Ladies... do you overeat ...



  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    I get real bad cramps, so I can't overeat or it hurts more, but I certainly have tons of cravings for all the foods we shouldn't be eating. That time of the month is Always the hardest on my willpower. Just remember, it is okay to indulge slightly, as long as you are keeping track of it and making up for it the rest of the day. Keep your calorie goal on track. You don't have to deprive yourself of all those delicous foods, just small amounts or compensate for it. And if you overeat (which I have issues with myself), try to make sure it's something low cal and healthy. It's not so bad to overeat a big old salad, or homemade dish. I have found alot of delicious low-cal recipes on where I can eat a lot (probably overeat), and still stay within my calorie goal.
  • sportzmom23
    sportzmom23 Posts: 103 Member
    Yep, some months...others not so much. And same with water fluctuation, but I have an IUD, and my hormones are wacky on it...this month, darn sweet tart jelly beans.... I went up three lbs water wise two weeks ago, it's slowly dropping back down...these months are hard, bc I know what and why it is happening, but.....
  • SHHitsKaty
    SHHitsKaty Posts: 301
    I definitely tend to overeat right before I start my period. I feel like nothing fills me up and I just eat and eat and eat. I have to really pay attention to what I'm eating and make sure that I'm staying below my calories around that week otherwise I just go crazy.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Yes....right before TOM (time of the month), I eat like it's an olympic sport. My husband calls it "eating the house down" - a co-worker and I call it getting a case of "the eats". Just try to be aware of it, and it really is one of those times where you have to make sure you have plenty of "friendly foods" to eat in the house. There have been occasions where I've overeaten and still lost because the better quality of food you eat, the more of it you can have.
