Looking for friends who log on a daily basis



  • outscore23
    outscore23 Posts: 5 Member
  • Today I marked my 6lb lost, only 16lb to go! I am here every day. Whishing success to all. Yvonne:happy:
  • umer76
    umer76 Posts: 1,272 Member
    It is always great to be friends with people who log in everyday. I login everyday as well and streak is around 235 days I think.
  • charlesnapolitano
    charlesnapolitano Posts: 302 Member
    i login everyday you can add me if you want :)
  • inky409
    inky409 Posts: 26 Member
    add me! i'm looking for friends too! my ticker says start date march 2011 when it should say march 2013. i think i made a typo and i don't quite know how to fix it. i log in daily and always have the MFP page up on my laptop and use my smartphone when i'm not at home.
  • fabry12
    fabry12 Posts: 32 Member
    Feel free to add me too.
  • RebeccaBurmeister
    RebeccaBurmeister Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Sam I am Becca. I am on here everyday .. It is a great site. I love meeting new people and the help is outstanding! Welcome .. Feel free to add me! Good luck hun!
  • kristy_n0831
    kristy_n0831 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm on multiple times a day. Feel free to add me!
  • I agree! It is not my first time I had to lose weight. You've reached a plateau. Keep up a good job and you’ll get there!:wink:
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    adding you....
    I log daily. (barring illness)
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    Me! Me! Pick meeee!!!
  • I do! Just sent ya a friend request
  • ThisNewFitGirl
    ThisNewFitGirl Posts: 81 Member
    Hey I log everyday... sometimes its the only thing I do all day long. Go ahead and add me if you want :)
  • Bane81
    Bane81 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm fairly new to this site, but I've logged in for 15 days in a row. I'm dedicated to continue to do this as I've put it as part of my daily routine now.
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    I added you. Good luck on your journey.
  • amymaytay
    amymaytay Posts: 55 Member
    I have only been on for 17 days soo far, i do log my food and exercise everyday. Also looking for friends for motiviation/advice as well. Anyone can feel free to add me as a friend :wink:
  • JennytheWicked
    JennytheWicked Posts: 67 Member
    225 days and counting! I'm here every day! :D feel free to add me
  • Haltermania
    Haltermania Posts: 288 Member
    fill free to add me and goes for anyone :)
  • I log every day and anyone can add me if they like :)
  • cherylatkwechanged
    cherylatkwechanged Posts: 479 Member
    Active logger and love to have new friends please add me xxx