EGGS eek.



  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,607 Member
    OK peeps, I get it. Thinking eggs are bad is so retro... I'd still like alternatives for protein snacking, since I'm usually under. hardboiled eggs and hot sauce, shrimp and tuna....... please add more to my list.. grazie
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I'll see your pathetic chicken eggs and raise you duck eggs. Even MORE cholesterol. Ha!

    I like a duck egg, but I raise you a goose egg - they are Loooveley! 'Keeper at my last place was also responsible for a large menagerie of ornamental waterfowl and would bring me the goose eggs to buy my silence because nobody else on the estate had twigged that the geese were ornamental and he managed their numbers....or indeed, that they laid eggs.....

    I'll see your chicken egg, duck egg, and goose egg, and raise you an ostrich egg. :wink:

    I would kill a man* for an ostrich egg.

    *no, I really wouldn't, but I really would like a source of either goose of ostrich eggs, LOL
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