Do you re-rack your weights or are you a douche?!!??



  • Trev50
    Trev50 Posts: 14
    I re-rack my wights AND I am a douche. I don't have to be one or the other. But seriously, this is one of the things I complain about. Douches also sit on weight benches and machines between sets instead of getting up and letting other people work in between their sets. And...they stand in front of the rack in everyone's way while they lift the dumbbells instead of standing a few feet away. I can complain all day about douches.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Top level douches never rerack their weights. But what burns me more than that is when your gym provides towels and spray bottles to clean off the benches, cardio equipment, etc and the ULTRA DOUCHES can't seem to squirt a couple of squirts and swipe a couple of times to wipe off the equipment they just sweated all over. In fact if I had to do a Douche Bag Sacle

    SORTA DOUCHE - Maybe just has terrible BO. And maybe is rocking all spandex. But other than that...not too bad.

    DOUCHE - Doesn't know that they need to re rack their weights. Asks if you are almost done with equipment 5 minutes into your work. Sings outloud once in awhile.

    TOP LEVEL DOUCHE - Knows they should rerack their weights but choose not to because they are far too douchy for that. Asks if you are done with equipment while you still using it. Grunts like a wildebeast while doing drop sets.

    ULTRA DOUCHE - Throws their weights on the floor when done and walks away. Never wipes down equipment. Answers their cell phone during workouts. Takes your equipment in the middle of your workout. Wears a confederate flag bandana. Poses after all curl sets.

    SUPER MEGA ULTRA TOP DOG DOUCHE - Does all the above.

    lol this be awesome!
  • Valeius
    Valeius Posts: 1
    Being able to work out at home is a lot better for me, since I don't have to pay the money to go a gym and/or pay for gas (lol). I have been to a gym and seen this stuff before though. This one guy who was lifting just walked away from his mess of dumbells, he was a fairly big dude by the way, and I asked are you going to put the stuff you used back? Than he answered with, what are you going to do about it?, and he lunged towards trying to make me flinch while I stood there and looked at him with a confused face and almost laughed while he walked off.

    Douche is one word, but babies with muscles is a lot more clearer.
  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
    hate this. currently i am a weakling. so it pisses me the eff off when i have to kill myself re-racking someone else's heavy weights.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    It is totally douchey to not re rack your weights.Sadly though, it doesn't fail to surprise me in the slightest when I get to the squat rack and it's still fully loaded. Some people are just lazy feckers.....
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I'm a douche. But my weights are also in my living room
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I re-rack my weights. Also, it doesn't bug me when I have to re-rack other people's weights. I see it as an added bonus workout.
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    Yes, I do. And I've not had issues with others not doing it either - yet. But then there's also signs all over the wall in the heavy lifting room at my gym about re-racking your weights. And there's always staff around ready to rip you a new one for not playing by the rules.
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Re-rack... I hate when people dont! Some guys left their weights on the squat rack and they were on the other side of the gym... So i had to go over there and ask if they were done... And im assuming since im a small girl they didnt think i could take the weights off.. So THEN they went and took them off..
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I lift from home and re-rack. My husband uses them too and I hated it when he did that to me. He did it once and he got an earful when he got home from work that day and never did it again. That was back when he was lifting really heavy. So now we put our own weights away when we are done. It is only common courtesy. I hate clutter and it would probably bug me even if I was the only one using them if they weren't stacked neatly where they belong.
  • GymBeast2
    GymBeast2 Posts: 81
    I rerack! Even if others don't.
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    I don't like how this is an "either/or" question. I know plenty of douches who have good gym etiquette.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I re-rack.

    The guys in my gym, and I mean guys as hardly any women use the weights room, nearly always leave weights out. The only time I see them re-rack is if I have been waiting to the use the kit they have been using and they don't want to look like a douche in front of a middle aged woman :laugh:
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I re-rack my weights. Also, it doesn't bug me when I have to re-rack other people's weights. I see it as an added bonus workout.

    This, I don't care. Moving plates back isn't an issue. I do find slightly annoying having to hunt out the matching plate at one of the gyms I use. It's spare part central and nothing matches and everything gets moved around. Waste of time.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    It's not just weights. I clean up after so many people after my step class. They just run out when class is over and leave their crap everywhere. I don't want to leave it all for the instructor because I'm secretly in love with him.
  • Paulette0706
    Paulette0706 Posts: 46 Member
    Top level douches never rerack their weights. But what burns me more than that is when your gym provides towels and spray bottles to clean off the benches, cardio equipment, etc and the ULTRA DOUCHES can't seem to squirt a couple of squirts and swipe a couple of times to wipe off the equipment they just sweated all over. In fact if I had to do a Douche Bag Sacle

    SORTA DOUCHE - Maybe just has terrible BO. And maybe is rocking all spandex. But other than that...not too bad.

    DOUCHE - Doesn't know that they need to re rack their weights. Asks if you are almost done with equipment 5 minutes into your work. Sings outloud once in awhile.

    TOP LEVEL DOUCHE - Knows they should rerack their weights but choose not to because they are far too douchy for that. Asks if you are done with equipment while you still using it. Grunts like a wildebeast while doing drop sets.

    ULTRA DOUCHE - Throws their weights on the floor when done and walks away. Never wipes down equipment. Answers their cell phone during workouts. Takes your equipment in the middle of your workout. Wears a confederate flag bandana. Poses after all curl sets.

    SUPER MEGA ULTRA TOP DOG DOUCHE - Does all the above.

    So, so funny but true, I re-rack my weights, just good gym etiquette :)
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    I'm totally a douche, apparently. I have a rack for three sets of my dumbbells, and that's it. The barbell sits on the floor next to my stair stepper bench and the rest of my dumbbells are on various bookshelves or along the walls of my living room. :tongue:

    Seriously, there are FAR more reasons NOT to go to a gym!
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I workout at home, so if I can't be bothered to take the weights of my barbell at the end of a workout, it doesn't amount to anything, in fact it's probably less work to adjust them to the right amount for my next workout, as it is to put them all back then get them all out again. So you can probably tell what my last workout was based on what weights are currently on my barbell and dumbbells.

    Same here, though I do have 2 plate trees at either end of my squat cage. It's pretty convenient to unload the small plates right to the trees, rather than having them on the floor. Don't have to bend down that way lol. My floor is littered with 45's, leaning against the rack, against the wall behind the rack. It's not worth it to put them on the trees. I also have 2 bars preloaded, one with 25lb rubber bumper plates that I use for rows and presses, that I use small plates on to get my working weight, and 1 bar preloaded with 100lb plates and 35's to make 315lbs that I add more plates to for deadlifts. Those are always on the floor, just pushed out of the way.
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    I re-rack my weights. Also, it doesn't bug me when I have to re-rack other people's weights. I see it as an added bonus workout.

    This, I don't care. Moving plates back isn't an issue. I do find slightly annoying having to hunt out the matching plate at one of the gyms I use. It's spare part central and nothing matches and everything gets moved around. Waste of time.

    Ugh. The heavy lifting room at my gym is used by both males and females. And some of the big guys use well over 100kg of plates on the bar. I'm sorry, I don't know about you, but I don't want to injure myself trying to unrack that much weight because some douche was too lazy to re-rack it when he was done. Great for you if you can safely lift that amount to move it off the bar, but not all of us can.
  • Anthony110101111110001101
    I rarely see people re-rack and it is annoying