Greek yogurt.



  • amyLhuff
    amyLhuff Posts: 102
    I use the nonfat Greek yogurt in place of mayo in my tuna salad, egg salad ect. And I also made my own ranch dressing with it 1 cup nonfat Greek yogurt, 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk the 30 cal variety , and 1 pack dry ranch mix. It is sooooo good!!
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    if you don't like it, don't eat it.
    if you really want to try and like it though, the flavored ones are not bad. chobani has a vanilla one that is pretty good.
    i love to cook with it and subsitute it for mayo or sour cream.
    i had a party last sunday and used greek yogurt as a base for a ranch dip and a french onion dip, and used it to make spinach artichoke stuffed mushrooms (in place of the mayo). also works well in a strogonoff in place of sour cream.
    you can try blending it into smoothies as well, it helps make the shake thicker. i love it with banana, pb2, chocolate protein powder, coconut milk, greek yogurt, some water and ice.
    just try experimenting with it. i also made a fruit dip that was just plain greek yogurt and honey mixed, you could eat it plain or dip the fruit in it. my family enjoyed it when i made it for christmas as part of dessert.
    just try different varieties, and if you really don't like it just eat regular yogurt instead.
    you can find some good recipes and ideas throughout the internet, that's how i found some of mine :]
  • beamermum
    Apples and grapes are great with it. I find the sweetness of them take the sourness away.
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    I was just like you when I first tried it- try getting the one with fruit on the bottom, I like it so much better.
  • Greenlola
    Greenlola Posts: 30 Member
    Try different brands, some are better than others, also try adding fruit and honey to it, any fruit you like.
    If you still don't like it, then give it up and maybe try again later.
    I have found that our taste buds change so give it some time.......
    Otherwise, like everyone suggested, still don't like it don't eat it.
  • jazzcat55
    jazzcat55 Posts: 164 Member
    Up until a couple months ago, I had Tillamook Nonfat yogurt almost every day. Then I switched to Greek yogurt (I either make my own or buy Fage 0% at Costco). LUV it. My husband happened to pick up some of the Tillamooks the other day, and I had one. Ick! Compared to the thick, rich creaminess of the Greek, the Tillamook had a weird gelatinous texture (it does have gelatin in it) and was WAY too sweet. Funny how your tastebuds can change so much.
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    I dont like most yogurt, Greek or otherwise. Until I found Chobani. I dont like the no fat, but, the 2% pineapple is awesome. I only eat it at 3 ounces at a time. I would say, just keep trying different kinds.
  • ibroad
    ibroad Posts: 2
    green grapes, chopped walnuts and a tiny, tiny bit of honey. I could eat it by the bucket load.
  • OmegaGator
    OmegaGator Posts: 37 Member
    Try adding just a little maple syrup or honey, with blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, or walnuts, almonds, etc.
    My favorite dessert.

    +1 Spot on!

    What I have is, 1 cup greek yogurt, you can put more I do at times (also done with cottage cheese). Then add, 1/3 cup of some kind of grandola (I use home made almond granola), add some berries to taste (I use craisins (40g) or blue berries(100g)), and then a scoop of protein (I use strawberry).
  • MicroHez
    MicroHez Posts: 125 Member
    Love me some Fage. It's the only yogurt I can tolerate because of the texture. I am still not a fan of the flavor, but at least it isn't super runny. Runny + tart= Gagging!