Do BMI's seem unrealistic to anyone else?



  • stephanieadorman
    stephanieadorman Posts: 31 Member
    For me to be in the middle of the healthy range of BMI - I would have to be about 130lbs.

    However, I have a 45 inch shoulder span. There's no way that I can get that small. Holy crap.

    So I try to ignore it.
  • JustQuitIt
    YES. I'm still 25 pounds out from being overweight instead of obese! I don't feel/think I look obese. But I do have a good bit of muscle, but still. F@#% BMI
  • Tricep_A_Tops
    ^^^^^ Just added them.

    so you'd have to be 189 lb to be considered in the "healthy" range.

    honestly i know that sounds ridiculous... but i bet that 50 years ago before the age of hyper-awareness of body image (ie: super muscular and built for men) a majority of men fell into that range even at your height.

    part of me wonders if our perception as a people and as a country have just shifted over time..

    I read about the people of Okinawa recently, who have one of the longest lifespans in the world - with many people living to 100 and beyond. the common denominator is that they're active and thin. Not "built", not what we in the west consider "in great shape", but trim and thin, while still athletic (martial arts)

    just something to ponder i guess...
    50 years ago?? Are youn freakin kidding me? That comment proves that BMI Is a joke!!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Chances are your BMI is pretty accurate for you. Like others have said, unless you are very short or extremely muscular, your BMI will be realistic. I've often found that the people who dismiss the BMI as a joke or as unrealistic are the ones whose numbers tell them something they don't want to hear. You might not feel comfortable at the mid range BMI but what about the upper end of the healthy BMI?
    I was considered overweight according to BMI in this pic.. BMI is not only a joke but dangerous!! I have seen countless teenage girls on here posting about trying to get under 110-115 lbs because thats where BMI says they should be and they dont have another once of fat to lose looking at their pics.


    many teenage girls SHOULD be 110-115 or below... my girlfriend is 5'2, 27 years old, and still around 110. and that's healthy for her
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    BMI is very realistic to me. I'd rather rely on that than still be fat & ok with it. I'm still in the higher end of my normal BMI & I am grateful to be there & stay there. That's what keeps me going. To be classed as overweight is unacceptable UNLESS you are bulked up or an athlete & that's what causes the BIM change to be higher.

    Anything other than that & you are just being lazy.
  • stephanieadorman
    stephanieadorman Posts: 31 Member
    Here are the facts. I am currently in recovery week of Insantiy. For those not familar that is the week just before month 2. I currently wear a size 12 and even those are becoming very loose on me. Got some belly fat going on that I'm trying to get rid of thru the program. Measured the waist yesterday and it was 34 inches. Not happy with it, but definitley not the waist of an obese woman.

    Holy crap woman, I'm 5'8, with a 36 inch waist and still wear a size 12. I hate womens sizes. Booooo
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    ^^^^^ Just added them.

    so you'd have to be 189 lb to be considered in the "healthy" range.

    honestly i know that sounds ridiculous... but i bet that 50 years ago before the age of hyper-awareness of body image (ie: super muscular and built for men) a majority of men fell into that range even at your height.

    part of me wonders if our perception as a people and as a country have just shifted over time..

    I read about the people of Okinawa recently, who have one of the longest lifespans in the world - with many people living to 100 and beyond. the common denominator is that they're active and thin. Not "built", not what we in the west consider "in great shape", but trim and thin, while still athletic (martial arts)

    just something to ponder i guess...
    50 years ago?? Are youn freakin kidding me? That comment proves that BMI Is a joke!!

    because we're fatter today and more ok with being fatter?

    i'm not 100% on the side of BMI, i just think it's worth considering that our perceptions are what have changed the most.......
  • Tricep_A_Tops
    BMI is a joke! According to BMI guidelines I am considered Obese. I am 6"1, 226 lbs and I would have to look like Justin Bieber to be considered to be at a healthy weight.

    Actually your BMI calculates to 29.8, which is overweight on BMI charts. But how does one outlier make something a joke?

    i don't even think it's an outlier - it's just a shift in perception among an entire population as to what's considered "good", "normal", or what look is considered "desirable"

    the BMI scale hasn't changed since it was designed in the 1850s... we have.
    1850's??? Like I said, BMI is a joke.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    i thought it was unrealistic when i was fat. then i lost enough weight to be in the normal range, and changed my mind. i'm a few pounds under "normal" bmi and i want to lose even more, get rid of the extra pudge in my middle.

    i absolutely agree it doesn't account for all factors, but it's a damn good rule of thumb
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    BMI is a joke! According to BMI guidelines I am considered Obese. I am 6"1, 226 lbs and I would have to look like Justin Bieber to be considered to be at a healthy weight.

    Actually your BMI calculates to 29.8, which is overweight on BMI charts. But how does one outlier make something a joke?

    i don't even think it's an outlier - it's just a shift in perception among an entire population as to what's considered "good", "normal", or what look is considered "desirable"

    the BMI scale hasn't changed since it was designed in the 1850s... we have.

    Actually it changed just recently. It actually made it that I was higher in BMI than before. Try again to use an excuse to be fat.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    Ahh my favorite subject! Not.. I've commented on this many times. I'm 5'3 174 pounds with a bmi of 30.8

    Classified as obese. Rated as obese. Judged as obese. In order to get to an "acceptable" bmi I would need to get down to about 140ish pounds. And even that would put me at the high end of normal. Almost at the overweight level

    Here are the facts. I am currently in recovery week of Insantiy. For those not familar that is the week just before month 2. I currently wear a size 12 and even those are becoming very loose on me. Got some belly fat going on that I'm trying to get rid of thru the program. Measured the waist yesterday and it was 34 inches. Not happy with it, but definitley not the waist of an obese woman.

    Toning up in places I never knew existed. And feel great for an almost 50 year old woman.On paper I look like im obese. For insurance purposes I am obese. And of course my bmi has me at obese. Don't know a ton of obese 48 year old women who wear a size 12. I've had a complete blood work up and passed with flying colors. (doc was impressed- I'm not even pre-menapausal yet)

    BMI is outdated and should not be used as an acceptable measure of fitness. I am going with the Insanity program, not looking at weight, but striving for a size 8. Not sure what that will weigh when I get there, but I have a feeling my bmi won't consider it healthy

    Let me add I'm not saying I'm not overweight. But I am in no way obese
  • Tricep_A_Tops
    Chances are your BMI is pretty accurate for you. Like others have said, unless you are very short or extremely muscular, your BMI will be realistic. I've often found that the people who dismiss the BMI as a joke or as unrealistic are the ones whose numbers tell them something they don't want to hear. You might not feel comfortable at the mid range BMI but what about the upper end of the healthy BMI?
    I was considered overweight according to BMI in this pic.. BMI is not only a joke but dangerous!! I have seen countless teenage girls on here posting about trying to get under 110-115 lbs because thats where BMI says they should be and they dont have another once of fat to lose looking at their pics.


    many teenage girls SHOULD be 110-115 or below... my girlfriend is 5'2, 27 years old, and still around 110. and that's healthy for her
    Yes 5"2!! Not 5"5-5"8!!
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    I guess it depends. Honestly, for me - a 26 year old house wife who doesn't lift or anything (I'm not muscular) it says my range is between 115 and 154 pounds for my height (5' 6")

    I've been 120 in the past, and on me that was pretty thin looking (my rib cage was visible to the point it looked kind of gross, so I think an extra 5lbs or so would have made me look better.)

    Personally, I think 125-130 isn't unreasonable at all - like I've said I have weighed that much in the past so I know what it looks like on me, and it's within a healthy BMI range for my height.

    Considering I was much happier at 120 than as opposed to my current weight, I really want to get back to that. My personal mini goal is 150, but my vanity goal (the one I'm tracking on my ticker) is 125.
  • stephanieadorman
    stephanieadorman Posts: 31 Member
    BMI is very realistic to me. I'd rather rely on that than still be fat & ok with it. I'm still in the higher end of my normal BMI & I am grateful to be there & stay there. That's what keeps me going. To be classed as overweight is unacceptable UNLESS you are bulked up or an athlete & that's what causes the BIM change to be higher.

    Anything other than that & you are just being lazy.

    That is not true at all.

    Take a look at this picture:

    I was "obese" according to the BMI in that picture - and it totally screwed with my head.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    BMI is a joke! According to BMI guidelines I am considered Obese. I am 6"1, 226 lbs and I would have to look like Justin Bieber to be considered to be at a healthy weight.

    Actually your BMI calculates to 29.8, which is overweight on BMI charts. But how does one outlier make something a joke?

    i don't even think it's an outlier - it's just a shift in perception among an entire population as to what's considered "good", "normal", or what look is considered "desirable"

    the BMI scale hasn't changed since it was designed in the 1850s... we have.
    1850's??? Like I said, BMI is a joke.

    maybe. how many 100 year olds have you seen who aren't thin? how many former athletes have you seen make it to 80? 90?
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I used to think I was one of the snowflakes for which a healthy BMI was an unrealistic goal. My initial goal was a BMI of around 27/28. When I got there, though, it was clear I could and should burn additional fat to be healthier. I'm now at the higher end of the healthy BMI range, 24ish, and though I am happy here (5'11", larger-framed, 25% body fat) I could definitely still drop 10-15 pounds and be very healthy and still look good - I just don't choose to, at least for now.

    I suppose what I am saying is that when one is very overweight, it is easy to look at the weight in the healthy range and think it is unattainable. I've never weighed this low; I thought I would look skeletal, but trust me, I do not :) You can't really judge until you get there. (and I know that for men and women aiming to put on muscle mass, BMI is not really the goal - it doesn't take lean body mass into account).
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    BMI is very realistic to me. I'd rather rely on that than still be fat & ok with it. I'm still in the higher end of my normal BMI & I am grateful to be there & stay there. That's what keeps me going. To be classed as overweight is unacceptable UNLESS you are bulked up or an athlete & that's what causes the BIM change to be higher.

    Anything other than that & you are just being lazy.

    That is not true at all.

    Take a look at this picture:

    I was "obese" according to the BMI in that picture - and it totally screwed with my head.

    we can't even see your body in that pic.... but diggin' the NSYNC posters!
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    The "overweight" category was expanded in recent years to include those bmi's that were previously considered "normal" There no medical reason for most people to need to be in the "normal" weight category.. Yes, you don't want to be obese.. but for most people they are just as healthy in the "overweight" range. Actually, many women receive some protective qualities from being slightly in the "overweight" category.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    BMI is a joke! According to BMI guidelines I am considered Obese. I am 6"1, 226 lbs and I would have to look like Justin Bieber to be considered to be at a healthy weight.

    Actually your BMI calculates to 29.8, which is overweight on BMI charts. But how does one outlier make something a joke?

    i don't even think it's an outlier - it's just a shift in perception among an entire population as to what's considered "good", "normal", or what look is considered "desirable"

    the BMI scale hasn't changed since it was designed in the 1850s... we have.
    1850's??? Like I said, BMI is a joke.

    I'm sorry, how does perception change what is healthy?
  • AndrewXB9
    AndrewXB9 Posts: 114
    To me its a very rough estimate. I'm sorry but to be 11 stone 6 lbs and JUST be inside the "healthy" range of the BMI scale is ridiculous for me (5 ft 8). If i want to be anywhere near HALFWAY in the "healthy" part of the scale I need to weigh around 10 stone > The same weight my sister was diagnosed with anorexia at the same height.