Any coffee Addicts?

I wonder if there are more people like me - totally addicted to coffee. I could drink it all day long and its easier for me to drink coffee than water. I tried so many times to quit as I know it is not good for me - keeps my skin so dry. Is theare anyone out there who managed to wean themselves off coffee and survived?


  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    I wonder if there are more people like me - totally addicted to coffee. I could drink it all day long and its easier for me to drink coffee than water. I tried so many times to quit as I know it is not good for me - keeps my skin so dry. Is theare anyone out there who managed to wean themselves off coffee and survived?

    I drink a lot of coffee.
    double espresso on my way to work, then 3 extra large cups at work and a decaf at night.
    I've tried to ween myself off and gave up. :)
  • jennytessman
    If you are addicted to the caffiene try supplementing with a caffiene pill. Still not wonderful for you but one pill is 80mg of caffiene which is equal to a regular cup of coffee. I drank so much coffee and tea for such a long time when i tried to stop I got severe withdrawal headaches and this did the trick. I cut down to a cup in the morning and a pill in the afternoon to now only drinking 2 cups a week usually and a pill when i feel the headache coming on.
  • rcaruthie
    rcaruthie Posts: 28 Member
    I love coffee too. I have tried to cut back. Luckily I love water more and I only will drink black coffee - flavored coffee leaves a horrible taste in my mouth and I just don't like it. Except Starbucks and that is a very rare treat. :)
  • ReniaL
    ReniaL Posts: 86 Member
    Thank you ladies for yor responses. I only drink black coffee - the milk in my drinks makes me feel sick and do not like the flavoured coffees either. I am really wieird but do not like coffee from Starbucks or Cafe Nero. I prefer the one I make myself. I cannot function without coffee. My normal blood pressure is usually really low 101/78 89/80 so maybe this is the reason why I need i so much?
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    3 to 4 coffees a day. no sugar.
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    I am really wieird but do not like coffee from Starbucks

    you are not weird. starbucks coffee sucks - if you want your coffee to taste like coffee, not pumpkin pie
  • sgtdub555
    sgtdub555 Posts: 692
    black please and just keep it coming.. someone message me a cup will you .. i am out here lol
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Green tea FTW!!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    In for the addiction.
  • llwll
    llwll Posts: 18 Member
    I do drink coffee, especially black simple turkish coffee without anything, just once per day, at morning– it can do miracles. But there is another wonder drink with even more potential benefits, and you can drink this one pretty much without any limitations. I’m talking about green tea...“If you don't create change, change will create you” :))
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    I allow myself 2 cups a day - then tea and herbal tea after that.

    I could drink it until the cows come home because I adore the taste but I'd never get any sleep.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    When I stop drinking coffee, I get terrible headaches. I only drink two cups in the morning.
  • elis_mama
    elis_mama Posts: 308 Member
    Yep! I need my morning coffee for sure.....and a cup during the day. I've cut down a lot! But, I substitute with fountain Diet Pepsi, as well. They are my two beverage vices.
  • ladyeofani
    ladyeofani Posts: 42 Member
    I recently cut down from drinking it all day to 2 cups in the morning and maybe 1 during the evening before dinner time (if I feel like I want to munch on something). Otherwise I subbed it with water. Once in a while I'll throw in a cup of organic green tea with raw honey in it's place. It's a hard addiction to curb (harder than cigarettes). However, if you're dehydrated because of it, I will strongly suggest you start drinking decaf or start drinking lots of water. Dehydration will lead to serious kidney issues, collapse, and other severe health problems. Please take care of yourself as you only have 1 body so treat it well.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    I was an Ice Coffee/Hot Coffee addict, but i too am reformed. now i just have 1 cup every few days if that, mostly drink Tea and water now.

    Coffee at 1 cup a day is not bad for you, infact it's actually good for all the nasties, but more then 2 increases the chances of everything bad in the world happening to you lol not to mention the whole addiction thing, that we suffered or suffer from.
  • terri1020
    terri1020 Posts: 38
    I used to drink massive amounts of coffee. I slowly began to replace one scoop of regular coffee grinds with one scoop of decaf when I made a pot. It took me several months but now my coffee is only decaf. No headaches at all. When I used to not have coffee in the morning for blood work (nothing to eat or drink after midnight the day before blood work), I would get massive horrible headaches.I feel kind of relieved not to be addicted to it any more. Since I love the taste of coffee,decaf works.

    Good luck!
  • sharon_moyer
    I drink coffee, but usually 2 cups a day. I learned to sweeten my coffee with stevia instead of sugar and I still like my flavored creamers, but just trying to find something with not as many calories. I have already drank black coffee which isn't too bad but I still like my coffee sweetened a little.
  • garciabnm
    garciabnm Posts: 138
    8 cups a day before lunch for me! Not eating any junk food, its the one guilty pleasure i refuse to give up. Its within my allowments, so i say why the heck not.
  • scanners107
    scanners107 Posts: 33 Member
    I drink about 6-8 cups a day with sweetener.
  • jemimasmum
    jemimasmum Posts: 249 Member
    oh yes. Black coffee at least every 2 hours and preferably into a vein! Doesn't affect my sleep patterns.
    Every now and then I get concerned about something I read once (don't know where) about coffee and belly fat. might have been about cortisol...who knows. I just decided that coffee stops me killing people so I drink it as a service to humanity:wink: