Who has lost 100lbs and how?

I am at my heaviest weight in my entire life.... 290. I began my weight loss journey on Feb 21 and have lost a total of 21lbs. (gained 4 back over the weekend). Now I'm stagnant at a rough 273. :(

I NEED inspiration. I NEED help. I NEED someone to tell me there is a light at the end of this weight loss tunnel.

I need to hear stories from people who have lost 100+ pounds and what you did to lose it and how long it took you?

Thanks in advance!


  • fattyfoodie
    fattyfoodie Posts: 232 Member
    My all time highest weight was 301 in 2007. Over the course of the next four years, I lost 100 pounds. I did it by making small changes in my life. I would set a goal to drink more water, and then I would set a goal to walk around the block twice two times a day. I started to notice a real difference when I started to use MFP to track my intake and exercise.

    I got down to 201 in 2011, and then my husband and I decided to have another baby. I put 40 back on, and now I am working to lose that plus the 36 pounds to get me to my weight goal.

    You can do it, but it will take time and effort. Good luck!
  • theseus82
    theseus82 Posts: 255 Member
    My highest weight was 318 and I'm down almost 90 pounds. At one point, I was down 120, but then I graduated from college and found that I had a lot less time for exercise and eating healthy.

    I started WeightWatchers in 2006 and had good results. I was not very supported by my ex, she consistently stored junk food in the house and did not make it easy for me to eat healthy in the least.

    I've yoyoed a lot, but consistently improved my habits over the past 7 years. I've learned a lot about nutrition and food preparation, and it has definitely taken time to figure out what works for me. I was a vegetarian for many years, am now technically a pescatarian.

    I've kept most of the weight off by never giving up on calorie counting and exercise. I've had bad weeks turn into bad months turn into a bad year. But as long as I recommit myself to eating healthier, I know that I will get closer to my target goal.

    Feel free to add me if you like.
  • OMGItsErinPratt
    OMGItsErinPratt Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks for responding!

    I just don't know what I'm doing wrong or what I could be doing better. I had one bad day... ONE and now I can't seem to budge the scale, no matter how much water I drink, how many calories i eat/burn... nothing's working. :( I know that patience is the key to weight loss but right now, I'm just super sad that i lost 21 pounds and now I'm back to 17.
  • AshCash803
    I am at my heaviest weight in my entire life.... 290. I began my weight loss journey on Feb 21 and have lost a total of 21lbs. (gained 4 back over the weekend). Now I'm stagnant at a rough 273. :(

    I NEED inspiration. I NEED help. I NEED someone to tell me there is a light at the end of this weight loss tunnel.

    I need to hear stories from people who have lost 100+ pounds and what you did to lose it and how long it took you?

    Thanks in advance!

    I highly doubt you gained 4 pounds in ONE weekend. Your body naturally fluctuates from day to day. You may be weighing yourself too often. I fell into this trap in the beginning of my journey. If you're going to weigh yourself more than once a week--which some people do--just know that you can't always take the number at face value. There was a 2.8 pound difference between my weight this morning and yesterday morning. I assure you I didn't actually lose three pounds in one day. It was probably just water weight and/or me using the bathroom.
  • OMGItsErinPratt
    OMGItsErinPratt Posts: 48 Member
    I highly doubt you gained 4 pounds in ONE weekend. Your body naturally fluctuates from day to day. You may be weighing yourself too often. I fell into this trap in the beginning of my journey. If you're going to weigh yourself more than once a week--which some people do--just know that you can't always take the number at face value. There was a 2.8 pound difference between my weight this morning and yesterday morning. I assure you I didn't actually lose three pounds in one day. It was probably just water weight and/or me using the bathroom.

    Thank you for responding. I appreciate it and you've given me a lot to think about. I weighed in on Saturday morning as I always do every week and it hit 269.8. It was amazing. Finally, I was in the 6's. Then after my dinner out saturday night and dinner at my parents house Sunday night, I weighed myself Monday morning to see just how bad I had done and the scale was sitting ugly at 273.8. 4 ugly pounds. It's been brought to my attention that although i did not go over my caloric intake for both days, it could've been sodium that was my culprit. But I've been working my butt off and eating healthy the past 2 days and the scale hasn't budged. :(
  • AshCash803
    I've so been there. Just keep this in mind: The weight didn't come on overnight (or a few days, weeks or months), so it won't come off in that short amount of time. Stay positive! Stick with what you're doing and don't allow yourself to become discouraged. Please don't weigh yourself every day if you become discouraged easily. Some can handle it, others can't. Good luck and stay positive!
  • vwkauffman
    vwkauffman Posts: 39 Member
    My husband has lost about 120 pounds, then gained back maybe 30, and now he's lost about 20 of what he gained back. For him, it's a matter of watching carbohydrate intake, drinking a good amount of water, no more diet soda, and exercising 4-5 times a week. He mixes up his exercise routine, balancing weight training with cardio. He does little things too, like taking a flight or 2 of stairs instead of an escalator or elevator, coming to the mall with me just to walk around, running around the park with our daughter vs. just watching her, etc.
  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    You've already taken the first step! You're on MFP! It's a great tool to keep you up when you're down. I personally haven't lost 100 pounds (I'm at 15 so far!), but my plan is to lose around that much, and get to a goal weight of 130. It's really daunting to think about- you're trying to lose almost half your body weight! But just think of all the things you've missed out on because you're overweight. Think of how you felt when other people had dates, and you didn't. Think about how it'll feel to wear a swimsuit with confidence!

    A great tool I have is an inspiration board. I wrote out every single number from 230-130, to show how many pounds I have to lose. I wrote every 10 pounds in a different color, plus every time I lose 10% of my original weight. And then I get awesome rewards when I hit those milestones! I hit my first one at 215 this weekend, so I got a new pair of jeans. Other rewards I have are a new pair of boots, and haircut, fitness tools, etc. until I reach my goal weight, and I get a whole new wardrobe! Plus, along with this info, I have inspirational quotes and pictures, and of course, an awesome swimsuit that I'll look fabulous in when I get to my goal weight!

    Keep your head up, and don't lose hope! Make sure to make tons of friends on here. Add me if you'd like, I'd love to motivate you!
  • KellyOnlySmaller
    KellyOnlySmaller Posts: 42 Member
    You can do this! I also have about 100lbs to lose, and I just know I'm going to lose it. I have absolutely no doubt. I think that helps.

    What has helped me the most is putting the scale away. I weigh monthly now, on the 1st of the month, and I no longer have horrible days because I'm focused on getting healthy... not just on losing weight. Sure, it's nice to see progress, and that's why I'm still weighing in monthly.

    I used to be a WW leader, and one tip that helped me and my members tremendously was varying our exercise and calories from day to day. Don't eat the same amount every day, and switch up your exercise. I HAVE to exercise to lose weight consistently. I believe that is a very important piece of this puzzle.

    I responded to your post because I've been there. I needed that inspiration too! I hope you find it here. I started being very successful when I realized I wanted to be healthy more than I wanted food. That shift of mind has made all the difference for me.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like :) I love to cheer on my MFP friends!

    You can do this! Just believe you can, and you will!

    Kelly :)
  • tmt2003
    tmt2003 Posts: 176 Member
    I highly doubt you gained 4 pounds in ONE weekend. Your body naturally fluctuates from day to day. You may be weighing yourself too often. I fell into this trap in the beginning of my journey. If you're going to weigh yourself more than once a week--which some people do--just know that you can't always take the number at face value. There was a 2.8 pound difference between my weight this morning and yesterday morning. I assure you I didn't actually lose three pounds in one day. It was probably just water weight and/or me using the bathroom.

    Thank you for responding. I appreciate it and you've given me a lot to think about. I weighed in on Saturday morning as I always do every week and it hit 269.8. It was amazing. Finally, I was in the 6's. Then after my dinner out saturday night and dinner at my parents house Sunday night, I weighed myself Monday morning to see just how bad I had done and the scale was sitting ugly at 273.8. 4 ugly pounds. It's been brought to my attention that although i did not go over my caloric intake for both days, it could've been sodium that was my culprit. But I've been working my butt off and eating healthy the past 2 days and the scale hasn't budged. :(

    It is the sodium, If you stay the course the scale will go back down. Don't weigh yourself everyday, you will drive yourself crazy. Really.

    Pick yourself up and move on. I never would have gotten the far if I'd stop every time the scale went back up a few pounds :)

    Don't stop!
  • CrazyC
    CrazyC Posts: 284 Member
    I highly doubt you gained 4 pounds in ONE weekend. Your body naturally fluctuates from day to day. You may be weighing yourself too often. I fell into this trap in the beginning of my journey. If you're going to weigh yourself more than once a week--which some people do--just know that you can't always take the number at face value. There was a 2.8 pound difference between my weight this morning and yesterday morning. I assure you I didn't actually lose three pounds in one day. It was probably just water weight and/or me using the bathroom.

    Thank you for responding. I appreciate it and you've given me a lot to think about. I weighed in on Saturday morning as I always do every week and it hit 269.8. It was amazing. Finally, I was in the 6's. Then after my dinner out saturday night and dinner at my parents house Sunday night, I weighed myself Monday morning to see just how bad I had done and the scale was sitting ugly at 273.8. 4 ugly pounds. It's been brought to my attention that although i did not go over my caloric intake for both days, it could've been sodium that was my culprit. But I've been working my butt off and eating healthy the past 2 days and the scale hasn't budged. :(

    It is the sodium, If you stay the course the scale will go back down. Don't weigh yourself everyday, you will drive yourself crazy. Really.

    Pick yourself up and move on. I never would have gotten the far if I'd stop every time the scale went back up a few pounds :)

    Don't stop!

    THIS.... BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!! U CAN AND WILL DO IT!!! Baby steps, my dear... And, LOTS and LOTS of patience!!! I am trying to tell myself this SAME thing EVERYDAY!!! GL!!! :heart:
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I lost my weight by counting calories and exercise, nothing special. Consistency and a food scale will get you there, true story.
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    Being patient is the key.I am sitting here in my room at 5 in the night/morning with my fridge 5 feet away from me and i really want to eat something.But i won't.What i am trying to say is be patient because even if you lost all of your weight in 6 months,the struggle is far from over
  • morielia
    morielia Posts: 169 Member
    You lost 21 lbs in a month! You've already made huge progress. Don't get discouraged!
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    Ive lost 187 pounds.....by simply exercising, eating well and definitely being patient and perseverence....best of luck :)
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I am 2 months from my 4 year anniversary....... I have lost a little over 3 bills and am 6 months post opt from a total body lift where they removed 17 lbs. of loose skin. When I started I had to start in the pool because at 560 lbs. I could not walk, standing was hard enough so I used water displacement to allow me to stand long enough to exercise. I spent 17 months in the pool and lost 170 lbs. before I was able to get fitted with braces and take on my own weight to exercise out of the pool. I watched my calories and my 3 main macro's (Carbs,Proteins, and Fats) and just took it one day at a time.... Best of Luck... :drinker:
  • caribear1984
    Well I haven't lost 100 yet, but I have two tips. First, drink calorie-free or low-calorie drinks. I was amazed at how many calories I was drinking. The second tip is, keep going! It seems like it will take a long time, but the time will pass anyway. Just keep at it, don't give up. You can do it!
  • fakesnake69
    My heaviest was 312.8 on January 1st of this year. Almost 90 days into it and i'm down 28lbs. What has helped big time is This app on my phone and for workouts i do Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. I am on the final week. I have gotten way stronger as when i started i could do ZERO push ups but now do a dozen effortlessly. My goal is to be 200, so right there with you in the 100+ journey
  • Sarahmb1985
    Sarahmb1985 Posts: 11 Member
    I haven't lost that much..yet...but I felt the need to respond. I'm in about my third week of trying to turn my life around and stopping a lifetime of bad habits for ones that will save my life. Like many have posted before me, you can't be slave to the scale. I'm supposed to go to the doctor once a month for a weigh in but I still have the habit of hopping on the scale in the morning. It's a very bad habit HOWEVER I don't let whatever the number may be discourage me one way or another. You need a realistic view on things, your body weight is going to fluctuate naturally but what is more important is that you stay on the same track because you KNOW that the end result is going to be a healthier you. I stopped drinking diet soda (I was up to probably 1-3 cans a day) and replaced it with water and I log my foods on here so I can hold myself accountable for what I put into my body. I also try to do some type of exercise each day, if I don't want to go to the gym then I'll clean my house or put on some music and dance around. If you get discouraged find music that will get you in the mood, look at motivational quotes/pictures online, or find something pretty that you would really like to work towards. You can do it, the only person stopping you is you. =)
  • vintagesquirrel
    I have. Diet and exercise. Eat less, move more.