The Walking Dead finale



  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    I hope Andrea dies off-- I know it's unlikely but she annoys the living hell out of me. I'd love to see more of Morgan as the actor portraying him did a bang up job on the last episode that featured him. As a matter of fact, I'd say that was the one episode that I had no complaints about for this entire season. Also, more Tyrese, especially if he does as good a job as he did on The Wire.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I think they are setting up for the governor to be killed. That and his security force will be taken out. The people are left leaderless so Andrea takes up that role and stays with the town.
  • MsLTJ71
    MsLTJ71 Posts: 26 Member
    Daryl needs to kill the governor.
  • catrinaHwechanged
    catrinaHwechanged Posts: 4,907 Member
    Am I the only one that doesn't watch this show?!? :indifferent:

    NO one of my dear friends can't stand it. It isn't for everyone but me, I love it :)

    I don't dislike it, I've just never seen it!
  • WannaDizzolve
    WannaDizzolve Posts: 270 Member
    only watched a couple of shows this season. i really stopped liking the show when Rick changed and we met the governor. i think the producers want us to understand how people change to adapt to an untenable situation, but i just found the whole business with the heads in the Governor's office, not to mention the trinket in his closet, to be icky.

    so y'all are going to need to tell me what happens...
  • I hope Daryl kills the Gov!!
  • buckeyegurl74
    buckeyegurl74 Posts: 13 Member
    Daryl will probably be the one to kill the governor since he killed Merle. Andrea is a reject...cant decide which side she is on. The governor has absolutely fallen out of his rocker! Nutjob! Yea, Rick was in crazy town there for a bit...glad he is coming back around and getting it back together. I would like to see the governor, Milton and Martinez gone!
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    With Daryl reaction to finding Merle I think he's set up to kill the Governor or Glen will kill him. I started watching the marathon last night because my husband wants to finally get into it along with me and the rest of the planet. I noticed in one of the commercials last night that there's a shot of Andrea undone from the chair with blood all over her face though. Glad to see her free but were the Governor inflicted wounds or was it someone else's blood? Hmmm... Oh and did anyone else find Glen's proposal extremely cheesy??
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    My guess is Rick and his group takeover Woodbury. They could secure that place really well. Governor is going to die obviously.

    I've read all the comics also, and I would love to see a little different path taken in the show than where the comic went.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    oh man i too love this show.
    i hope mishome (sp?) stays around, i heart her. and darryl too, he is awesome.

    now the govenor, he really needs to go. as much as merryl (sp?) got on my nerves, i was sad to see him go. at least he tried to redeem himself.

    i think it's gonna end with an unnecessary cliff hanger. i hate when they do that! we have all the reruns recording now to watch again for a rainy day lol
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    With Daryl reaction to finding Merle I think he's set up to kill the Governor or Glen will kill him. I started watching the marathon last night because my husband wants to finally get into it along with me and the rest of the planet. I noticed in one of the commercials last night that there's a shot of Andrea undone from the chair with blood all over her face though. Glad to see her free but were the Governor inflicted wounds or was it someone else's blood? Hmmm... Oh and did anyone else find Glen's proposal extremely cheesy??

    i loved how he ripped off the zombie ring finger haha
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Oh, I HATED to see Merrill (sp?) turn into a biter after the Gov. killed him. He was trying to do the right thing, and it broke my heart when Darryl found him chewing on that other body. :brokenheart: Will Darryl even know that his brother tried to do the right thing?

    That Gov. has to go. I mean, he just does. He was the guy I WANTED to like when the first started featuring Woodbury, but then his dark side showed up and he turned into the one you love to hate.

    It's going to be a long stretch of Sunday nights between this Sunday and the new season...
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I am hoping that Daryl kills the Gov..

    I really think they are going this direction.
  • MrsScheidt
    MrsScheidt Posts: 207 Member
    I think Mishon is going to save Andrea from Woodbury and they're all going to run from the Governor. I think that when the Governor goes to the prison with his people, they aren't going to be there. I don't think the Governor dies in this season unfortunately... although I'd love it if he would!!!
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    OMG after that last episode I'm terrified of what's in store and what sort of awful cliffhanger they will leave us on till next season. It's excruciating what this show does to me and I LOVE IT lolol

    I nearly cried on Sunday :cry:
  • Cherryblosm3
    Cherryblosm3 Posts: 106 Member
    All i know is Daryl better be the last man standing. I have a MAJOR crush on that man haha
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    Someone who *****ed about spoilers on facebook, put a spoiler up. I was waiting to watch until the whole half of the 3rd series to be finished so I could watch them all at once with no wait...should have ****ing figured that would have happened.
  • chercee
    chercee Posts: 120 Member
    I definitely agree about Herschal, though I've come to love him! I didn't like him much at first, but he is a good person, and the group needed a kind of "fatherly" figure. However, with him on crutches, as soon as they leave the prison (which they will have to do, I think) he will end up getting bitten or something similar. He won't be able to keep up, unfortunately. His usefulness at this point is limited to giving advice - that's important, but not as important as survival. Sorry, Herschal.

    Though I think it would be very poetic and awesome for Daryl to kill the Governor, I actually hope even more that it's Milton who does it. I would love to see Milton grow a spine and take the Gov out. Plus maybe he could join the prison group, which would be interesting. I think there's more to Milton than he's let on thus far.

    Daryl and Carol...I can't go there, I just can't!! At this point anyway, their relationship has seemed more mother-son than lovers. I think it would be weird. Who knows though - the longer Carol has been out from her husband's shadow, the more youthful and fun she's become. I guess it could work. And if it means we get to see some hot steamy (naked?) Norman Reedus, I'm down!

    Next weekend is going to be huge, emotional, and exciting - I really think so. Then the long, hard wait begins. *sigh* At least Game of Thrones is coming back!
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    I refuse to watch this show until someone tells me that Alice has finally shown up.