How to firm excess skin?



  • sarahf3092
    sarahf3092 Posts: 147 Member
    make sure you are doing some exercise using weights along with any cardio. And eat protein, you may find you do have some loose skin still but doing both forms of exercise will help reduce it
  • Angiebabe2
    I would love you to keep posting until you reach your goal weight. I would honestly liketo know the following

    Can you keep up the 5lb a week weight loss?

    If so what are you eating and exercising to do it?

    how is your skin at the end of it?

    You have the advantage of youthbut say you have hadweight issues since very young so does one cancel out the other?

    Being older myself and having health issues and having to take steroids means I have no alternative but to takeit slow but after 30 years of yoyyo dieting you know what this way is great! Honestly 1-2 pounds a week gives a much greater sense of control because I know I am changing my life and eating habits for the next 30 years and have a much better chance of never having to do this again. Yes I am going to have to learnto maintain the new weight but that feels possible too.

    As to loose skin well I take vit e supplements drink a lot of water and green tea and I body brush and moisturize my skin every day
    and I exercise as my illness allows but this means I walk every day even if its short and. I practice tai chi and lift a little
    And I feed my body with very nutricious foods rather than starve it I think this latter is the most important and I can see real changes in the quality of my skin. Six months in and 52 lbs down it works for me.

    Good luck honey it isnt easy being young and overweight but dont dismiss the experience of those who have been there before you because you are in a hurry they were there once and look where they are now 20 or 30 years on still trying to lose the same 130 lbs and only now getting it done right and forever

    Do you think there is adifference between the usa and the uk in the willingness to go to surgery?
  • Embee_2311
    The posts about hydration, losing weight slowly etc. are spot on. Another thing (apparently) that will determine whether or not your skin sags is how long you've been overweight (if it's been long then chances are you skin will hv been stretched for some time), and your age. You're still young, so that should count in your favour.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Lose weight slowly.
    Strength training (not just 3lb dumbells, challenging weights!)
    Keep hydrated
    I want to fit into a bikini by next Summer. The only way to do that is five pounds a week. I just need to figure out how to avoid the skin flab...

    Not quite at your goal yet OR excess skin. Your choice.

    If you lose weight that fast (5lbs a week is really drastic!) you will most likely have excess skin. Just accept that you didn't gain the weight overnight, you can't lose it overnight either. You can still wear a bikini, even if you're not at your goal yet.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I think I'll just lose weight rapidly and then have the surgery to get rid of the excess skin.

    You will lose a lot of your muscle with the rapid weight loss too. You can't get that back with surgery.

    By losing weight slower, not only with you have less excess skin (and a larger back balance!) but more muscle tone.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I'm thinking for me (after babies) my only hope is surgery