How do I not eat the junk if it's in the house?



  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    If it's there I can't control myself. I have to grab it and devour it.

    How do I gain self-control?

    You've got to find a way to not feel deprived, or this won't be something you can live with long-term. You can practice moderation, or find more healthful versions of whatever you crave most. There are lots of recipes where substitutions are made in things like pizza, pancakes, cookies, or whatever you're looking for. If you want chocolate, very dark chocolate is lower is sugar, and actually good for you.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    First, if your husband wants it, let him buy it. He's the male head of house - you're the female head of house.
    Second, if you can't make your husband take ownership of his bad food choices, only buy junk you don't like.
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    I like junk, I lick the all the junk.
  • srey0701
    srey0701 Posts: 196 Member
    Throw it away! Give it away! Donate it! Don't have it available so there is NO WAY that you can eat it!
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    If it's there I can't control myself. I have to grab it and devour it.

    How do I gain self-control?

    Step 1: Gather up all of the junk food.

    Step 2: Find a garbage can.

    Step 3: Place junk food into garbage can.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Stop buying junk.

    Not the only person in my home....and I cannot enforce my way onto my husband. He is the head of the house, he says buy it, I buy it.

    But I have such a difficult time walking past it...I am weak.

    What happens if you don't?
  • disawell
    disawell Posts: 102 Member
    Also: Fruit or fruit with yogurt or even a frozen yogurt stick will satisfy most sweet tooth cravings. I also buy the "grain waves" chips in single serve packets (only about 105 cal) to chow down on while watching tv, I feel like I had a *whole bag* or chips - coz I did -it was just a tiny bag! IF you're actually hungry though you should have a meal/proper food. Also herbal tea helps me a lot for those "i'm bored" snack times.
  • Think about everything u put in your mouth consciously. N decide that u don't want it. It gets easier with practice.
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    I like junk, I lick the all the junk.

    I like the junk you have in your pants...:love:
  • Buy healthy snacks and also control yourself. You can do it.
  • What about trading the junk for something healthier.. I still have junk in my house but I also have a healthier alternative.. like we have those oatmeal cookies with the creme filling and I have trail mix, my favorite is the indulgent trail mix as it has white, milk and butterscotch chips with nuts and grapes. I also have fruit and popsicles like Dryers fruit bars in Coconut, strawberry, pineapple and mango. they are awesome and I get a few veggie trays.
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    Have one serving every now and again as a treat so that it's not forbidden and you don't break and binge on it, and then just stop. You're making the choice. Once you own it rather than making excuses for it, you'll have better control.
  • jackieg218
    jackieg218 Posts: 95 Member
    When I see something that tempts me I just remind myself ... That's just the spoiled fat kid inside of you... If that doesn't work, I open my phone to my pic of me at me heavest and look at it, to remind myself I don't want to look like that again.

    It doors get easier, at least for me it has. Now when I see something that used to make my mouth water, I don't get that same feeling... It's just food... Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels!!!! (At least I hope so, I am not thin yet... But working on it)
  • squishyjenn
    squishyjenn Posts: 245 Member
    My brother moved in with me and he eats a ton of junk food and it drives me crazy because I can't seem to get away from it! What I tell myself is this "Is it really worth eating this? How will this make me feel in 10-20 minutes? Will I regret it? Why am I wanting this?" After I answer a few of these questions to myself, it's much easier to put down the crap and reach for something more healthy, or just nothing at all.
  • codapea
    codapea Posts: 182 Member
    Truly, the less sugar and junk you eat the less you crave it. It's nice to think you can have everything in moderation if it fits onto your daily calorie goal, but some of us can't eat that kind of stuff in moderation, will power goes out the window. Just go cold turkey and it will be easier to say no after a week or so. Buckle down and get the hard work out of the way now, and then once you are at maintenance there will be a little more wiggle room in your daily calorie goal for treats (it helps me to tell myself that). You can do it!
  • AmandaMarie916
    AmandaMarie916 Posts: 75 Member
    nothing taste as good as skinny and healthy feels
  • SusanMPreston43
    SusanMPreston43 Posts: 84 Member
    Stop buying junk.

    Not the only person in my home....and I cannot enforce my way onto my husband. He is the head of the house, he says buy it, I buy it.

    But I have such a difficult time walking past it...I am weak.

    What happens if you don't?

    When I buy the 'junk' I can at least disguise it half not so junky. I have some control over what it is. If I don't buy something he will go buy it and it will be the worst of the worst junk possible. I buy my junk so it's not so bad. I know that probably doesn't make sense.
  • I also find that drinking water helps too.
  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    staring contest. If you win you cant eat it. Just kidding
    I demonize it in my mind somehow. or I just chug a bunch of water until i don't want it anymore
  • spidey11186
    spidey11186 Posts: 141 Member
    Whenever you get the urge to munch on them... go run... keep running until you don't have the urge anymore. Double whammy because you'll exercise and also train your mind to associate those feelings with having to exercise and you'll eventually not want to binge anymore