Ever eat something that you really don't want to log?



  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    yes and no. Sometimes when I log something like chips or a donut, I wonder what people trying to lose think. But as I am going into mainting mode, and really trying to get fit, I am finding I can benifit from a treat and I almost never have junk and go over. I , well this will sound weird, need to fit in a healthy dessert, like fruit and icecream to get some of calories and some nutrients. I still feel weird about that.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Sometimes I don't want to log it but I do anyway. Being able to go back through my food diary later on might help me. Plus it reminds me of what happens if I go hog wild on a regular basis.
  • Christine61314
    Christine61314 Posts: 47 Member
    You're worried about going over with popcorn?! Last week I made sticky toffee pudding and a toffee sauce....then ate it with ice cream! I had no idea how to calculate it or maybe I was to scared too but either way it was so delicious lol
  • cindijelly
    cindijelly Posts: 43 Member
    Yes, I did this with Girl Scout Cookies. but listed them anyway. I tell my self, I have lost weight going over. I like this plan because I can eat what I want, but not all that I want. Put it down. Seeing what you eat and when will help you in ways only you will know. After all, if you cheat, you cheat your waist line........
  • cindijelly
    cindijelly Posts: 43 Member
  • cindijelly
    cindijelly Posts: 43 Member
    Of course it was, your weight loss numbers say you are smart and know the difference.
  • cindijelly
    cindijelly Posts: 43 Member
    lolol.......went over alot last week
  • sarski77
    sarski77 Posts: 79
    The whole point of logging is not to get a "Well done" or "Bad day" from friends - no one is here to judge, we all make crap choices from time to time.

    However, I must say that logging everything (even if it's just an estimate) does help in the long term - it helps you make better choices in the future, it helps you understand why (perhaps) that week you didn't lose as much/had a great loss etc.

    This is why I have my diary open to my friends and log everything, no matter how bad. Not logging isn't going to make the bad choices disappear!!
  • cindijelly
    cindijelly Posts: 43 Member
    That is why I LOG everything, everyday. Once you stop. You stop losing. I look kinda of good these days and I got more to go.
  • cindijelly
    cindijelly Posts: 43 Member
    like your post. I agree, logging helps see the patterns in the behaviors you may or may not want to change
  • The dark chocolate I just ate :D
    But hey I logged it and now I am 51 cals over.
    Your supposed to live... and a life without the occasional treat is pretty meh.
    Thats just IMO :happy:
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Whether you log it or not, your body knows what happened. But if you don't log it and at some point go back and try to figure out why you're not losing, you might keep running into an invisible wall.
  • beatricelombule
    beatricelombule Posts: 96 Member
    Yeah I do.... just yesterday I ate a lot of chocolates, they were more than a 1000 kcal when I logged it in. But I burned them up with more than 70 minutes of Tae bo and kickboxing in the morning and afternoon. I also took long walks to the store.
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    Yes, I did this with Girl Scout Cookies. but listed them anyway. I tell my self, I have lost weight going over. I like this plan because I can eat what I want, but not all that I want. Put it down. Seeing what you eat and when will help you in ways only you will know. After all, if you cheat, you cheat your waist line........

    Very good way of putting it.
  • ttiiggzz
    ttiiggzz Posts: 154 Member
    I can relate to this with popcorn. I can keep away from most sweets, don't know why, but popcorn's a snack I love and it's hard not to eat all of it, even if it's air-popped!
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    Lol - all the time! But I log it anyways. Then when I weight myself for that week I can see where I goofed up. If we don't then how are we going to learn? If its something I'm not sure of calorie wise then I find something comparable or create my own recipe & always estimate on the higher end. I'd rather guess 500 calories & have it actually be 400.

    Robyn - I like your new food category. I might just try that one. I'd like to be able to add a "snack" between breakfast & lunch & dinner so if I've got a day with tons of energy I can look back & see "yes, I had a snack mid afternoon so that did help"
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    I used to feel weird about some things back when I would do the whole Complete-This-Enrty thing and post it on my wall because I felt like people were evaluating my food choices for the day. So I quit hitting the complete button for good or bad days. My diary is still open if anyone cares but I feel like not advertising it daily helps me be intellectually honest in logging if that makes sense.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    Log it and be damned is my view. I even keep my diary totally open so anyone can marvel at my occasional excesses. Last Wednesday was a classic - I was working away last week so was eating out with colleagues for pretty much every meal. Wednesday started off ok with porridge in my room....then started to go pear-shaped with a business lunch in a Thai restaurant and then totally flat-lined with dinner out in a pizza restaurant that involved beer (I had to find a shop-bought equivalent for the pizza calories so the one I ate may even be more calorific!) and then I ended up watching a late night film and munching through a bag of Cadbury's Crunchie Clusters.....3,900 roughly for the day :noway:

    Having said that - I don't count daily calories, I look at weekly averages and when you do that the picture is soooo much better. Even with Wednesday's hedonistic orgy of carbs and beer I'm still on target for the week as a whole and though my weigh-in day is tomorrow, it look as though I've lost this week.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    ~1000 calories of Nutella with a spoon ....

    I logged it, went "eep!" then figured the overall math for the week and it turns out I was fine.

    You just have to give yourself a cushion so you can calculate in those moments in life that are going to happen, and make them fit. No biggie. :smile:
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    This usually happens with baklava. I hate seeing red numbers. Oh well I still log it.