healthy choices gone WRONG!



  • charismanoodles
    charismanoodles Posts: 343 Member
    Uh, and bananas. I like the taste, don't love it, but it's okay. But I really hate the texture!

    Finally someone understands! I have always hated banana's for that fact. They are just....wrong.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Cottage cheese and those f'ing shirataki noodles. :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
  • Showmm
    Showmm Posts: 406 Member
    Raw kale. I don't really like uncooked vegetables. I don't want to get into the debate about which nutrients the body needs and about denaturing plant enzymes. Cooking veggies is the only way I'm going to get them into me..

    Only way I eat raw kale is blitzed up in a smoothie with a lot of fruit. Otherwise it's way too bitter to enjoy. Kale baked into chips however, with a bit of olive oil and sea salt, is very very tasty!
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Nakd bars, bleurgh
  • melkor3
    melkor3 Posts: 1
    I tried the Dr. Oz 3 day Cleanse and I didn't make it through day one. It was horrible!! Plus, I spent a lot of money to buy all the ingredients.
  • Kaasie1
    Kaasie1 Posts: 25
    soya milk
  • JustMQ
    JustMQ Posts: 63 Member
    Spaghetti Squash! :sick: I have tried it a few times, hoping I'd come around... I just can't do it!
  • Kxgz
    Kxgz Posts: 198 Member
    I have tried cooking with eggplant a couple times, I just think that's a no go.
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    Nakd bars, bleurgh

    My friend gave me a taste of hers when she was raving about how amazing they are, I nearly threw up in my mouth a little
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Nakd bars, bleurgh

    My friend gave me a taste of hers when she was raving about how amazing they are, I nearly threw up in my mouth a little

    They went in the bin, I tried a few flavours and I'll pretty much eat anything but these were vile!
  • fitznewme2013
    I made cheese enchiladas with fat free cream cheese and low fat cheddar. Truly bad. Ugh. I'd rather have the real thing and eat less.

    Check in the recipes for 3 fat chicks chicken enchiladas. they are amazingly good my husband even asked me to make them for him!
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    Too many things to mention but keep trying new things you never know what you will like. I used to hate cauliflower but now have it 2-4 times a week!
  • saltedcaramel86
    saltedcaramel86 Posts: 238 Member
    Aubergine, avocado, olives, celery and cottage cheese. I'll almost almost anything else.
  • hendongirl
    hendongirl Posts: 156 Member
    Goji Bursts from Pulsin' - eewwwwwwww!!!!!!!
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    Couscous and chickpeas. YUCK.
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    CaffeinatedConfectionist Posts: 1,046 Member
    Couscous and chickpeas. YUCK.

    You're like the anti-me (or I'm the anti-you) because I loooove those.

    For me, it's eggplant... I've loathed it since I was a child, but everyone else in my family likes it, ugh. Also, most things that pretend to be pizza, but aren't.
  • VintageFit
    VintageFit Posts: 90 Member
    tried that pizzacrust made from cauliflower because everyone was raging about how much it tasted like real pizza and not cauliflower at all.
    I now know that I absolutely detest the taste of cauliflower, and that no amount of cheese or tomato sauce or anything can hide it.
  • maryjaquiss
    maryjaquiss Posts: 307 Member
    Celery. Quorn. Uncooked tinned tomatoes. Chicken baked with nothing on it.

  • boroko
    boroko Posts: 358 Member
    Soy milk or soy yoghurt, especially strawberry flavoured. Gross!! :sick:
  • xampx
    xampx Posts: 323 Member
    I don't do well with dairy, so when I made pizza last month I used fake soya cheese, it was the first time in my life I really did not want to eat pizza!

    Next time I will just have the damn cheese and the sniffles and scratchy throat that goes with it! I eat pizza so rarely that I can cope with it!