Do BMI's seem unrealistic to anyone else?



  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    no offense, but being 189 pds at 6 foot 1 is a little bit small. my husband is 6 foot 1 and he is a little overweight but still in good shape. He does hard manual labor for a job 5-6 days a week. he looks his best at about 210-215. just my opinon

    My 6'1" husband is about 185 and looks overweight. It's a question of LBM
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I would have to get down to 140 lbs to have a mid range BMI, that is just not realistic. I would be comfortable at 160-170 but that still puts me at overweight BMI. Are BMI a realistic measuring tool for most people?

    I wouldn't feel comfortable at a mid range BMI either. I didn't get a strong enough dose of ectomorph genes to look good at the lowest "healthy" weight for my height, but I do look and feel best at a weight close to that end. My build is willowy enough to look chubby at mid range and fat, fat, FAT at the top of the range. BMI is intended to describe populations, not individuals, but like most individuals I'm under the bell curve so to speak. Not everyone is, but that's statistics for you.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    no offense, but being 189 pds at 6 foot 1 is a little bit small. my husband is 6 foot 1 and he is a little overweight but still in good shape. He does hard manual labor for a job 5-6 days a week. he looks his best at about 210-215. just my opinon

    exactly. it's your opinion of his outward appearance based on what you find attractive. all subjective.

    none of that has anything to do with his actual HEALTH and/or risk factors. just because someone looks attractive to you doesn't mean they're healthy, and just because someone looks underweight or unattractive to you doesn't mean they're not healthy. ya know?
  • dimsumkitty
    dimsumkitty Posts: 120 Member
    I am overweight. I am not obese. I would even go so far as to say high end overweight. I am in not in denial. Maybe my perception of obese and what others think is skewed. To me obese is a person whose weight is affecting their life. ex- can't ride the roller coaster, has to buy 2 seats on an airplane. Gets winded going up stairs. In other words, their weight has become a hinderance to their lives.. Is that the disconnect here. Is my perception of obese different than what it really is? I truly can't wrap my head around me being obese and when I tell people i'm obese they laugh at me. So its not just me saying it, others are as well.

    Well technically the "definition" of obesity is BMI over 30. But usually it just means it has a severe health impact. "Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems." according to Wikipedia. So yeah, that isn't really what you think it is.
  • xxXcaraXxx
    xxXcaraXxx Posts: 58 Member
    my bmi is totally unrealistic but im very big boobed at size ten I weigh aroundbthe 11st mark xxx
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    When I weighed in the range of my BMI in my college years, I got an intervention from my friends b/c they were concerned about my weight--I was too thin. I am tall with a large frame. For me, it's not realistic.

    Agree whole-heartedly. My doctors have told me that I should get somewhere between 175-185 as a healthy weight for my frame/LBM. That puts me in the overweight category for BMI. So yeah...not accurate for everyone by a long shot.
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    no offense, but being 189 pds at 6 foot 1 is a little bit small. my husband is 6 foot 1 and he is a little overweight but still in good shape. He does hard manual labor for a job 5-6 days a week. he looks his best at about 210-215. just my opinon

    exactly. it's your opinion of his outward appearance based on what you find attractive. all subjective.

    none of that has anything to do with his actual HEALTH and/or risk factors. just because someone looks attractive to you doesn't mean they're healthy, and just because someone looks underweight or unattractive to you doesn't mean they're not healthy. ya know?

    Good work Coach Reddy!
  • bfpower
    bfpower Posts: 92 Member
    I do healthcare statistics and I can tell you that BMI is definitely unreliable. It works to some degree for most people and can be a reasonable indicator of whether or not a person is overweight. However, being under 25 (for a guy) is not a realistic indicator that a person is at a healthy weight.

    The reason we use BMI is that body fat % (the best indicator of a healthy weight) is very expensive to do correctly. The standard methods of measuring BFP are less accurate than BMI. Displacement BFP (the kind that is almost always done at a university) is the most accurate method. At any rate, that's why BMI gets used instead.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    For me, I think I look bigger than my BMI. I'm 5'8 BMI 19.5 which is 7 lbs higher than being "underweight" but I think I look like BMI 22sh. I guess I'm skinny fat. What does your BF% have to be to be considered skinnyfat? Mine is 18.5 % which isn't horrible for a 37 year od woman but still higher than the ideal
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    I do not go by BMI as I have muscle and that does not take that into account, I only go by bodyfat...:smile:
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I am overweight. I am not obese. I would even go so far as to say high end overweight. I am in not in denial. Maybe my perception of obese and what others think is skewed. To me obese is a person whose weight is affecting their life. ex- can't ride the roller coaster, has to buy 2 seats on an airplane. Gets winded going up stairs. In other words, their weight has become a hinderance to their lives.. Is that the disconnect here. Is my perception of obese different than what it really is? I truly can't wrap my head around me being obese and when I tell people i'm obese they laugh at me. So its not just me saying it, others are as well.

    Well technically the "definition" of obesity is BMI over 30. But usually it just means it has a severe health impact. "Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems." according to Wikipedia. So yeah, that isn't really what you think it is.

    I would add that a body fat measurement of over 32% (if you can get a reliable measurement) is also considered obese. Even when I was on the borderline of obesity, my waist measurement wasn't over 32"

    I think Morbid Obesity is usually where people start to need two seats/ have trouble on rollercoasters, etc...
  • kopoba11
    kopoba11 Posts: 12
    Try using this calculator from web MD, they ask for more data to calculate appropriate BMW
  • mountaingirl1961
    mountaingirl1961 Posts: 75 Member
    ^^^^^ Just added them.

    so you'd have to be 189 lb to be considered in the "healthy" range.

    honestly i know that sounds ridiculous... but i bet that 50 years ago before the age of hyper-awareness of body image (ie: super muscular and built for men) a majority of men fell into that range even at your height.

    part of me wonders if our perception as a people and as a country have just shifted over time..

    I read about the people of Okinawa recently, who have one of the longest lifespans in the world - with many people living to 100 and beyond. the common denominator is that they're active and thin. Not "built", not what we in the west consider "in great shape", but trim and thin, while still athletic (martial arts)

    just something to ponder i guess...

    A friend of mine from Nepal tells me that the most striking thing about visiting this country is the size of the people. Even the "fit" ones here are huge compared to Nepalese, and the absolute largest person you'll see walking around in Kathmandu is about the size of a pretty average American.

    I'd agree - our perception of what is acceptable has shifted, significantly, and to large extent not for the better.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    I am overweight. I am not obese. I would even go so far as to say high end overweight. I am in not in denial. Maybe my perception of obese and what others think is skewed. To me obese is a person whose weight is affecting their life. ex- can't ride the roller coaster, has to buy 2 seats on an airplane. Gets winded going up stairs. In other words, their weight has become a hinderance to their lives.. Is that the disconnect here. Is my perception of obese different than what it really is? I truly can't wrap my head around me being obese and when I tell people i'm obese they laugh at me. So its not just me saying it, others are as well.

    Well technically the "definition" of obesity is BMI over 30. But usually it just means it has a severe health impact. "Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems." according to Wikipedia. So yeah, that isn't really what you think it is.
    Got complete blood work last year. Passed everything with flying colors. So I'm guessing my 'obesity' isn't effecting my health. Still can't wrap my head around being obese. Overweight Yes.
  • tessaeve
    tessaeve Posts: 75 Member
    Here are the facts. I am currently in recovery week of Insantiy. For those not familar that is the week just before month 2. I currently wear a size 12 and even those are becoming very loose on me. Got some belly fat going on that I'm trying to get rid of thru the program. Measured the waist yesterday and it was 34 inches. Not happy with it, but definitley not the waist of an obese woman.

    I'm sorry, but this kind of comment is why we shouldn't say that BMI doesn't work. 34 inches is basically the waist of an an obese person. According to the NHS, "You have a higher risk of health problems if your waist size is more than 80cm (31.5 inches), if you’re a woman." "Your risk of health problems is even higher if your waist size is more than 88cm (34.5 inches), if you’re a woman." See:

    And no, abs don't make your waist that much bigger. If your waist is >31 inches, you're probably overweight. If your waist is >34 inches, you're probably obese. For most people, that will match up with the BMI ranges.

    So why is my waist 30 inches but my body fat is 35% so I'm really overweight?
    I have a healthy BMI, my waist is 34". I wear a size 4/6 and will never have a <31 inch waist. I am just not built that way. The space between my rib cage and hip is about 1/2". You cannot cookie cutter BMI or waist measurements for everyone. There are always exceptions.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    A friend of mine from Nepal tells me that the most striking thing about visiting this country is the size of the people. Even the "fit" ones here are huge compared to Nepalese, and the absolute largest person you'll see walking around in Kathmandu is about the size of a pretty average American.

    A friend of mine in the military brought his new Vietnamese wife home to the US for the first time and she had a similar reaction. "Everyone is so big here" and she was flabbergasted by portions sizes when we ate out.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member

    I have a healthy BMI, my waist is 34". I wear a size 4/6 and will never have a <31 inch waist. I am just not built that way. The space between my rib cage and hip is about 1/2". You cannot cookie cutter BMI or waist measurements for everyone. There are always exceptions.

    Ahhh, I thought I was the only one whose rib cage practically rests on the hip bones!
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    I am overweight. I am not obese. I would even go so far as to say high end overweight. I am in not in denial. Maybe my perception of obese and what others think is skewed. To me obese is a person whose weight is affecting their life. ex- can't ride the roller coaster, has to buy 2 seats on an airplane. Gets winded going up stairs. In other words, their weight has become a hinderance to their lives.. Is that the disconnect here. Is my perception of obese different than what it really is? I truly can't wrap my head around me being obese and when I tell people i'm obese they laugh at me. So its not just me saying it, others are as well.

    Well technically the "definition" of obesity is BMI over 30. But usually it just means it has a severe health impact. "Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems." according to Wikipedia. So yeah, that isn't really what you think it is.
    Got complete blood work last year. Passed everything with flying colors. So I'm guessing my 'obesity' isn't effecting my health. Still can't wrap my head around being obese. Overweight Yes.

    Its funny(strange). I have a friend who is at the lower range of overweight.. Would only need to lose about 10 pounds to get to the normal level and she looks about 20 pounds heavier than I do. On paper she is fine. Just a tad overweight. She does not exercise. Go figure. So I guess my perception of what is obese is wrong. How do I explain the size 12 i currently wear that is slowly becoming too large. I feel like i need therapy now. :sad:
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    imo the upper bmi number is the one to aim for a healthy looking weight... toned
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    according to my BMI-i should weigh between 98 and 115 pounds. anything about that is overweight and i think 140 is considered morbidly obese. I am only 4'11 but i have a big chest and think that at 98 pounds i would look very sick...not to mention the fact that i am still young and would probably get mistaken for my daughter if i was that tiny. i think if i am healthy and feel/look good than i dont care what the charts say.