bathroom with several children and she was yelling at them. I again spoke to the director and demanded a resolution and to know their policies. She said there would be a resolution, but probably not the one I wanted. The next morning I called her and she said they decided to keep her on staff because they couldn't prove she did anything. I called the pastor and told him I hoped it wasn't the Churches policy to keep people accused of abuse on staff. He promised to suspend her until after the investigation. It has been handed from CPS to day care licensing and I am waiting for it to be assigned to a caseworker.
  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member
    ot tryign to be rude/judgemental toward your religion but being in a Chatholic environment while it may seem should be all peaches and all really isn't most of the time, I would kinda assume they were acting like that toward my kid

    Trust me I was private schooled by religous schools and my parents never believed me until they heard them do it!

    I applaude you listenng to your kid and stepping up to poiint the teacher out, I hate when people say that the kid could make it up because they are young, what is they aren't and in your case you seen it already!

    Feel free to read my blog. I would do anything for my children.
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    A teacher that torment's, degrades and hurts my kid?

    Probably knock that *kitten* out.
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    good job, also call a newspaper or two and put your sotry in there, might speed things along for the pastor/school!
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    ot tryign to be rude/judgemental toward your religion but being in a Chatholic environment while it may seem should be all peaches and all really isn't most of the time, I would kinda assume they were acting like that toward my kid

    Trust me I was private schooled by religous schools and my parents never believed me until they heard them do it!

    I applaude you listenng to your kid and stepping up to poiint the teacher out, I hate when people say that the kid could make it up because they are young, what is they aren't and in your case you seen it already!

    Feel free to read my blog. I would do anything for my children.

    that is awesome i am quite the same and really appreciate involved and protective parents out there. My parents unfortunately reacted years too late!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    a. Teacher suspended
    b. Teacher Fired
    c. Teacher left in room with other children
    d. Teacher reported to authorities

    If it's in a Catholic institution would it change your answer on how you wanted it or expected it to be handled?

    Accepting all feedback:flowerforyou:

    I'll go with e: Request 15 minutes alone with the teacher in a locked room.
    f: Advise administration that a child abuse complaint will be filed with the PD if they didn't discipline the teacher and send me a hand written (not typed, not printed) letter of regret.
  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member
    I was also told by the director that the investigation was inconclusive because after I left they went in and started asking him if he was sure it was the teacher or was it another child? They said he was confused and didn't know. So, basicly coaching and leading which is illegal. Hmm, let's see he pointed to the teacher and said that's the teacher who hurt me. Apparently that's not enough?!
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    Trick question. The answer is kneecaps, always kneecaps.
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    I was also told by the director that the investigation was inconclusive because after I left they went in and started asking him if he was sure it was the teacher or was it another child? They said he was confused and didn't know. So, basicly coaching and leading which is illegal. Hmm, let's see he pointed to the teacher and said that's the teacher who hurt me. Apparently that's not enough?!

    was this the schools investigation or CPS? i am in the legal field so just curious because you are right there are laws
  • Mavrick7a
    Mavrick7a Posts: 1,353
    If you went to pick up your three year old at daycare and

    1.the teacher stopped him from running to you to give you a hug saying they needed to "talk" about why he was in timeout (for putting his feet on the table)
    2.Stood over him (not on his level)
    3.Raised her voice and used an angry tone in front of everyone
    4.shook and pointed her finger at him
    5.Repeatedly told him to wipe the look of his face when he looked sad and scared
    6.and later that night he told you that a teacher pinched his face when it was snack time (he didn't like the snack)
    7.the next day you took him in and asked him to point out the teacher who hurt him (in front of other staff, the assistant director, and a family member for a witness) and he pointed at the same teacher and said that's the teacher who hurt me.

    a. Teacher suspended
    b. Teacher Fired
    c. Teacher left in room with other children
    d. Teacher reported to authorities

    If it's in a Catholic institution would it change your answer on how you wanted it or expected it to be handled?

    Accepting all feedback:flowerforyou:

    @sweetnothing - So, I went to an All Boys Catholic school and also coach wrestling at the same school:
    1. Create diary, document each incident and include witnesses, dates, and times.
    2. talk to other parents. Take notes, documenting each incident. Ask if they have reported the incident.
    3. meet with the teacher. Be clear about your expectations. I wouldn't share all your notes.
    4. meet with the advisor or principal. They will do something, if not then escalate.
  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member
    Catholic institution is irrelevant *I am a Catholic and went to Catholic school*

    B)She should be fired.

    I appreciate your feedback on that. :flowerforyou: I am a diehard Catholic. I truly love my faith. That being said with the scandal in the Church I would really hope that they've learned how to handle reports of abuse. That they act quickly, resolutely and with a zero tolerance policy. I would also hope that they had a Church wide policy to immediately remove the accused person and to give the child the benefit of the doubt not the adult. If we say we want to protect the weak and defenseless unborn then shouldn't that cross over to the weak and defenseless that are already born? I believe that as a country we should have a policy in place as well, not just in the church.