Beautiful Blues 4/27/10



  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Ugh. Just got done with my follow up doctor's appointment. I have a lump in my breast that they're keeping an eye on. Good news is that my thyroid is supposedly normal now....that's what I like to hear after all that hypothyroidism stuff and all the testing I had done a good year or so ago. Gave another 4 tubes of blood today though to get some other stuff checked, and now I'm off to fill new prescriptions. Yuck! Oh, and the lady that took my blood wasn't the whole arm is sooooore now! Haha.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Ugh. Just got done with my follow up doctor's appointment. I have a lump in my breast that they're keeping an eye on. Good news is that my thyroid is supposedly normal now....that's what I like to hear after all that hypothyroidism stuff and all the testing I had done a good year or so ago. Gave another 4 tubes of blood today though to get some other stuff checked, and now I'm off to fill new prescriptions. Yuck! Oh, and the lady that took my blood wasn't the whole arm is sooooore now! Haha.

    I hate those nurses that are so aggressive. I wish you good results on your breast exam and am glad that the thyroid levels are normal!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Rach good luck with everything!

    I was good last night and did stretch even with my son climbing all over me. He thought it was great to slide down my legs when I was in downward facing dog. (DD was helping) Such a reminder as to why I get up early to exercise. :laugh: I also noticed that I am a bit more flexible already--this is my 2nd time with stretch and I am positive I had an extra 2 inches in my hamstring stretch!

    Mayra, I think that for some reason they don't put up an episode of the BL until the day before the new one. Rather irritating. I DVR it so I never miss it. :tongue: I heard about Sam and Stephanie too. It seems weird especially since Koli was going around saying Stephanie threw a weigh in and such...The first mention of anything was when Stephanie went home and said she fell in love, didn't say to who though.

    I am off to do cardio. Such fun! Have a great day!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Heasing off to donate platlets soon so I will not get my cardio done until after lunch today. I love stretch X I feel more flexible and might do it instead of yoga.

    Hope yall are having a great week
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    deb - yeah, only six!! Haha, I couldn't believe it myself. I ate them one ... at ... a ... time. :wink: But, then I felt all icky because they stuck to my teeth!

    mayra - I am right there with you!! chips and cheese = baaad!!

    rach - I hope everything is okay! Glad to hear your thyroid is back to normal - that always helps!!

    smadag1 - what is stretch X?

    I hope everyone is having a good day!

    I'm getting ready to head to a meeting at work ... just waiting for a lady to return my e-mail. Today has been rough... had an eye doctor appointment this morning and didn't get the news I was expecting. *sigh* vision problems suck, lol
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    xstretch is from the p90x series. Smadag and I just started a month ago.

    I went to costco and over spent but got lots of good yummy fruits and vegies. I also bought junk to so I wasn't perfect!:noway:

    I tried these vegie crisps I found there actual freeze dried vegies with oil and salt. Quite tasty and filling. I don't feel quite as guilty over that...:smile:

    Hope you are having a grand friday!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Just got back from donating platlets and feel realy tired I think I will lay down for a while and if I feel better laterI will do cardio. Deb were did you get the veggie crisps I would like to try them I need good snack ideas. THis being on a budget is killing my healthy eating
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    20/70 P90X Classic
    Week 3: Kenpo X

    I haven't caught up with posts yet, but will be doing that. I just finished Kenpo X and I just love to do it at the end of my workout week. Kenpo X is like the frosting in the cake- just what the doctor ordered. I canceled my gym subscription last weekend because I have not been needing to use the gym- thank you P90X and all those other beach body workouts. Plus summer's coming and I can run outside. It's just that when you have kids it's so much more convenient to exercise at home whether in the morning or when the baby is napping- I find that I'm saving so much time in my day. I can save the extra money to buy more resistance bands and dumbells, which I will be needing. Take care everybody, and dig deeper!!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I got the vegie crisps at costco. They are actual vegies not chips. There are carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes...I will look up the brand name when I am by them. Having a computer at the opposite end of the house makes that difficult. :tongue:

    I sure love kenpo too. I actually have never had a gym membership. I would much rather exercise at home even with the kids climbing on topof me. :laugh:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I am not going to do cardio today because for some reason donating plstlets took more out of me than it usually does I took a nap for over an hour but I still feel weak so I am going to rest tonight. Hubby will be home this weekend haven't seen him since sunday so I am not sure what my weekend holds.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Take care of yourself smadag, You can always exercise later... I am glad you will see your hubby! Should be a good weekend for you. I got mine mad at me by being mad at him. I shouldn't let my mind make myself mad!:grumble:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I think with all of the yard work that I have to do I am going for a workout record today. (Of course, it helps when the riding mower breaks down the day before you have invited a group over for a picnic, and your yard is nearly 1 1/2 acres.) So far I have logged 200 minutes, 1828 calories burned, and I am still going strong. I have downed 64 oz. of water. I'm in for a 15 minute break before starting again, and I just informed my husband (who unfortunately hurt his back last night trying to fix the lawn tractor) that we are going out to eat tonight, and I am ordering whatever I want! Everyone have a great May Day!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hi all,

    I took the day off from dieting, and it felt good. I haven't done this in a while- and I think it's good to do once in a while. I went to a beautiful botanical garden and walked alot- It was gorgeous. Then we went to the cheesecake factory and I ate alot. I'm sure I'll have a good run tomorrow because when I eat alot the day before, I have lots of glycogen to burn off for my run. I think it's okay to take a day off once in a while- to reset the system and to regain strength to keep going. I'm back in this tomorrow- There's no turning back for me from here on. It's just forward and forward. Take care all!!! I think about all of you alot and I smile and am grateful to have you as fitness buddies.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hey everybody,

    I'm working on a final project due tomorrow and I'm going to take the day off from logging. I'm going to work on the project and get it over with and I'll have pizza tonight. I took the day off yesterday as well, and I have not done this in over 5 months. I've been oh so good, for so long. I just got back though from a jog outside and from eating all that crap yesterday my timing hurt and I only ran for 15 minutes. Oh, well, something to take note off- I'm dripping in sweat though. Today is week 4 of P90X and it's recovery week so I will also be doing Yoga X in a few minutes.

    Last week I tried something different and I didn't eat all of my exercise calories in a desperate attempt to see a loss in the scale this week. It's still the same. Also, my runs outside have been hurting and I have seen my timing cut in half. I did 38 minutes last time and now I'm doing 15-20 minutes and I'm out. I'm going to start eating my exercise calories again, because I want to have good performance and endurance. It's just I've been really patient and I have not lost any weight in 3 months: That's a long time. I'm more toned and my clothes are loser and I look different- but for us women the scale is very important. Anyhow, tomorrow I'm back with logging foods as usual and I'll be eating my exercise calories and trusting the process.

    take care all!!!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Maylan sometimes you need to take some time off otherwise you can get burnout.

    Mary way to go you have just given me a great idea I can mow my lawn I have about 2 acres that I can mow and it takes me over an hour to do.

    I have hit a point today and I am tired of having to suck it in to button my pants and only having a few pair that fit. I am going to try extra hard to get my head on right. I am going to do my P90x everyday and start C25K atleast 3 days a week, plus any yard and house work that I can get in along with my studing for my CDL

    Wow I have a long week ahead of me but I am ready to do this
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    MAyra, I agree that you need to give yourself a break sometimes. The recovery week is perfect for that. You are doing wonderful! We were once the same weight, and now look at yourself. I've been stuck in a rut and you were able to maintain losses week after week. Your body may just be asking for a break. :flowerforyou: Take it easy this week, even run slower, or just do the p90x recovery and pick up running again next week. You are probably tired!

    smadag I think that mowing the lawn is a great idea for exercise. Go for it! If you set challenges for yourself the time will go faster. :bigsmile:

    I am back to work again this week. I took progress pics yesterday and I think they look different, either that or I am just used to how my gut looks in the mirror now. I have a plan--I am going to start planning again. :bigsmile: :laugh:

    Don't forget to weigh in today! :flowerforyou:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    It's just I've been really patient and I have not lost any weight in 3 months: That's a long time. I'm more toned and my clothes are loser and I look different- but for us women the scale is very important. Anyhow, tomorrow I'm back with logging foods as usual and I'll be eating my exercise calories and trusting the process.

    I'm putting my foot down and calling BS......:laugh:laugh:...
    The scale is not "very important". It's a number. You've done great, and remember what you said. I'll repeat it for you.

    "I'm more toned. My clothes are loser" - That's a great feeling, and an awesome job.
    The workouts that you've done.

    I noticed a few times you've mentioned molasses(black strap (sp)) in your foods.. is that a daily thing? Maybe you need to remove some foods that you think were good for yourself?

    I think if you are weighing the same... but your smaller.. verified with clothes being looser, and you are more toned.
    Time to start looking at your bf%, and don't worry about the scale.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Beautiful day out there today.
    I went out and came back and said I had to go for a wog today.

    I did an outer lap of 2.5 miles in around 30 mins, and thought that was too quick.
    Followed up with another shorter lap of approx 1.8 miles for 4.3 miles wogged today in under an hour.

    840 calories burned.

    My jogging felt great I was able to sustain farther jogging times today. Special reason..:laugh:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Awesome peter!

    Mayra he is right, you are seeing wonderful results if everything is fitting better. It doesn't matter what the scale says if you are happy with how you look and feel!

    I don't have any weights yet...anybody want to weigh in?
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Just finished core and I am drenched and it feels great. Moved to heavier weights on some moves. Tomorrow I run in the morning and will do cardio in the afternoon.

    Now on to cleaning the house since hubby is gone for the rest of the week

    Peter you rocked that workout !!!!!!!!!!!!!:drinker: