What's your bad habit?



  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    I don't have a bad habit. No food or drink is off limits to me. There is a lot of food and drinks that I choose not to indulge in often because they no longer fit my healthier lifestyle. I enjoy knowing that I will never "fall off the wagon." Some days I have to exercise a little more to make the macros work. Works for me.
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    Coffee in the morning, diet cola in the afternoon and beer or wine in the evening....
  • ALittleBitLess1
    ALittleBitLess1 Posts: 119 Member
    Cheese, toast and chocolate are the strongest temptations, stopped smoking 4 years ago and my metabilism hasn't been the same since.
    Don't keep bread or chocolate in the house as a rule - have warburtons sandwich thins instead and only have them as part of a meal, they make excellent mini pizzas!

    My diet saviours are ice lollies!
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    Beer drinking and eating to many salty things.
  • Innerbeauty31
    Innerbeauty31 Posts: 38 Member
    Most def the drinking on the weekends...BUT on April 29th I have been 1 year smoke free!!! :drinker:

    Good for you! My 1 year anniversary was Jan 20th, 2012. Feels great to be a non-smoker!

    Mine is wine. I've cut out beer and have just about 1-2 cups of coffee a week now (just cause I love the taste)... but my wine is gonna be a hard one.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    I interrupt people and finish their sentences.

    its rude and i realize im doing it, i just cant help it.

    Oh, I do this, too! And I try really, really hard not to.

    Foodwise, my many bad habits that I am working to overcome are:

    - late night binging ~ solution: I PLAN a late snack. It's not "bad," it fits in my day and my calories and it's OK if I have it at 10:00 or even 11:00 pm. I've had some slipups, but I no longer have the self-loathing I used to feel after unhinging my jaw and stuffing my face until bedtime.

    - stopping for a quick something on my way home ~ solution: this one is still a white-knuckler for me. I have a long commute and I love to eat while I drive. I have found that packing some nuts and dried fruit for the drive home, as well has having plenty of water with me, helps satisfy the driving munchies. It's also safer than driving while eating a burrito. :(

    - never, ever turning down treats when offered ~ solution: I have no idea how to overcome this. If someone brings cupcakes or cookies to work, or there's birthday cake, or someone gives me a gift of candy or chocolate, I want them. I have seen other people post that they accept them and then throw them away, but I'm not capable of that quite yet. I recently got a new job and so far it looks like no one brings in junk all the time, which was a huge problem for me at my old job.

    - candy bars in the checkout line of the grocery store ~ solution: I try to get gum or mints instead, or completely avoid eye contact with the candy rack. I sometimes fail. At least I always log them. If I am shopping with someone else, I don't buy sweets.
  • woodsy0912
    woodsy0912 Posts: 323
    I refuse to consider my wine a bad habit! One bottle one night a week is perfect for me. :laugh:

    I kicked smoking last August using the Ecig, now I barely even use that...