Who has lost 100lbs and how?



  • kmcosgrove115
    kmcosgrove115 Posts: 260 Member
    Can you open your diary? Personally I switched to whole food plant based - no meat, no dairy and no oil - and learned that 1200 that MFP suggests is WAY low and stalled my fat burning - I learned my BMR (amt I need to stay alive) is 1529 and my TDEE is around 2116 - so I less out 20% from TDEE - 3 weeks into that and just got into a size smaller jean and the 5th and last notch on my belt from notch 3 - as much as we are trained to eat less, it wreaks havoc on our bodies - we need so much more just to keep the heart pumping - learn your BMR and TDEE and less out 20% from that TDEE # - message me for help as I posted a huge post recently on all this and I can send you that link if you want................
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    There is no quick fix. We fall, and when we do, we pick ourselves up again, though some (*cough* me *cough*) stay on the ground longer than others.

    I say I started at 250, but I think it was more. I don't know because I never paid attention to the scale. It literally made me cry. All I know is that while living in Rome my pants slowly started to fall off me and I no longer had any clothes that fit. When I came back to the US, I weighed in at 225 and had dropped from a tight size 20, to a well-fitting size 16. What did I do? I walked everywhere.

    This is totally not an option for most people, but now I don't have a car. Because of that, I do a loooooooooooooooot of walking. I need to take the bus? I walk 0.7 miles to the bus stop. I want to go to the gym? Most of the time I walk the 1.6 miles there, work out, then walk the 1.6 miles back. A friend has been going with me lately so I have a ride there and home which just means I can do more while I'm there because I don't have to save any energy for the hike home!.

    I sabotaged myself last winter when I visited my family and got completely off track. Too many cookies! That plus some personal *kitten* made me gain back 40 of the 60 pounds I had lost, but I'm back on track now and determined to stay on the bandwagon.

    Honestly, though, start with whatever you can do. You're not going to magically wake up and be able to run a 5k, but if that's something you want to do, go download the Couch to 5k program. You're not going to magically be able to leg press your body weight, but if that's something you want to do, start with a smaller weight and work your way up. Bite sized pieces: not only in your diet but also in your exercise :smile:
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Do a search on the forums or just browse success stories - tons of inspiration to be had.

    No secret sauce in my eyes, simply more good decisions than bad ones - for food, activity, and all things healthy. Burn a little more than you consume more days than you don't. Don't let a bad day, week, or even month derail you from the long-term goal. Keep in mind it IS a long-term goal... and a solid, healthy loss shouldn't exceed more than 1.5-2 pounds a week. Period.

    I really don't think it matters what you eat or what plan you follow as long as it's sustainable and works for you. Hopefully it's a plan that can mesh with the rest of your life and those in it... and one that builds your body instead of causes a deficit. In my humble opinion, anything that smells of gimmick, low calorie, fast, or sugar-free is a bad idea. ((I'm already preparing for all the messages I'll receive touting how wonderful Splenda is and I don't understand "clean" eating.)) Please reread previous statements - find success in what works for you. If that includes Splenda, great. When I saw my best success, is was in avoiding it and eating more whole foods. Stopped my food-addict cravings, too. For the record, I've had a terrible month, have seen a gain, and re-introduced junk food in my diet... and I'm paying that price. But it speaks to my thoughts that it's about long-term goals and it's always worth striving for and turning the boat around. Getting back on track and on to continued success.

    My very best to you!
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    I did it by changing my eating habits and moving more... I used to eat fast food constantly because it was quick and easy but I've maybe had it 4 times in the past 15 months now. I was lazy before and I made myself go for 30 minute walks during my lunch everyday when I started. Eventually I started walking more after work and now I bike 17-20 miles at a time
  • emancipateurself
    emancipateurself Posts: 174 Member
    Honestly it's all about just sticking to it and keep going. You will falter and fall down it's only human but you gotta pick yourself back up and you have to want it more then you have ever wanted anything in your life.

    I always struggle and can flucate 10 pounds in a couple days.....I have learned though to step away from the scale....only weigh yourself once a week if you have to. Do not let the scale determine your mood . I will plateau every ten pounds down for 12 weeks.....then drop again. So if I listened to the nasty scale I would be nowhere.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • Phoenixchichima
    you can do it, just realize ups & downs. A lot of folks recommend not doign this but I weigh myself every day & I do go up 3 lbs over a week end and I"m short, really short. its one way to monitor sodium :wink:

    what time of month is it? I absorb water from teh air at the wrong time. but in the interim, drink water & try to get a little extra walking in, maybe a vitamin c or b which are both diuretics
  • agoofynut
    agoofynut Posts: 101 Member
    I've lost 128 since Nov 2011. Not setting any speed records, but considering I weigh less at age 35 than I did at age 15, I'm pretty happy with it. I still have 72 to go to reach a healthy BMI. Consistency is the key. If you consistently track what you eat and consistently burn more than you eat, you will lose. Yes, you will get "stuck" from time to time, but if you stick with it the scale will start to move again. I recently had a few weeks where I'd lose .2 or .4, just to gain .6, and then lose .2 the next week. Frustrating, but finally I had a big loss that almost made up for the weeks of almost no losses. The body lets go of weight when it wants to and not before. Find what works for you. I still tend to eat junk, but in smaller portions and with healthy stuff thrown in (before pretty much nothing healthy ever). Make small changes and over time each small change comes together to be the big change you're looking for.
  • acastro1574
    I highly doubt you gained 4 pounds in ONE weekend. Your body naturally fluctuates from day to day. You may be weighing yourself too often. I fell into this trap in the beginning of my journey. If you're going to weigh yourself more than once a week--which some people do--just know that you can't always take the number at face value. There was a 2.8 pound difference between my weight this morning and yesterday morning. I assure you I didn't actually lose three pounds in one day. It was probably just water weight and/or me using the bathroom.

    Thank you for responding. I appreciate it and you've given me a lot to think about. I weighed in on Saturday morning as I always do every week and it hit 269.8. It was amazing. Finally, I was in the 6's. Then after my dinner out saturday night and dinner at my parents house Sunday night, I weighed myself Monday morning to see just how bad I had done and the scale was sitting ugly at 273.8. 4 ugly pounds. It's been brought to my attention that although i did not go over my caloric intake for both days, it could've been sodium that was my culprit. But I've been working my butt off and eating healthy the past 2 days and the scale hasn't budged. :(

    Something I learned about weighing my self..Always do it the same day specially y you cheat a little on weekends like I do. Therefore I always weigh my self on Friday mornings before I start cheating a little on Saturday and Sunday, Im pretty sure that if I weigh myself on Monday I ll be over a couple of pounds and it probably wont be because I gained fat, its probably just more food in my stomach. I try to weigh myself about every two weeks, unless I feel I have lost weight within a week, then I ll go for it.
  • tlheppler
    tlheppler Posts: 52 Member
    I started on 8-28-12 at 332.4lbs. I have been heavy all my life, I mean all my life. I turned eight and grew out instead of up. I have never been an athlete, however my 6 siblings have been, so it’s in my genes.

    In the beginning, I walked. I started walking 30-60 minutes 6 days a week at a 3-3.5 mph pace. I logged everything and initially ate below 1950 cals a day. I don't have a smartphone (yet) so I get on the computer and log it all. I never ate my exercise cals back. After about 30 lbs lost my pace picked up to 3.5-4 mph, a fast walk. And I did a combination of 60 minutes walking and 45-60 minutes on the recumbent bike I bought years ago that has been a clothes hanger. :-) I walked 3 days a week and biked 3 days a week.

    When I got down to 275 I started with a really short run walk interval of 30 seconds running and 2 min walking I think. My goal has always been to run a marathon on July 4th 2013, so I know I needed to start to run. (Being fat I always avoided running like the plague). I eventually got on Jeff Galloway system on interval running. It is great; check it out if you want to run.

    As I lost more weight and my joints cooperated. (I had-have a knee that can hurt do to "overuse") I ran more and walked less. I found that if I pushed it too hard I would hurt something, so I do all I can to stay injury free so I can keep progressing. One thing I do pretty regularly is taking an ice bath after a hard run/workout, which improves my recovery time from sore muscles by 60-70%. It’s amazing. Just fill the bath with all cold water and sit in it for 20-30 min.

    As I lost weight I lowered my calorie max 1st to 1700, and I currently have it set at 1590, however I will vary from 1300-1590 cals a day. I also track my sodium and potassium; I like to keep them balanced, its what works best for me and not retaining water, or having bad cravings.

    Currently I am at 225 lbs and I have generated a whole 6-month training calendar based on Jeff Galloway's teachings to get me through the marathon. I basically have a 30 min run on M, W. On Sat. I have increasing long runs from 7-23 miles every 3 weeks or so. In between weeks I run shorter distances and also do a "Magic Mile" which is running mile as fast as I can and then use those times to set my run/walk intervals per Jeff's system. Last Sat. I was to do a 12-mile run, but I thought I would do a local half marathon with a runners club instead. On T, TH I do a walk or an On Demand TV workout for strength in core, upper body. Try to mix it up.

    I guess those are parts of my story, I hope it is what you were wanting, thanks for asking, I wish you all the best
  • dgljones
    dgljones Posts: 89
    I started at 343 last Friday I weighed in at 203, so 140 lbs so far.
    My diet has changed and developed over the time I have been on the diet, but I am now a 'non obsessive' vegan, by that I mean there was feta on my barbecued tempeh sandwich the other day and I didn't scrape it off or anything, but I wouldn't have made it that way myself.
    For me the secret of my success is building my meals around varied vegetables and then adding grains, fat and lean protein.
    That and of course keeping my calories around goal and getting regular exercise.
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    Hi, I agree that you have done wonderful in losing 21 lbs (especially in one month) It has taken me two yrs this May to reach the point I am now, while I'm not at goal yet I'm getting closer. I suggest watching what you eat and exercise, that's what I've done. I was 265 at my heaviest, now I just got in to the 170's and man it feels great. Please be patient, learn to eat better and eat less. Do some form of exercise 3-5 days a week even if it's just going for a walk, walking is great for you! I'm hoping next weeks weigh-in will put me at 90 lbs lost. Add me if you'd like & good luck!
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    I tried the fad diets, lost 40 pounds or so, fell off the wagon and gained 20 back. Then I just did low calorie, about 1200.. that was ok for awhile, but again I fell off because it was too low for how heavy I was. I got back on after about 6 months and was back at 1200, except I couldn't lose anything! Sooo, I got onto this website and read the roadmap 2.0, upped my calories and suddenly I saw the light! I lost most of my weight just eating 1600 or so calories and exercising. I switched to keto recently to help clear up my skin, and I also got a boost of weight loss. Now I'm doing the stronglifts 5x5 program and loving it!

    Exercise I do:
    Walking - I use fitbit, it's a great motivator. I think this thing changed my life!
    Zumba - So much fun, especially if you can find a class, but there are tons of videos on youtube.
    Kickboxing - I use videos of classes on youtube, they are great, it's fun, and it's a killer workout.
    Stronglifts 5x5 - Love this! It's my first week and i'm already feeling stronger.

    I think the key is finding a routine that you can stick with, learning how to cook healthy food that tastes great, and keeping yourself motivated. You can defiantly do it!
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    96 pounds in 1 year. Weight Watchers and exercise. It's really not complicated. Yes it takes a long time, but what are your other choices, stay overweight or get heavier. The time is going to pass anyway, so you might as well use it to do the work of losing weight. Is it hard? Yes, but so is being fat.
  • recesq
    recesq Posts: 154 Member
    I've lost 60-80 lbs 3 different times.......I slipped...and now I'm back for the final one.
    I'll echo what several have already said.
    Stop cold turkey all diet sodas/diet waters/drinks etc.....drink plain ice water or carbonated water. Fake sugars cause an insulin rise in many people and will tell your body to store fat just as it does with sugar.
    Move more. 2 weeks ago I could not stand for more than 1 minute.
    With a 12 pound loss now I can I can stand pain free for 10 minutes.....My first exercise session was less than 15 minutes.
    I've worked out 3 times in a week.
    Next month I will be up to daily activity of at least 15 minutes.
    This is what you need to do too.
    I don't know what changes you made to what you eat.......but you have to consider it the way you will eat for the rest of your life.
    I'm a carboholic. I'm just like an alcoholic. My cells are hardly sensitive to insulin anymore. I can only loose weight if I'm under 50 grams of carbs a day. I've accepted it. I just have to live it from now on.
    Including when I'm at least 150 lbs lighter than I am now.
    It didn't take me a few weeks to get this way and it wont take a few weeks to reverse it...so you can't weigh yourself daily or every 3 or 5 days even. You'll hit month-long plateaus....we all do...you just have to keep on keeping on. Use us to help you through it; for inspiration.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    caloric deficit. one day at a time.
  • reinventingandrea
    I've lost 121 pounds. I started out at 360 and am now down to 239.

    I get a lot of questions about what I'm doing to lose weight. I'm not following a plan or anything. Basically what I'm doing is cutting out or down on the things that made me fat to begin with. I no longer drink sodas, only water. I haven't had a soda since around July 4, 2010. Every once in a while I'll have coffee.

    A typical day for me is like this:

    Breakfast: I eat either 1/4 cup of Egg Beaters scrambled in Pam cooking spray OR Special K cereal w/ half a cup of almond milk (I'm lactose intolerant. With this I have either 2 slices of turkey bacon OR 2 turkey sausage links.

    Lunch and dinner: this varies from day to day. I love broiled/grilled catfish, salmon, turkey burgers or Smart Ones frozen dinners when I'm in a hurry. For side dishes I usually have a garden salad, brown rice, boiled carrots, steamed squash or zucchini, green beans or other veggies. Baked sweet potato fries are a favorite of mine as well.

    The only snacks I have are the 100 calorie packs. They're just enough to keep me happy.

    Exercise: When my son takes a nap after lunch I do at least 50 minutes of cardio. I use the Leslie Sansone walk at home DVDs a lot, too. My favorite is the 5 mile walk.

    That's basically my "plan".
  • UseItForFuel
    UseItForFuel Posts: 29 Member
    I started my journey in September of '09 at 295 lbs at the age of 18. I bought a treadmill with all the money I saved from my first job. I started walking and never looked back. Walking turned into running, and I added a few things since then. (Insanity, racing two charity mud run 5ks, weight lifting here and there, etc.) I weigh around 145 at the moment.

    When I first started I was restricting calories to around 800 a day. I was being stupid. Emotionally I was a wreck. Then I read "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" by Tom Venuto. It changed the way I thought about food. Now I'm actually changing my body composition and look less and less "skinny fat."

    There will be days where you don't want to do this anymore. There will be times where you eat too much and then feel super guilty. Although, it does get better! You just need to listen to your body, eat healthy, EAT ENOUGH and exercise! Having a support system is very, very important! Feel free to add me/ask me questions.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I started at 320 pounds in September 2009, I got to 184, now I am right at 200, trying to get back down. You need to find what works for you, but here are the things that helped me.
    1. Don't cut anything out of your diet completely, it just makes me want it more. Just eat less of it and count the calories
    2. Cook your own food, its better tasting and better for you
    3. Don't beat yourself up over a bad day/week/month, just get back to it
    4. Make small goals - every 10 pounds or whatever will work for you. I rewarded myself with workout clothes, manicures, massages, music downloads every 25 pounds.
    5. Get rid of the clothes that gets too big....don't want to be able to go back to the bigger size
    6. log everything, if you are lying, you are only lying to yourself
    7. measure, you will most likely underestimate how much you are eating.
    8. Find exercise you like and do it
  • OMGItsErinPratt
    OMGItsErinPratt Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks to everyone who's responded to my desperate post. :)

    I know that I've only been a month into my weight loss journey and already hit a road block, but you guys have just reaffirmed my goal to lose weight.

    I've also found the root of my stress. I'm getting married in 3 months and that was the whole reason I began my weight loss journey... to lose as much weight as I can before my wedding. I saw that I packed on 4 pounds from my ONE cheat day, I almost lost all motivation to lose weight because I've been working SO hard towards my goal. I know that even after I get married, I will continue on bettering myself.

    But thanks to everyone who took the time to respond. I know I'm crazy and obsessive about my weight loss but that's also a good thing right? lol
  • Christie0428
    Christie0428 Posts: 221 Member
    Being patient is the key. .... .What i am trying to say is be patient because even if you lost all of your weight in 6 months,the struggle is far from over

    ^^^^ THIS times a 100!!! I lost 128lbs 9 years ago and now I am on MFP trying to lose it again... be patient with yourself and try to concentrate on sustainable LIFESTYLE changes! If you lose 100lbs and then think you've arrived, you'll be back at your start weight or higher before you know what hit you. You have to take the big picture approach, and yes (although I do it too) don't weight yourself too often... do the right stuff this week and don't get on the scale until next week, I gaurentee you'll see the results you are looking for... beign female, you also have to account for hormones and TOM... when I lost that 128lbs, I did it in 15 months and like clock work, i'd lose three weeks in a row and then gain a couple of lbs and then the next week I'd be down twice as much. I was SUPER STRICT and never et off my plan at the time so it was just fluctuations in water retenion.

    If you do the right stuff (eat whole, real foods (not processed crap that just makes you feel more hungry a few minuteds later and take in less than you burn) you will lose. As far as the person who said it doesn't much matter which plan/life style you choose, I think that is probably right to an extent... It is science, if you eat less than you need to maintain your weight, you will loose, but there are styles of eating that can make your journey easier. For example, you may be insulin resistant or have a sugar addiction, eating lower carbs, eliminating refined sugar and wheat (maybe even grains altogether) may help you reduce your cravings... that has really worked for me this time around.

    Good luck and stick with it, in this race, speed is not what counts, endurance is. Its a marathon not a sprint.