Craving sugar!!!!!!! HELP



  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I understand those exclamation points!!! I have had an endless battle with sugar. I have difficulty eating a reasonable portion of dessert and stopping there. It's easier for me to not have sugar at all, because when it's in my system I just crave it more and more. When I eat sweets, there's and endless chatter in my head telling me to consume more sweets.

    There are lots of people that do NOT have my problem and for them, a small daily treat is OK. For me, I have to try to stick with fruit and herbal teas sweetened with Stevia.

    Good luck to you!

    Yes--I would agree with this. Once you get the sugar out of your system, you find that you don't crave it anymore. But you must replace the "empty" calories of sugar with nourishing choices of food. I think that most here would agree that eating too little and eating non-nourishing food gives rise to cravings and binging. I have been off sugar for three years and have not binged once in that time.

    As long as I was eating sugar, nothing good was happening to my body. I would start a "diet" with good intentions but after a while, I would get so hungry. And then I would reach for junk food, usually something sweet. And that would be the end of my diet.

    The physical craving for sugar goes away in about a week--give or take a few days. During the course of riding that out, I would recommend eating right up to your calorie limit with LOTS of vegetables, good fats and protein (I wouldn't worry about going over in the fat or protein macros temporarily). You might want to avoid eating fruit during that "sugar detox" period as I found that eating fruit intensified the physical craving for a sugary treat. You also might want to cut back on bread as well--replacing the missing carbohydrate calories with fat calories. Once you get past that period, as long as you stay away from sugar, you will be free of any physical craving and you can add back one or two pieces of low-fructose fruit per day and not have to fear that it will trigger a binge.

    Unfortunately, the mental craving for sugary foods lasts a bit longer but after staying away from it for a while, that goes away too. Now, when I look at a cupcake, I don't even WANT it, Good luck.