How do I not eat the junk if it's in the house?



  • smi2k7
    smi2k7 Posts: 8 Member
    The best way is to keep it out of sight.. u get cravings cuz of a spike in sugar level..and once u have something sugary...ur sugar levels will drop and then rise up again, which will start cravings all over it will be very hard to control your self after that "one bite"

    Just request ur folks to keep them somewhere out of your sight..if u cant see them... ur brain wont force u to have some..

    But never be rude to your parents..let them get whatever they want ...just hide them somewhere...
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    Wow some great ideas here - wish I had read this before I ate that piece of chocolate cake ... - hope no-one minds but I have collated responses:

    Ideas to not eat junk

    Make sure you are never hungry
    keep a stash of healthy snacks
    eating it in small portions
    Pain therapy: eat something really spicy or pinch your arm when you want to eat junk
    allow yourself one treat a day
    Ask yourself whether it helps you reach your goals or not
    Think about everything u put in your mouth consciously
    once you say no the first time, you get this relief and then it gets easier. You can still have a little, but just practice saying "no thank you!"
    If you want chocolate, very dark chocolate is lower is sugar, and actually good for you
    single serve packets
    drinking water
    go run... keep running until you don't have the urge any more
    wait for 15 minutes. Almost 90% of the time, you will forget about it
    Count out your serving, place them away from view, walk away, enter calories and then eat
    Turn your language around.
    Instead of saying "I have no willpower" or "I can't control myself," say, "I'm going to beat this thing."
    when you get the junk food urge, leave the room. Go do something else instead.

    Some great ideas, thank you all :smile:
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    Have one serving every now and again as a treat so that it's not forbidden and you don't break and binge on it, and then just stop. You're making the choice. Once you own it rather than making excuses for it, you'll have better control.

    Agree 100%. Those are your choices! Practice moderation and fill with tasty and delicious healthier snacks! Choose those you REALLY like!
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Getting it out of the house is pointless. There will always be junk food available so the best thing to learn is self control, and it's one of those things that you can only learn through practice.
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    He is the head of the house, he says buy it, I buy it.

    there's your problem

    This. Are you married to a caveman?

    Adding my incredulity to this. Sounds like your marriage issues are far greater than your food issues.
  • jily310
    jily310 Posts: 38 Member
    I want it all too and I struggle. I ask myself every time I grab something to eat- is it going to be worth it tomorrow?
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    I buy the snacks for my kids and I have found that thinking how long you have to work out after you eat it works wonders because spending 30 minutes in the gym and then ruining it on 30 seconds of crappy food is not worth it to me. It will take some time getting used to not eating it, but your body will get used to it eventually.(3 weeks at the beginning for me) Also, ask yourself "Will this get me to my goal if I eat it?" If it is "NO" then choose something that will get you there.
  • skinnymalinkyscot
    skinnymalinkyscot Posts: 174 Member
    In a family there is always to a certain extent going to be junk food around, whether its kids ordering a home delivery of domino pizza or people who want to sabotage your diet by bringing you home all the things you used to eat such as bottles of wine or cream cakes. My husband sits on the couch every night eating bag after bag of crips (his choice) although as he works outdoors as a greenkeeper he is still skinny as a rake and fit as a fiddle, (although I dont suppose he is on the inside) my 3 kids come home at the weekend with bags of sweets and they nibble all night long, hot buttery toast , bacon sandwiches<gnashes teeth and wails>. Theyre at the young teenager/young adult stage where they can eat what they like as theyre all so active, the point is I try and hide everything out of sight but if i cant and theyre all eating it in front of me deliberately or innocently , then im afraid i take myself off somewhere else for 20 minutes even if its just for a bath or go upstairs with a book. I dotn want my fat body anymore and nothing is getting past my lips I havent accounted for , so if I really really want to chew on something i buy sugar free chewing gum and chew that until my jaw aches, thats my solution anyway
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Either quickly find Willpower or buy a lower calorie substitute to the junk you like - so say you are into potato chips. Buy your own Light or Fat Free Pringles, or pretzel flats or something else salty and crunchy. Having something else in the house to eat other than the high cal/high fat option helps. Like my BF loves ice cream and we always have high cal/fat ice cream in the house, so I buy my own "Turkey Hill Light" ice cream so if he's eating some and I want it to I have a little bit of mine. If you are into chocolate, buy his, plus buy 90 calorie chocolate snacks for yourself (my fav, Aldi Chocolately Pretzel Bars).

    For the OP - I know living with your folk is hard, but if you can financially, I'd try and buy your own food and leave theirs be.
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    I just tell myself that the junk food is poison and it is responsible for me being in the situation that I'm in today .... obese, pre-diabetic, and hypertensive. Suddenly, I really don't want it anymore.
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    You could try a couple of things!

    Talk to your parents and see if they could either hide the junk from you or buy lesser or switch to other alternatives? I also like to think of it as 'if I didn't buy it I can't eat it' and so if you eat one piece/item, put a dollar (or the cost of the food) in a jar and see how much that would cost you! Taking care of your finances might be of some motivation haha.

    Log your food first, look at the calories and fat and sodium you're eating and see if you still want it.

    If possible, eat everything healthy first and see if you still want the junk. (I do fruits, carrots, cucumbers, yoghurt etc)

    Buy your own healthier alternatives! Things that still feel like treats but are healthier/lower-caloried? So you don't feel deprived.

    Stick pieces of motivation on the junk cupboard door. It can be a picture of bodies that inspire you, words to remind you of your goal/to stay strong etc! So you'll see that first before you reach for those treats!

    But if you can practice moderation, just have one/a few and make sure that you allow room for that in your caloric goal! There is no no need to go cold turkey on any foods if you can practice moderation!

    And also the usual: the less sugar you have, the less you crave it. It is hard but to get through the first few days but when you get there you feel better!!

    Positivity and strength :)
  • natm91
    natm91 Posts: 39
    I live at home as well and my mum always buys crips, chocolate sweets etc its hard but I DO NOT deprive my self of it if I fancy a choccie bar then i have one and work it into my daily goal but I do try to eat something else instead like fruit so its sweet just not chocolate lol or I also ask my mum to buy certain chocolate (low calories i.e. in UK 1 mini/ fun size milkybar is 69cal) and health snack like ryvita (cripbreads) and so on. There is always a way round these things its just learning how to do it.

    Feel free to add me for more support :)
  • thequiltmama
    I have found the healthy choice frozen greek yogurt is really good. The whole container is 100 calories. But I trick my brain and only eat half a day so I still feel like I got a treat. Just an idea from a serious sweet tooth dieter. I hope things get easier for you on the junk food front. :)

    keep smiling
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Walk away from it. I have the same problem... Keep yourself occupied, once you get your head into something else you'll forget about the junkfood. Work on putting treats into your meal plan; if it's one a day or 3 a day. Start out small and have one one day it won't hurt. The more you are around said food the more you will tend to crave it if you don't eat it to get your mind off the thought of "I have to have it." And it's ok to tell your parents "buy this instead because.." Let them understand how to buy better food and why, you will ALL be better for it.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member

    Ask yourself if it is worth eating. If your answer is yes, go for it otherwise continue to the goal, and kudos for resisting.
  • RVfrog
    RVfrog Posts: 213 Member
    First, I see you live with your parents. So they buy the food. Maybe you could ask if they could put all the junk food in one place. Then you stay out of it until you can control the portion size. I also have a hard time if it's in the house I will eat it. I even do the portion control thing but I still overeat. For me not having it in the house is a big help.

    But I would talk with mom and ask how you both can come up with a solution for you. I wish you the best and hopefully you can come up with a good plan. When you want to eat the walk............exercise ...........anything to take your mind off of it.

    Work on taking just the serving size...........and then help ........just a suggestion.

    Good luck.
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    self control. you might want to look into purchasing or downloading a book about self control/moderation and then try to use the tools in the book to control yourself.
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    I don't eat ANYTHING unless I log it FIRST! So, if I really want junk food, I pull out one portion, log it and then decide if it's really worth it. If it is, I eat it. If I decide it''s not, I delete it and I feel really good about myself :happy:
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Find said junk
    Take out one serving
    Walk away
    Eat said serving

    All about self control... if you can learn that, then you are good.